Journal Article
SHEN, L., LI, G., XIAN, C., JIANG, Y. and XIONG, Y. 2019. 室内3D点云模型的门窗检测. Jisuanji fuzhu sheji yu tuxingxue xuebao/Journal of computer-aided design and computer graphics [online], 31(9), pages 1494-1501. Available from: https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1089.2019.17575
This paper proposes a 3D-2D-3D algorithm for doors and windows detection in 3D indoor environment of point cloud data. Firstly, by setting up a virtual camera in the middle of this 3D environment, a set of pictures are taken from different angles by... Read More about 室内3D点云模型的门窗检测..