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Network electro-thermal simulation of non-isothermal magnetohydrodynamic heat transfer from a transpiring cone with buoyancy and pressure work. (2016)
Journal Article
BÉG, O.A., ZUECO, J., KADIR, A., BÉG, T.A. and KHAN, U.F. 2017. Network electro-thermal simulation of non-isothermal magnetohydrodynamic heat transfer from a transpiring cone with buoyancy and pressure work. International journal of applied and computational mathematics [online], 3(2), pages 1525–1547. Available from:

The steady, axisymmetric laminar natural convection boundary layer flow from a non-isothermal vertical circular porous cone under a transverse magnetic field, with the cone vertex located at the base, is considered. The pressure work effect is includ... Read More about Network electro-thermal simulation of non-isothermal magnetohydrodynamic heat transfer from a transpiring cone with buoyancy and pressure work..

VOC oxidation in excess of oxygen using flow-through catalytic membrane reactor. (2016)
Journal Article
KAJAMA, M.N., SHEHU, H., OKON, E., ORAKWE, I. and GOBINA, E. 2016. VOC oxidation in excess of oxygen using flow-through catalytic membrane reactor. International journal of hydrogen energy [online], 41(37), pages 16529-16534. Available from:

Platinum gamma-alumina (Pt/γ-Al2O3) impregnated membrane was prepared through the evaporative-crystallization deposition method for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) conversion to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). The catalytic oxidation of VOCs... Read More about VOC oxidation in excess of oxygen using flow-through catalytic membrane reactor..

The impact of target frequency on intra-individual variability in euthymic bipolar disorder: a comparison of two sustained attention tasks. (2016)
Journal Article
MOSS, R.A., FINKELMEYER, A., ROBINSON, L.J., THOMPSON, J.M., WATSON, S., FERRIER, I.N. and GALLAGHER, P. 2016. The impact of target frequency on intra-individual variability in euthymic bipolar disorder: a comparison of two sustained attention tasks. Frontiers in psychiatry [online], 7, article 106. Available from:

Greater intra-individual variability (IIV) in reaction time (RT) on a sustained attention task has been reported in patients with bipolar disorder (BD) compared with healthy controls. However, it is unclear whether IIV is task specific, or whether it... Read More about The impact of target frequency on intra-individual variability in euthymic bipolar disorder: a comparison of two sustained attention tasks..

The effectiveness and variation of acute medical units: a systematic review. (2016)
Journal Article
REID, L.E.M., DINESEN, L.C., JONES, M.C., MORRISON, Z.J., WEIR, C.J. and LONE, N.I. 2016. The effectiveness and variation of acute medical units: a systematic review. International journal for quality in health care [online], 28(4), pages 433-446. Available from:

Purpose: To evaluate the evidence for the effectiveness of acute medical units (AMUs) compared with other models of care and compare the components of AMU models. Data sources: Six electronic databases and grey literature sources searched between 199... Read More about The effectiveness and variation of acute medical units: a systematic review..

Evaluation of the promotion of through-life management in public private partnerships for infrastructure. (2016)
Journal Article
KOSKELA, L., ROOKE, J. and SIRIWARDENA, M. 2016. Evaluation of the promotion of through-life management in public private partnerships for infrastructure. Sustainability [online], 8(6), article number 552. Available from:

One justification of public private partnerships (PPP) is the alleged benefit they offer in terms of through-life management (TLM). Aiming at an evaluation of this claim, the dominant reasoning connecting PPPs and TLM is first defined: In creating a... Read More about Evaluation of the promotion of through-life management in public private partnerships for infrastructure..

Comparing school nurses' roles in supporting children who are bullied. (2016)
Journal Article
BLAKESLEE, T.L., EBOH, W.O., MONSEN, K.A. and KVARME, L.G. 2016. Comparing school nurses' roles in supporting children who are bullied. British journal of school nursing [online], 11(5), pages 246-250. Available from:

This systematic literature review explores the role of school nurses n helping children being bullied in three countries, Norway, Scotland and the United States (US). Comparisons were made of the way school nurses were trained and employed to better... Read More about Comparing school nurses' roles in supporting children who are bullied..

