Acceptability and perceived barriers and facilitators to creating a national research register to enable 'direct to patient' enrolment into research: the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE).
Journal Article
GRANT, A., URE, J., NICOLSON, D.J., HANLEY, J., SHEIKH, A., MCKINSTRY, B. and SULLIVAN, F. 2013. Acceptability and perceived barriers and facilitators to creating a national research register to enable 'direct to patient' enrolment into research: the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE). BMC health services research [online], 13, article number 422. Available from:
Background: Difficulties with recruitment pose a major, increasingly recognised challenge to the viability of research. We sought to explore whether a register of volunteers interested in research participation, with data linkage to electronic health... Read More about Acceptability and perceived barriers and facilitators to creating a national research register to enable 'direct to patient' enrolment into research: the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE)..