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All Outputs (296)

Safer prescribing: a trial of education, informatics, and financial incentives. (2016)
Journal Article
DREISCHULTE, T., DONNAN, P., GRANT, A., HAPCA, A., MCCOWAN, C. and GUTHRIE, B. 2016. Safer prescribing: a trial of education, informatics, and financial incentives. New England journal of medicine [online], 374(11), pages 1053-1064. Available from:

High-risk prescribing and preventable, drug-related complications are common in primary care. We evaluated whether the rates of high-risk prescribing by primary care clinicians and the related clinical outcomes would be reduced through a complex inte... Read More about Safer prescribing: a trial of education, informatics, and financial incentives..

The temporal nature of legitimation: the case of IFRS8. (2016)
Journal Article
CRAWFORD, L., HELLIAR, C. and POWER, D. 2016. The temporal nature of legitimation: the case of IFRS8. Accounting in Europe [online], 13(1), pages 43-64. Available from:

Legitimation can operate on an episodic or continual basis [Suchman, M.C. (1995). Managing legitimacy: Strategic and institutional approaches. Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 571-610]. We examine the temporal legitimation of the International Ac... Read More about The temporal nature of legitimation: the case of IFRS8..

Automatic screening and classification of diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy using fuzzy image processing. (2016)
Journal Article
RAHIM, S.S., PALADE, V., SHUTTLEWORTH, J. and JAYNE, C. 2016. Automatic screening and classification of diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy using fuzzy image processing. Brain informatics [online], 3(4), pages 249-267. Available from:

Digital retinal imaging is a challenging screening method for which effective, robust and cost-effective approaches are still to be developed. Regular screening for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic maculopathy diseases is necessary in order to ident... Read More about Automatic screening and classification of diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy using fuzzy image processing..

Volatility spillovers across stock index futures in Asian markets: evidence from range volatility estimators. (2016)
Journal Article
YAROVAYA, L., BRZESZCZYNSKI, J. and LAU, C.K.M. 2016. Volatility spillovers across stock index futures in Asian markets: evidence from range volatility estimators. Finance research letters [online], 17, pages 158-166. Available from:

This paper investigates the channels of volatility transmission across stock index futures in 6 major developed and emerging markets in Asia. We analyse whether the popular volatility spillovers tests are susceptible to the choice of range volatility... Read More about Volatility spillovers across stock index futures in Asian markets: evidence from range volatility estimators..

Regulating internet access in UK public libraries: legal compliance and ethical dilemmas (2016)
Journal Article
MUIR, A., SPACEY, R., COOKE, L. and CREASER, C. 2016. Regulating internet access in UK public libraries: legal compliance and ethical dilemmas. Journal of information, communication and ethics in society [online], 14(1), pages 87-104. Available from:

This paper aims to consider selected results from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)-funded 'Managing Access to the internet in Public Libraries' (MAIPLE) project, from 2012-2014. MAIPLE has explored the ways in which public library serv... Read More about Regulating internet access in UK public libraries: legal compliance and ethical dilemmas.

Stakeholder and public perceptions of CO2-EOR in the context of CCS: Results from UK focus groups and implications for policy. (2016)
Journal Article
MABON, L. and LITTLECOTT, C. 2016. Stakeholder and public perceptions of CO2-EOR in the context of CCS: Results from UK focus groups and implications for policy. International journal of greenhouse gas control [online], 49, pages 128-137. Available from:

Interest is growing in carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) as an additional economic incentive for CO2 injection and demonstration of storage feasibility. However, given increasing societal concern over fossil fuel energy, could CO2-EOR un... Read More about Stakeholder and public perceptions of CO2-EOR in the context of CCS: Results from UK focus groups and implications for policy..

(Re)presenting heritage: laser scanning and 3D visualisations for cultural resilience and community engagement. (2016)
Journal Article
TAIT, E., LAING, R., GRINNALL, A., BURNETT, S. and ISAACS, J. 2016. (Re)presenting heritage: laser scanning and 3D visualisations for cultural resilience and community engagement. Journal of information science [online], 42(3), pages 420-433. Available from:

Cultural heritage is increasingly being viewed as an economic asset for geographic areas who aim to capitalise in the surge in interest in local history and heritage tourism from members of the public. Digital technologies have developed that facilit... Read More about (Re)presenting heritage: laser scanning and 3D visualisations for cultural resilience and community engagement..

