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Bookselling online: an examination of consumer behaviour patterns. (2013)
Journal Article
LAING, A. and ROYLE, J. 2013. Bookselling online: an examination of consumer behaviour patterns. Publishing research quarterly [online], 29(2), pages 110-127. Available from:

Based upon empirical research, and using a range of methods, this paper examines the behaviour and experiences of consumers in online bookselling settings and offers comparison between online and offline (traditional) bookselling. The research finds... Read More about Bookselling online: an examination of consumer behaviour patterns..

The rehabilitation of library and information services and professional education in the post-Soviet republics: reflections from a development project. (2013)
Journal Article
JOHNSON, I.M. 2014. The rehabilitation of library and information services and professional education in the post-Soviet republics: reflections from a development project. Information development [online], 30(2), pages 130-147. Available from:

This paper evolved from a project supported by the European Commission TEMPUS programme that provided technical assistance for developments in Armenia, Georgia and Uzbekistan. The project (NMPLIS) sought to underpin the modernization of library and i... Read More about The rehabilitation of library and information services and professional education in the post-Soviet republics: reflections from a development project..

Mothers with attitude: how the Mumsnet parenting forum offers space for new forms of femininity to emerge online. (2013)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. and SMITHSON, J. 2013. Mothers with attitude: how the Mumsnet parenting forum offers space for new forms of femininity to emerge online. Women's studies international forum [online], 38, pages 97-106. Available from:

This paper investigates the motivations and online behaviour of the users of Mumsnet, a UK online parenting community. The Mumsnet discussion forum is characterised by its difference to other mothering websites in its language use, its celebration of... Read More about Mothers with attitude: how the Mumsnet parenting forum offers space for new forms of femininity to emerge online..

A qualitative study of primary care professionals' views of case finding for depression in patients with diabetes or coronary heart disease in the UK. (2013)
Journal Article
MAXWELL, M., HARRIS, F., HIBBERD, C., DONAGHY, E., PRATT, R., WILLIAMS, C., MORRISON, J., GIBB, J., WATSON, P. and BURTON, C. 2013. A qualitative study of primary care professionals' views of case finding for depression in patients with diabetes or coronary heart disease in the UK. BMC family practice [online], 14, article number 46. Available from:

Background: Routinely conducting case finding (also commonly referred to as screening) in patients with chronic illness for depression in primary care appears to have little impact. We explored the views and experiences of primary care nurses, doctor... Read More about A qualitative study of primary care professionals' views of case finding for depression in patients with diabetes or coronary heart disease in the UK..

An experimental investigation into localised low-velocity impact loading on glass fibre-reinforced polyamide automotive product. (2013)
Journal Article
MOUTI, Z., WESTWOOD, K., LONG, D. and NJUGUNA, J. 2013. An experimental investigation into localised low-velocity impact loading on glass fibre-reinforced polyamide automotive product. Composite structures [online], 104, pages 43-53. Available from:

In the automotive industry, more and more engineered parts are shifting from metals to engineering plastics. However localised impact loading and long term ageing effects of under-the-hood plastic components is not well understood. In this paper, loc... Read More about An experimental investigation into localised low-velocity impact loading on glass fibre-reinforced polyamide automotive product..

Library development in Uzbekistan: progress and problems since the dissolution of the USSR. (2013)
Journal Article
JOHNSON, I.M. 2013. Library development in Uzbekistan: progress and problems since the dissolution of the USSR. Alexandria: the journal of national and international library and information issues [online], 24(1), pages 43-79. Available from:

The paper is a report on the development and current state of libraries and information services in Uzbekistan. It was initially prepared as background for a project supported by the European Commissions TEMPUS programme that provided technical assis... Read More about Library development in Uzbekistan: progress and problems since the dissolution of the USSR..

