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Forensic stable isotope signatures: comparing, geo-locating, detecting linkage. (2019)
Journal Article
MEIER-AUGENSTEIN, W. 2019. Forensic stable isotope signatures: comparing, geo-locating, detecting linkage. Wiley interdisciplinary reviews: forensic science [online],1(5), article ID e1339. Available from:

Stable isotope signatures or profiles of physical evidence such as illicit drugs,explosives or human tissue provide information on source, origin, even sample his-tory not obtainable by traditionally applied analytical techniques of forensic chemistr... Read More about Forensic stable isotope signatures: comparing, geo-locating, detecting linkage..

Spatial variability of 2H and 18O composition of meteoric freshwater lakes in Scotland. (2019)
Journal Article
HOOGEWERFF, J., KEMP, H.F., LENG, M.J. and MEIER-AUGENSTEIN, W. 2019. Spatial variability of 2H and 18O composition of meteoric freshwater lakes in Scotland. Isotopes in environmental and health studies [online], 55(3), pages 237-253. Available from:

Coastal regions, and in particular islands where precipitation from clouds formed out at sea occurs for the first time, are prime candidates for regions where 2H and 18O composition of precipitation will deviate significantly from the global mean geo... Read More about Spatial variability of 2H and 18O composition of meteoric freshwater lakes in Scotland..

From stable isotope ecology to forensic isotope ecology: isotopes' tales. (2019)
Journal Article
MEIER-AUGENSTEIN, W. 2019. From stable isotope ecology to forensic isotope ecology: isotopes' tales. Forensic science international [online], 300, pages 89-98. Available from:

Stable isotope ecology and forensic isotope ecology are not only linked by name. More often than not, knowledge and insights gained through the former serve as a springboard for application focused work of the latter. This review aims to offer a glim... Read More about From stable isotope ecology to forensic isotope ecology: isotopes' tales..