Is there an app for that? Mobile phones and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. (2016)
Journal Article
NEUBECK, L., CARTLEDGE, S., DAWKES, S. and GALLAGHER, R. 2017. Is there an app for that? Mobile phones and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Current opinion in cardiology [online], 32(5), pages 567-571. Available from:

Purpose of review: Advances in technology coupled with increased penetration of mobile phones and smart devices are rapidly changing healthcare delivery. Mobile phone applications (‘apps’), text messages, and Internet platforms used alone or in combi... Read More about Is there an app for that? Mobile phones and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease..

The global social work definition: ontology, implications and challenges. (2016)
Journal Article
ORNELLAS, A., SPOLANDER, G. and ENGELBRECHT, L.K. 2018. The global social work definition: ontology, implications and challenges. Journal of social work [online], 18(2), pages 222-240. Available from:

The revised global definition for social work promotes the profession's commitment to social change and development, social cohesion and the empowerment and liberation of people. By reviewing the implications of this definitional shift and locating t... Read More about The global social work definition: ontology, implications and challenges..

Novel dysprosium and terbium doped taggants for hydrocarbon identification. (2016)
Journal Article
NKWOADA, A.U. and OFFICER, S. 2016. Novel dysprosium and terbium doped taggants for hydrocarbon indentification. Journal of advanced chemical sciences [online], 2(3), pages 296-298. Available from:

Taggants are synthesized fluorescent materials that have longer lifetime and are able to discriminate against background interference arising from hydrocarbons. Doped taggants were prepared with dysprosium and terbium rare earths in a stable borosili... Read More about Novel dysprosium and terbium doped taggants for hydrocarbon identification..

The European Parliament as a developing legislature: coming of age in trilogues? (2016)
Journal Article
ROEDERER-RYNNING, C. and GREENWOOD, J. 2017. The European Parliament as a developing legislature: coming of age in trilogues? Journal of European public policy [online], 24(5), pages 735-754. Available from:

This article examines the institutionalization of the European Parliament-as-a-legislature. It draws on the political development scholarship to conceptualize institutionalization and highlight the role of the environment in the development and decay... Read More about The European Parliament as a developing legislature: coming of age in trilogues?.

Sustainability and resilience in midwifery: a discussion paper. (2016)
Journal Article
CROWTHER, S., HUNTER, B., MCARA-COUPER, J., WARREN, L., GILKISON, A., HUNTER, M., FIELDER, A. and KIRKHAM, M. 2016. Sustainability and resilience in midwifery: a discussion paper. Midwifery [online], 40, pages 40-48. Available from:

Background: Midwifery workforce issues are of international concern. Sustainable midwifery practice, and how resilience is a required quality for midwives, have begun to be researched. How these concepts are helpful to midwifery continues to be debat... Read More about Sustainability and resilience in midwifery: a discussion paper..

Reflections and challenges of international social work research. (2016)
Journal Article
SPOLANDER, G., TEIXEIRA GARCIA, M.L. and PENALVA, C. 2016. Reflections and challenges of international social work research. Critical and radical social work [online], 4(2), pages 169-183. Available from:

This article seeks to critically reflect on the experience and challenges of international social work research within a 10-country consortium of social work researchers examining the impact of neoliberalism on civil society and social work, under th... Read More about Reflections and challenges of international social work research..

The use of imagery in the campaign speeches of Barack Hussein Obama and John McCain during the 2008 US Presidential Election. (2016)
Journal Article
MCGUIRE, D., GARAVAN, T.N., CUNNINGHAM, J. and DUFFY, G. 2016. The use of imagery in the campaign speeches of Barack Hussein Obama and John McCain during the 2008 US Presidential Election. Leadership and organization development journal [online], 37(4), pages 430-449. Available from:

Purpose - The use of imagery in leadership speeches is becoming increasingly important in shaping the beliefs and actions of followers. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of speech imagery and linguistic features employed during the... Read More about The use of imagery in the campaign speeches of Barack Hussein Obama and John McCain during the 2008 US Presidential Election..

Synthesis and characterization of high-quality PbI2 nanopowders from depleted SLA accumulator anode and cathode. (2016)
Journal Article
MALEVU, T.D., OCAYA, R.O., TSHABALALA, K.G. and FERNANDEZ, C. 2016. Synthesis and characterization of high-quality PbI2 nanopowders from depleted SLA accumulator anode and cathode. Applied physics A: materials science and processing [online], 122(7), article 630. Available from:

High-quality lead iodide (PbI2) nanoparticles were synthesized from both anode and cathode of a discarded sealed lead-acid accumulator as starting materials. The structure, morphology, chemical composition and optical properties of washed PbI2 were i... Read More about Synthesis and characterization of high-quality PbI2 nanopowders from depleted SLA accumulator anode and cathode..