Adaptation challenges for healthcare infrastructure in a changing climate. (2013)
Journal Article
WILSON, G. and KISHK, M., 2013. Adaptation challenges for healthcare infrastructure in a changing climate. Journal of clinical research and governance [online], 2(1), pages 3-9. Available from:

The paper aims to discuss the relationships between the phenomenon of climate change, and the requirement for adaptation for healthcare infrastructure. It discusses the climate change debate, and demonstrates the linkages between climate change and s... Read More about Adaptation challenges for healthcare infrastructure in a changing climate..

Development and evaluation of a novel interprofessional learning activity addressing the management of phenylketonuria. (2013)
Journal Article
DONALD, H., MCFADYEN, M.C.E. and BOYLE, S.P. 2013. Development and evaluation of a novel interprofessional learning activity addressing the management of phenylketonuria. Creative education [online], 4(3), pages 189-193. Available from:

This new initiative across the School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences at Robert Gordon University focuses around students from the Overseas Pharmacist's Assessment Programme (OSPAP), and third-year Nutrition and Dietetics students working in an interpr... Read More about Development and evaluation of a novel interprofessional learning activity addressing the management of phenylketonuria..

The nature of mass masonry granite walling and the potential for retrofit internal wall insulation strategies. (2013)
Journal Article
BUDA, G., TAYLOR, B. and BENNADJI, A. 2013. The nature of mass masonry granite walling and the potential for retrofit internal wall insulation strategies. Journal of building survey, appraisal and valuation [online], 2(1), pages 36-43. Available from:

Traditional buildings constructed of solid granite walling that have timber framing with lath and plaster internal finish are not thermally efficient when compared with modern constructions. They are also termed hard-to-treat as they need special car... Read More about The nature of mass masonry granite walling and the potential for retrofit internal wall insulation strategies..

A framework using institutional analysis and the capability approach in ICT4D. (2013)
Journal Article
BASS, J.M., NICHOLSON, B. and SUBHRAMANIAN, E. 2013. A framework using institutional analysis and the capability approach in ICT4D. Information technologies and international development [online], 9(1), pages 19-35. Available from:

nstitutional theory and the capability approach have grown inºuential in development research and practice. Both theories offer analytical tools for interpreting and guiding information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) interventi... Read More about A framework using institutional analysis and the capability approach in ICT4D..

How green is children's television? (2013)
Journal Article
OATES, C. J., MCDONALD, S., BLADES, M. and LAING, A. 2013. How green is children's television? Social business [online], 3(1), pages 37-45. Available from:

Purpose To meet stated waste reduction goals, the UK government via Defra (Department for environment, farming and rural affairs) is attempting to reduce household mainstream waste. One approach is to encourage children in environmentally-friendly be... Read More about How green is children's television?.

Socio-sexuality and episodic memory function in women: further evidence of an adaptive "mating mode". (2013)
Journal Article
SMITH, D.S., JONES, B.C. and ALLAN, K. 2013. Socio-sexuality and episodic memory function in women: further evidence of an adaptive "mating mode". Memory and cognition [online], 41(6), pages 850-861. Available from:

The functionalist memory perspective predicts that information of adaptive value may trigger specific processing modes. It was recently demonstrated that women's memory is sensitive to cues of male sexual dimorphism (i.e., masculinity) that convey in... Read More about Socio-sexuality and episodic memory function in women: further evidence of an adaptive "mating mode"..

The rise of illicit rural enterprise within the farming industry: a viewpoint. (2013)
Journal Article
SMITH, R., LAING, A. and MCELWEE, G. 2013. The rise of illicit rural enterprise within the farming industry: a viewpoint. International journal of agricultural management [online], 2(4), pages 185-188. Available from:

In this viewpoint article we seek to make the farming community aware of the increasing presence of organised criminals and crime within the farming community. In the past decade there has been a discernible rise in the level of organized criminality... Read More about The rise of illicit rural enterprise within the farming industry: a viewpoint..