Beyond REF 2014: the impact of impact assessment on the future of information research. (2016)
Journal Article
MARCELLA, R., LOCKERBIE, H. and BLOICE, L. 2016. Beyond REF 2014: the impact of impact assessment on the future of information research. Journal of information science [online], 42(3), pages 369-385. Available from:

The importance of demonstrating value for money in terms of academic research beyond the walls of institutions grows stronger as demonstrated by the inclusion of impact assessment in the 2014 REF (Research Excellence Framework) exercise for UK higher... Read More about Beyond REF 2014: the impact of impact assessment on the future of information research..

Anti-phase synchronization and symmetry-breaking bifurcation of impulsively coupled oscillators. (2016)
Journal Article
JIANG, H., LIU, Y., ZHANG, L. and YU, J. 2016. Anti-phase synchronization and symmetry-breaking bifurcation of impulsively coupled oscillators. Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation [online], 39, pages 199-208. Available from:

This paper studies the synchronization in two mechanical oscillators coupled by impacts which can be considered as a class of state-dependent impulsively coupled oscillators. The two identical oscillators are harmonically excited in a counter phase,... Read More about Anti-phase synchronization and symmetry-breaking bifurcation of impulsively coupled oscillators..

Can maternity care move beyond risk? Implications for midwifery as a profession. (2016)
Journal Article
HEALY, S., HUMPHREYS, E. and KENNEDY, C. 2016. Can maternity care move beyond risk? Implications for midwifery as a profession. British journal of midwifery [online], 24(3), pages 203-209. Available from:

Maternal and infant mortality rates are reassuringly low in developed countries. Despite this, birth is increasingly seen as risky by women, health professionals and society in general. In wider society, women are subjected to a litany of risks regar... Read More about Can maternity care move beyond risk? Implications for midwifery as a profession..

Systematic risk determinants of stock returns after financial crisis: evidence from United Kingdom. (2016)
Journal Article
TRINH, V.Q., KARKI, D. and GHIMIRE, B. 2016. Systematic risk determinants of stock returns after financial crisis: evidence from United Kingdom. Journal of finance and investment analysis [online], 5(1), pages 1-28. Available from:

This paper provides an empirical analysis of FTSE100 stock returns during the period of 2009 to 2013 with an aim to assess the relevancy of Fama-French three factor model post financial crisis of 2008. FTSE100 index was chosen in particular as it is... Read More about Systematic risk determinants of stock returns after financial crisis: evidence from United Kingdom..

Maintaining access to architecture: a Scottish perspective. (2016)
Journal Article
MCCLEAN, D., LAMB, N. and CURTIS, L. 2016. Maintaining access to architecture: a Scottish perspective. Charrette [online], 3(1), pages 19-28. Available from:

Widening access to education has been a central priority of the Scottish Government since 2010, with the objective of assisting those from disadvantaged backgrounds to enter higher education. Accordingly, the Scottish Funding Council introduced the '... Read More about Maintaining access to architecture: a Scottish perspective..

Explorations in urban resilience for a post-hydrocarbon economy. (2016)
Journal Article
MCCLEAN, D., NOOR, R. and DEVECI, G. 2017. Explorations in urban resilience for a post-hydrocarbon economy. Charrette [online], 3(1), pages 78-88. Available from:

Aberdeen presents a unique context for its school of architecture, and a set of conditions that define much of its identity and enquiry. The city's economic base is dominated by the hydrocarbon industry, which generates particular issues of long-term... Read More about Explorations in urban resilience for a post-hydrocarbon economy..

Reliability of trunk muscle electromyography in the loaded back squat exercise. (2016)
Journal Article
CLARK, D., LAMBERT, M.I. and HUNTER, A.M. 2016. Reliability of trunk muscle electromyography in the loaded back squat exercise. International journal of sports medicine [online], 37(6), pages 448-456. Available from:

Trunk muscle activation (TMA) has been reported during back squat exercise, however reliability and sensitivity to different loads alongside kinematic measures has not. Hence the aim was to determine the interday reliability and load sensitivity of T... Read More about Reliability of trunk muscle electromyography in the loaded back squat exercise..

