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Application of the comet assay in human biomonitoring: an hCOMET perspective. (2019)
Journal Article
AZQUETA, A., LADEIRA, C., GIOVANNELLI, L., BOUTET-ROBINET, E., BONASSI, S., NERI, M., GAJSKI, G., DUTHIE, S., DEL BO', C., RISO, P., KOPPEN, G., BASARAN, N., COLLINS, A. and MØLLER, P. 2020. Application of the comet assay in human biomonitoring: an hCOMET perspective. Mutation research: reviews in mutation research [online], 783, article ID 108288. Available from:

The comet assay is a well-accepted biomonitoring tool to examine the effect of dietary, lifestyle, environmental and occupational exposure on levels of DNA damage in human cells. With such a wide range of determinants for DNA damage levels, it become... Read More about Application of the comet assay in human biomonitoring: an hCOMET perspective..

Folate deficiency promotes differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells without affecting the methylation status of regulated genes. (2019)
Journal Article
KOLB, A.F., PETRIE, L., MAYER, C.D., PIRIE, L. and DUTHIE, S.J. 2019. Folate deficiency promotes differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells without affecting the methylation status of regulated genes. Biochemical journal [online], 476(19), pages 2769-2795. Available from:

Elevated serum homocysteine, an intermediate of cellular one-carbon metabolism, is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Folate deficiency increases serum homocysteine and may contribute to CVD progression. Vascular smooth musc... Read More about Folate deficiency promotes differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells without affecting the methylation status of regulated genes..

DNA repair as a human biomonitoring tool: comet assay approaches. (2019)
Journal Article
AZQUETA, A., LANGIE, S.A.S., BOUTET-ROBINET, E., DUTHIE, S., LADEIRA, C, MØLLER, P., COLLINS, A.R. and GODSCHALK, R.W.L. 2019. DNA repair as a human biomonitoring tool: comet assay approaches. Mutation research: reviews in mutation research [online], 781, pages 71-87. Available from:

The comet assay offers the opportunity to measure both DNA damage and repair. Various comet assay based methods are available to measure DNA repair activity, but some requirements should be met for their effective use in human biomonitoring studies.... Read More about DNA repair as a human biomonitoring tool: comet assay approaches..