Under-resourced, inadequately staffed, and little used: some issues facing many school libraries, seen through the lens of an exploration of the situation in Iraq.
Journal Article
JOHNSON, I.M. 2016. Under-resourced, inadequately staffed, and little used: some issues facing many school libraries, seen through the lens of an exploration of the situation in Iraq. Library trends [online], 65(2), pages 217-250. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1353/lib.2016.0032
This paper discusses why many school libraries may not have been seen as an essential element of education, and supported and used accordingly. It reviews the international agencies' advice and encouragement for the development of literacy, education... Read More about Under-resourced, inadequately staffed, and little used: some issues facing many school libraries, seen through the lens of an exploration of the situation in Iraq..