The effect of window length on accuracy of smartphone-based activity recognition. (2016)
Journal Article
BASHIR, S.A., DOOLAN, D.C. and PETROVSKI, A. 2016. The effect of window length on accuracy of smartphone-based activity recognition. IAENG international journal of computer science [online], 43(1), pages 126-136. Available from:

One of the main approaches for personalization of activity recognition is the generation of the classification model from user annotated data on mobile itself. However, giving the resource constraints on such devices there is a need to examine the ef... Read More about The effect of window length on accuracy of smartphone-based activity recognition..

High yielding microbubble production method. (2016)
Journal Article
FIABANE, J., PRENTICE, P. and PANCHOLI, K. 2016. High yielding microbubble production method. BioMed research international [online], article ID 3572827. Available from:

Microfluidic approaches to microbubble production are generally disadvantaged by low yield and high susceptibility to (micro)channel blockages. This paper presents an alternative method of producing microbubbles of 2.6 m mean diameter at concentratio... Read More about High yielding microbubble production method..

A collaborative evaluation of LC-MS/MS based methods for BMAA analysis: soluble bound BMAA found to be an important fraction. (2016)
Journal Article
FAASSEN, E.J., ANTONIOU, M.G., BEEKMAN-LUKASSEN, W., BLAHOVA, L., CHERNOVA, E., CHRISTOPHORIDIS, C., COMBES, A., EDWARDS, C., FASTNER, J., HARMSEN, J., HISKIA, A., ILAG, L.L., KALOUDIS, T., LOPICIC, S., LURLING, M., MAZUR-MARZEC, H., MERILUOTO, J., POROJAN, C., VINER-MOZZINI, Y. and ZGUNA, N. 2016. A collaborative evaluation of LC-MS/MS based methods for BMAA analysis: soluble bound BMAA found to be an important fraction. Marine drugs [online], 14(3), article 45. Available from:

Exposure to β-Ν-methylamino-l-alanine (BMAA) might be linked to the incidence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Analytical chemistry plays a crucial role in determining human BMAA exposure and the associat... Read More about A collaborative evaluation of LC-MS/MS based methods for BMAA analysis: soluble bound BMAA found to be an important fraction..

Comparative analysis of relevance feedback methods based on two user studies. (2016)
Journal Article
AKUMA, S., IQBAL, R., JAYNE, C. and DOCTOR, F. 2016. Comparative analysis of relevance feedback methods based on two user studies. Computers in human behavior [online], 60, pages 138-146. Available from:

Rigorous analysis of user interest in web documents is essential for the development of recommender systems. This paper investigates the relationship between the implicit parameters and user explicit rating during their search and reading tasks. The... Read More about Comparative analysis of relevance feedback methods based on two user studies..

Asking the right question: a comparison of two approaches to gathering data on 'herbals' use in survey based studies. (2016)
Journal Article
MCLAY, J.S., PALLIVALAPPILA, A.R., SHETTY, A., PANDE, B., AL HAIL, M. and STEWART, D. 2016. Asking the right question: a comparison of two approaches to gathering data on 'herbals' use in survey based studies. PLoS ONE [online], 11(2), e0150140. Available from:

Background: Over the last decade academic interest in the prevalence and nature of herbal medicines use by pregnant women has increased significantly. Such data are usually collected by means of an administered questionnaire survey, however a key met... Read More about Asking the right question: a comparison of two approaches to gathering data on 'herbals' use in survey based studies..

Dynamic capacity planning using strategic slack valuation. (2016)
Journal Article
BUNN, D.W. and OLIVEIRA, F.S. 2016. Dynamic capacity planning using strategic slack valuation. European journal of operational research [online], 253(1), pages 40-50. Available from:

In this paper we analyze a particular aspect of capacity planning that is concerned with the active trading of production facilities. For a homogenous product market we provide a theoretical rationale for the valuation and trading of these assets bas... Read More about Dynamic capacity planning using strategic slack valuation..