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Sarc-F and muscle function in community dwelling adults with aged care service needs: baseline and post-training relationship. (2019)
Journal Article
KEOGH, J.W.L., HENWOOD, T., GARDINER, P.A., TUCKETT, A.G., HETHERINGTON, S., ROUSE, K. and SWINTON, P. 2019. Sarc-F and muscle function in community dwelling adults with aged care service needs: baseline and post-training relationship. PeerJ [online], 7, article number e8140. Available from:

Background. This study sought to better understand the psychometric properties of the SARC-F, by examining the baseline and training-related relationships between the five SARC-F items and objective measures of muscle function. Each of the five items... Read More about Sarc-F and muscle function in community dwelling adults with aged care service needs: baseline and post-training relationship..

Progressive resistance plus balance training for older Australians receiving in-home care services: cost-effectiveness analyses alongside the muscling up against disability stepped-wedge randomized control trial. (2019)
Journal Article
HETHERINGTON, S., SWINTON, P., HENWOOD, T., KEOGH, J., GARDINER, P., TUCKETT, A., ROUSE, K. and COMANS, T. 2020. Progressive resistance plus balance training for older Australians receiving in-home care services: cost-effectiveness analyses alongside the muscling up against disability stepped-wedge randomized control trial. Journal of aging and physical activity [online], 28(3), pages 352-359. Available from:

In this article, the authors assessed the cost-effectiveness of center-based exercise training for older Australians. The participants were recipients of in-home care services, and they completed 24 weeks of progressive resistance plus balance traini... Read More about Progressive resistance plus balance training for older Australians receiving in-home care services: cost-effectiveness analyses alongside the muscling up against disability stepped-wedge randomized control trial..

Physiological and perceptual responses of youth soccer players to an intensified period of competition. (2019)
Journal Article
MAUGHAN, P.C. and SWINTON, P.A. 2020. Physiological and perceptual responses of youth soccer players to an intensified period of competition. International journal of sports science and coaching [online], 15(1), pages 72-81. Available from:

Intensified periods of competition create large increase in physical workload and can expose soccer players to numerous playing styles. The purpose of the study was to investigate the response of youth soccer players to an intensified period of compe... Read More about Physiological and perceptual responses of youth soccer players to an intensified period of competition..

The effects of measurement error and testing frequency on the fitness-fatigue model applied to resistance training: a simulation approach. (2019)
Journal Article
STEPHENS HEMINGWAY, B.H., BURGESS, K.E., ELYAN, E. and SWINTON, P.A. 2020. The effects of measurement error and testing frequency on the fitness-fatigue model applied to resistance training: a simulation approach. International journal of sports science and coaching [online], 15(1), pages 60-71. Available from:

This study investigated the effects of measurement error and testing frequency on prediction accuracy of the standard fitness-fatigue model. A simulation-based approach was used to systematically assess measurement error and frequency inputs commonly... Read More about The effects of measurement error and testing frequency on the fitness-fatigue model applied to resistance training: a simulation approach..

Infographic. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of β-alanine supplementation on exercise capacity and performance. (2019)
Journal Article
SAUNDERS, B., VIRGILE, A., ELLIOTT-SALE, K. J., ARTIOLI, G.G., SWINTON, P.A., DOLAN, E., ROSCHEL, H., SALE, C. and GUALANO, B. 2020. Infographic. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of β-alanine supplementation on exercise capacity and performance. British journal of sports medicine [online], 54(15), pages 925-926. Available from:

Carnosine (β-alanyl-L-histidine) is an abundant compound in skeletal muscle, suggesting it plays an important role during exercise, with a key physiological role considered to be intracellular pH regulation. Chronic β-alanine supplementation can incr... Read More about Infographic. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of β-alanine supplementation on exercise capacity and performance..

A systematic risk assessment and meta-analysis on the use of oral β-alanine supplementation. (2019)
Journal Article
DOLAN, E., SWINTON, P.A., PAINELLI, V.D.S., HEMINGWAY, B.S., MAZZOLANI, B., SMAIRA, F.I., SAUNDERS, B., ARTIOLI, G.G. and GUALANO, B. 2019. A systematic risk assessment and meta-analysis on the use of oral ß-alanine supplementation. Advances in nutrition [online], 10(3), pages 452-463. Available from:

β-Alanine supplementation is one of the world's most commonly used sports supplements, and its use as a nutritional strategy in other populations is ever-increasing, due to evidence of pleiotropic ergogenic and therapeutic benefits. Despite its wides... Read More about A systematic risk assessment and meta-analysis on the use of oral β-alanine supplementation..