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All Outputs (179)

Modulation of angiogenesis by inflammatory markers and the role of matrix metalloproteinases in an endothelial cell/fibroblast co-culture system. (2014)
Journal Article
BARRON, G.A., BORDET, E., GOUA, M. and BERMANO. G. 2014. Modulation of angiogenesis by inflammatory markers and the role of matrix metalloproteinases in an endothelial cell/fibroblast co-culture system. Current angiogenesis [online], 3(3), pages 152-163. Available from:

Increased levels of inflammatory markers such as tumour necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and interleukin- 6 (IL-6) have been associated with formation of new blood vessels, or angiogenesis, and linked to chronic inflammation in obesity. This study aimed to e... Read More about Modulation of angiogenesis by inflammatory markers and the role of matrix metalloproteinases in an endothelial cell/fibroblast co-culture system..

Fast and efficient palmprint identification of a small sample within a full image. (2014)
Journal Article
MORENO-GARCIA, C.F. and SERRATOSA, F. 2014. Fast and efficient palmprint identification of a small sample within a full image. Computación y sistemas [online], 18(4), pages 683-691. Available from:

In some fields like forensic research, experts demand that a found sample of an individual can be matched with its full counterpart contained in a database. The found sample may present several characteristics that make this matching more difficult t... Read More about Fast and efficient palmprint identification of a small sample within a full image..

Injection behaviour of fractured reservoirs at near wellbore and far field areas: a CFD study. (2014)
Journal Article
OLUYEMI, G.F., KANIN, L. and NAIR, A. 2014. Injection behaviour of fractured reservoirs at near wellbore and far field areas: a CFD study. International journal of fluid mechanics research [online], 41(6), pages 536-546. Available from:

Flow partitioning in fractured reservoirs especially during injection and production operations poses a great challenge to the optimisation of these important field operations. For example, flow partitioning into the fracture from the matrix may limi... Read More about Injection behaviour of fractured reservoirs at near wellbore and far field areas: a CFD study..

Multiple case study approach to identify aggravating variables of insider threats in information systems. (2014)
Journal Article
NICHO, M. and KAMOUN, F. 2014. Multiple case study approach to identify aggravating variables of insider threats in information systems. Communications of the association for information systems [online], 35, Article 18. Available from:

Malicious insiders present a serious threat to information systems due to privilege of access, knowledge of internal computer resources, and potential threats on the part of disgruntled employees or insiders collaborating with external cybercriminals... Read More about Multiple case study approach to identify aggravating variables of insider threats in information systems..

DART-Europe: access to European research theses. (2014)
Journal Article
COPELAND, S. 2011. DART-Europe: access to European research theses. Biblos: revista a filialei iesene a Asociatiei Bibliotecarilor din România [online], 22-23, pages 54-57. Available from:

This article describes developments relating to the management and use of electronic theses and dissertations, with particular reference to the DART-Europe E-theses Portal. This Portal provides free access to a wide range of full text research theses... Read More about DART-Europe: access to European research theses..

Local perceptions of the QICS experimental offshore CO2 release: results from social science research. (2014)
Journal Article
MABON, L., SHACKLEY, S., BLACKFORD, J.C., STAHL, H. and MILLER, A. 2015. Local perceptions of the QICS experimental offshore CO2 release: results from social science research. International journal of greenhouse gas control [online], 38, pages 18-25. Available from:

This paper explores the social dimensions of an experimental release of carbon dioxide (CO2) carried out in Ardmucknish Bay, Argyll, United Kingdom. The experiment, which aimed to understand detectability and potential effects on the marine environme... Read More about Local perceptions of the QICS experimental offshore CO2 release: results from social science research..

In-vitro evaluation of the effect of polymer structure on uptake of novel polymer-insulin polyelectrolyte complexes by human epithelial cells. (2014)
Journal Article
IBIE, C., KNOTT, R. and THOMPSON, C.J. 2015. In-vitro evaluation of the effect of polymer structure on uptake of novel polymer-insulin polyelectrolyte complexes by human epithelial cells. International journal of pharmaceutics [online], 479(1), pages 103-117. Available from:

The biocompatibility and cellular uptake of polymer, insulin polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) prepared using polyallylamine-based polymers was evaluated in-vitro using Caco-2 cell monolayers as a predictive model for human small intestinal epithelial... Read More about In-vitro evaluation of the effect of polymer structure on uptake of novel polymer-insulin polyelectrolyte complexes by human epithelial cells..