Region-based memetic algorithm with archive for multimodal optimisation. (2016)
Journal Article
LACROIX, B., MOLINA, D. and HERRERA, F. 2016. Region-based memetic algorithm with archive for multimodal optimisation. Information sciences [online], 367-368, pages 719-746. Available from:

In this paper we propose a specially designed memetic algorithm for multimodal optimisation problems. The proposal uses a niching strategy, called region-based niching strategy, that divides the search space in predefined and indexable hypercubes wit... Read More about Region-based memetic algorithm with archive for multimodal optimisation..

Modelling the effect of applied voltage and frequency on electroluminescence in polymeric material. (2016)
Journal Article
BANI, N.A., ABDUL-MALEK, Z., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F., MASUD, A.A., MUHTAZARUDDIN, M.N., KAMARDIN, K., JAMIAN, J.J. and AHMAD, H. 2016. Modelling the effect of applied voltage and frequency on electroluminescence in polymeric material. International journal of electrical and computer engineering [online], 6(3), pages 1375-1384. Available from:

Electroluminescence method has been used by several researchers to observe the behaviour of an aged polymeric material. Electroluminescence is a phenomenon that occurs when the atoms of a material are being excited due to the application of and exter... Read More about Modelling the effect of applied voltage and frequency on electroluminescence in polymeric material..

Supporting practice learning time for non-medical prescribing students: managers' views. (2016)
Journal Article
UNWIN, R., REDMAN, S., BAIN, H., MACPHEE, M., MCELHINNEY, E., DOWNER, F. and PATERSON, R. 2016. Supporting practice learning time for non-medical prescribing students: managers' views. Nursing management [online], 23(3), pages 25-29. Available from:

Managers in healthcare services have ever-increasing demands to consider in relation to front line care, including the continuing professional education needs of qualified practitioners who are advancing their roles. One advancement is non-medical pr... Read More about Supporting practice learning time for non-medical prescribing students: managers' views..

The development of digital literacy and inclusion skills of public librarians. (2016)
Journal Article
MARTZOUKOU, K. and ELLIOTT, J. 2016. The development of digital literacy and inclusion skills of public librarians. Communications in information literacy [online], 10(1), pages 99-115. Available from:

This paper examines the extent to which public librarians are successfully prepared to engage the community in digital literacy and inclusion. A qualitative, multiple case study research design was chosen, using an analysis of policy documents and ex... Read More about The development of digital literacy and inclusion skills of public librarians..

Software simulation and experimental characterisation of a rotationally asymmetrical concentrator under direct and diffuse solar radiation. (2016)
Journal Article
FREIER, D., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F., ABU-BAKAR, S.H., RAMIREZ-INIGUEZ, R., ABUBAKAR MAS'UD, A., ALBARRACIN, R., ARDILA-REY, J.A., MUNIR, A.B., YASIN, S.H.M. and BANI, N.A. 2016. Software simulation and experimental characterisation of a rotationally asymmetrical concentrator under direct and diffuse solar radiation. Energy conversion and management [online], 122, pages 223-238. Available from:

Making housing carbon neutral is one of the European Union (EU) targets with the aim to reduce energy consumption and to increase on-site renewable energy generation in the domestic sector. Optical concentrators have a strong potential to minimise th... Read More about Software simulation and experimental characterisation of a rotationally asymmetrical concentrator under direct and diffuse solar radiation..

Providing rural and remote rural midwifery care: an 'expensive hobby'. (2016)
Journal Article
CROWTHER, S. 2016. Providing rural and remote rural midwifery care: an 'expensive hobby'. New Zealand College of Midwives journal [online], 52, pages 26-34. Available from:

Background: Providing midwifery care in rural and remote rural regions can be challenging in many ways. This includes financial arrangements for midwives in New Zealand. This paper draws from a larger study exploring the lived experience of rural and... Read More about Providing rural and remote rural midwifery care: an 'expensive hobby'..