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室内3D点云模型的门窗检测. (2019)
Journal Article
SHEN, L., LI, G., XIAN, C., JIANG, Y. and XIONG, Y. 2019. 室内3D点云模型的门窗检测. Jisuanji fuzhu sheji yu tuxingxue xuebao/Journal of computer-aided design and computer graphics [online], 31(9), pages 1494-1501. Available from:

This paper proposes a 3D-2D-3D algorithm for doors and windows detection in 3D indoor environment of point cloud data. Firstly, by setting up a virtual camera in the middle of this 3D environment, a set of pictures are taken from different angles by... Read More about 室内3D点云模型的门窗检测..

Flood risk management in sponge cities: the role of integrated simulation and 3D visualization. (2019)
Journal Article
WANG, C., HOU, J., MILLER, D., BROWN, I. and JIANG, Y. 2019. Flood risk management in sponge cities: the role of integrated simulation and 3D visualization. International journal of disaster risk reduction [online], 39, article ID 101139. Available from:

The Sponge City concept has been promoted as a major programme of work to address increasing flood risk in urban areas, in combination with wider benefits for water resources and urban renewal. However, realization of the concept requires collaborati... Read More about Flood risk management in sponge cities: the role of integrated simulation and 3D visualization..