Twinning anisotropy of tantalum during nanoindentation. (2014)
Journal Article
GOEL, S., BEAKE, B., CHAN, C.-W., FAISAL, N.H. and DUNNE, N. 2015. Twinning anisotropy of tantalum during nanoindentation. Materials science and engineering: A [online], 627, pages 249-261. Available from:

Unlike other BCC metals, the plastic deformation of nanocrystalline Tantalum (Ta) during compression is regulated by deformation twinning. Whether or not this twinning exhibits anisotropy was investigated through simulation of displacement-controlled... Read More about Twinning anisotropy of tantalum during nanoindentation..

An exploration of the extent to which project management tools and techniques can be applied across creative industries through a study of their application in the fashion industry in the North East of Scotland. (2014)
Journal Article
MARCELLA, M. and ROWLEY, S. 2015. An exploration of the extent to which project management tools and techniques can be applied across creative industries through a study of their application in the fashion industry in the North East of Scotland. International journal of project management [online], 33(4), pages 735-746. Available from:

This exploratory research took the form of a qualitative study that aims to investigate the extent to which project management tools and techniques can be effectively applied across the creative industries through a study of their application in the... Read More about An exploration of the extent to which project management tools and techniques can be applied across creative industries through a study of their application in the fashion industry in the North East of Scotland..

A mixed methods investigation into the use of non-technical skills by community and hospital pharmacists. (2014)
Journal Article
IRWIN, A. and WEIDMANN, A. 2015. A mixed methods investigation into the use of non-technical skills by community and hospital pharmacists. Research in social and administrative pharmacy [online], 11(5), pages 675-685. Available from:

Background: Non-technical skills refer to the social and cognitive factors that may influence efficient and safe job performance. Non-technical skills are an important element of patient safety in a variety of health care disciplines, including surge... Read More about A mixed methods investigation into the use of non-technical skills by community and hospital pharmacists..

The electrochemical and statistical evaluation of isolation of mellitin and apamin from honey bee (Apis Mellifera) venom. (2014)
Journal Article
NGUYEN, H. V., HEGER, Z., KOMINKOVA, M., MICHALEK, P., GUMULEC, J., GURAN, R., PRIDAL, A., FERNANDEZ, C., HYNEK, D., ADAM, V. and KIZEK, R. 2015. The electrochemical and statistical evaluation of isolation of mellitin and apamin from honey bee (Apis Mellifera) venom. International journal of electrochemical science [online] , 10(2), pages 1249-1260. Available from:

We present in this manuscript for the first time the electrochemical and statistical evaluation of FPLC isolation of mellitin and apamin from honey bee (Apis mellifera) venom. Venoms are extremely complex blends of diverse substances that target a my... Read More about The electrochemical and statistical evaluation of isolation of mellitin and apamin from honey bee (Apis Mellifera) venom..

Staying in the zone: offshore drillers' situation awareness. (2014)
Journal Article
ROBERTS, R., FLIN, R. and CLELAND, J. 2014. Staying in the zone: offshore drillers' situation awareness. Human factors: the journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society [online], 57(4), pages 573-590. Available from:

Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the cognitive components required for offshore drillers to develop and maintain situation awareness (SA) while controlling subsea hydrocarbon wells. Background: SA issues are often identified as contri... Read More about Staying in the zone: offshore drillers' situation awareness..

Renewable energy potentials in Cameroon: prospects and challenges. (2014)
Journal Article
WIRBA, A.V., MAS'UD, A.A., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F., AHMAD, S., TAHAR, R.M., RAHIM, R.A., MUNIR, A.B. and KARIM, M.E. 2015. Renewable energy potentials in Cameroon: prospects and challenges. Renewable energy [online], 76, pages 560-565. Available from:

This paper aims at discussing the renewable energy potentials in delivering parts of the energy needs in Cameroon. The country has an enormous renewable energy potential. The lack of clear renewable energy policy in the mix is an issue that needs to... Read More about Renewable energy potentials in Cameroon: prospects and challenges..