Examining chain bookshops in the context of 'third place'. (2013)
Journal Article
LAING, A. and ROYLE, J. 2013. Examining chain bookshops in the context of 'third place'. International journal of retail and distribution management [online], 41(1), pages 27-44. Available from:

Purpose: This research theoretically conceptualises the notion of "third place" within the setting of chain bookshops. The widespread adoption of coffee franchises and comfortable seating has developed the bookshop as a leisurely setting. Underpinnin... Read More about Examining chain bookshops in the context of 'third place'..

Trust formation processes in innovative collaborations: networking as knowledge building practices. (2013)
Journal Article
HARDWICK, J., ANDERSON, A.R. and CRUICKSHANK, D. 2013. Trust formation processes in innovative collaborations: networking as knowledge building practices. European journal of innovation management [online], 16(1), pages 4-21. Available from:

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the practices and processes of trust building and use in collaborative networking for product innovation and to compare face to face with virtual networking. Design/methodology/approach – Guided by a... Read More about Trust formation processes in innovative collaborations: networking as knowledge building practices..

Linearized large signal modeling, analysis and control design of phase-controlled series-parallel resonant converters using state feedback. (2013)
Journal Article
ABOUSHADY, A.A., AHMED, K.H., FINNEY, S.J. and WILLIAMS, B.W. 2013. Linearized large signal modeling, analysis and control design of phase-controlled series-parallel resonant converters using state feedback. IEEE transactions on power electronics [online], 28(8), pages 3896-3911. Available from:

This paper proposes a linearized large signal state-space model for the fixed-frequency phase-controlled series-parallel resonant converter. The proposed model utilizes state feedback of the output filter inductor current to perform linearization. Th... Read More about Linearized large signal modeling, analysis and control design of phase-controlled series-parallel resonant converters using state feedback..

The case for e-book literacy: undergraduate students' experience with e-books for course work. (2013)
Journal Article
MUIR, L. and HAWES, G. 2013. The case for e-book literacy: undergraduate students' experience with e-books for course work. Journal of academic librarianship [online], 39(3), pages 260-274. Available from:

This paper investigates how electronic books (e-books) are used for scholarly activity. It focuses on the end-users of e-books in a case study which aimed to establish how scholars use and learn from e-books and the limitations of academic e-books. T... Read More about The case for e-book literacy: undergraduate students' experience with e-books for course work..

Process evaluations for cluster-randomised trials of complex interventions: a proposed framework for design and reporting. (2013)
Journal Article
GRANT, A., TREWEEK, S., DREISCHULTE, T., FOY, R. and GUTHRIE, B. 2013. Process evaluations for cluster-randomised trials of complex interventions: a proposed framework for design and reporting. Trials [online], 14, article number 15. Available from:

Background: Process evaluations are recommended to open the 'black box' of complex interventions evaluated in trials, but there is limited guidance to help researchers design process evaluations. Much current literature on process evaluations of comp... Read More about Process evaluations for cluster-randomised trials of complex interventions: a proposed framework for design and reporting..

Contract design and supply chain coordination in the electricity industry. (2013)
Journal Article
OLIVEIRA, F.S., RUIZ, C. and CONEJO, A.J. 2013. Contract design and supply chain coordination in the electricity industry. European journal of operational research [online], 227(3), pages 527-537. Available from:

In this article we propose a model of the supply chain in electricity markets with multiple generators and retailers and considering several market structures. We analyze how market design interacts with the different types of contract and market str... Read More about Contract design and supply chain coordination in the electricity industry..

From admiration to abhorrence: the contentious appeal of entrepreneurship across Europe. (2013)
Journal Article
DODD, S.D., JACK, S. and ANDERSON, A.R. 2013. From admiration to abhorrence: the contentious appeal of entrepreneurship across Europe. Entrepreneurship and regional development [online], 25(1-2), pages 69-89. Available from:

Although entrepreneurship seems to offer a universal economic solution, there are some doubts about whether it is universally attractive. We argue that entrepreneurship is a socially constructed concept and consequently the meanings, and hence the ap... Read More about From admiration to abhorrence: the contentious appeal of entrepreneurship across Europe..