Compression-after-impact (CAI) performance of epoxycarbon fibre-reinforced nanocomposites using nanosilica and rubber particle enhancement.
Journal Article
NIKFAR, B. and NJUGUNA, J. 2014. Compression-after-impact (CAI) performance of epoxycarbon fibre-reinforced nanocomposites using nanosilica and rubber particle enhancement. IOP conference series: materials science and engineering [online], 64(1), Article 012009. Available from:
One of the problems in the design of automotive structures and body parts made by fibre reinforced composites is that these materials are susceptible to a small energy impact caused by for instance, accidental tool drop during maintenance or stone st... Read More about Compression-after-impact (CAI) performance of epoxycarbon fibre-reinforced nanocomposites using nanosilica and rubber particle enhancement..