Effect of emissivity on the heat and mass transfer of humid air in a cavity filled with solid obstacles. (2014)
Journal Article
IYI, D., HASAN, R. and PENLINGTON, R. 2015. Effect of emissivity on the heat and mass transfer of humid air in a cavity filled with solid obstacles. Numerical heat transfer, part A: applications [online], 67(5), pages 531-546. Available from:

The work reported here is a 2D numerical study on the buoyancy-driven low-speed turbulent flow of humid air inside a rectangular cavity partially filled with solid cylindrical objects for a Rayleigh number of 1.45 × 109. Variations of Nusselt number,... Read More about Effect of emissivity on the heat and mass transfer of humid air in a cavity filled with solid obstacles..

Finding and resolving security misusability with misusability cases. (2014)
Journal Article
FAILY, S. and FLÉCHAIS, I. 2016. Finding and resolving security misusability with misusability cases. Requirements engineering [online], 21(2), pages 209-223. Available from:

Although widely used for both security and usability concerns, scenarios used in security design may not necessarily inform the design of usability, and vice-versa. One way of using scenarios to bridge security and usability involves explicitly descr... Read More about Finding and resolving security misusability with misusability cases..

Nutritional B vitamin deficiency alters the expression of key proteins associated with vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration in the aorta of atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E null mice. (2014)
Journal Article
DUTHIE, S.J., BEATTIE, J.H., GORDON, M.-J., PIRIE, L.P., NICOL, F., REID, M.D., DUNCAN, G.J., CANTLAY, L., HORGAN, G. and MCNEIL, C.J. 2015. Nutritional B vitamin deficiency alters the expression of key proteins associated with vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration in the aorta of atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E null mice. Genes and nutrition [online], 10(1), article 446. Available from:

Low B vitamin status is linked with human vascular disease. We employed a proteomic and biochemical approach to determine whether nutritional folate deficiency and/or hyperhomocysteinemia altered metabolic processes linked with atherosclerosis in Apo... Read More about Nutritional B vitamin deficiency alters the expression of key proteins associated with vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration in the aorta of atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E null mice..

Are men difficult to find? Identifying male-specific studies in MEDLINE and Embase. (2014)
Journal Article
STEWART, F., FRASER, C., ROBERTSON, C., AVENELL, A., ARCHIBALD, D., DOUGLAS, F., HODDINOTT, P., VAN TEIJLINGEN, E. and BOYERS, D. 2014. Are men difficult to find? Identifying male-specific studies in MEDLINE and Embase. Systematic reviews [online], 3, article 78. Available from:

Background: Systematic reviews often investigate the effectiveness of interventions for one sex. However, identifying interventions with data presented according to the sex of study participants can be challenging due to suboptimal indexing in biblio... Read More about Are men difficult to find? Identifying male-specific studies in MEDLINE and Embase..

The regional offices in Brussels: from 'push and pull' to 'people and place'. (2014)
Journal Article
GREENWOOD, J. 2014. The regional offices in Brussels: from 'push and pull' to 'people and place'. Regions and cohesion [online], 4(3), pages 1-16. Available from:

The potential of 'people and place' is assessed as a means to broaden research about regional political actors into key questions about their role in European integration, largely dormant since the European Commission's 2001 White Paper on Governance... Read More about The regional offices in Brussels: from 'push and pull' to 'people and place'..

Construction and comparative evaluation of a fired briquette and mold oven. (2014)
Journal Article
OLADIMEJI, S.T., AKINYELE, O.A., AREMU, D.O., BABAJIDE, N.A., OKE, A.M., and OGUNLADE, C.A. 2014. Construction and comparative evaluation of a fired briquette and mold oven. International journal of current research in life sciences [online], 3(11), pages 62-65. Available from:

Biomass; the plant matter for generating heat or electricity via direct combustion or gasification was used in the construction of a briquette and mold oven, this was done locally to substitute fuel scarcity and reduce the threat of global warming in... Read More about Construction and comparative evaluation of a fired briquette and mold oven..

Evolution of economic development aims: assessment of the smart growth. (2014)
Journal Article
KURUSHINA, E.V. and KURUSHINA, V.A. 2014. Evolution of economic development aims: assessment of the smart growth. Life science journal [online], 11(11), pages 517-521. Available from:

The paper investigated the global trends of changing aims for evaluating economic development. Approaches to assessing the level of innovation are systematized. Classifications of innovations are given. The approach to the assessment of smart growth... Read More about Evolution of economic development aims: assessment of the smart growth..