Smart sensing and adaptive reasoning for enabling industrial robots with interactive human-robot capabilities in dynamic environments: a case study.
Journal Article
ZABALZA, J., FEI, Z., WONG, C., YAN, Y., MINEO, C., YANG, E., RODDEN, T., MEHNEN, J., PHAM, Q.-C. and REN, J. 2019. Smart sensing and adaptive reasoning for enabling industrial robots with interactive human-robot capabilities in dynamic environments: a case study. Sensors [online], 19(6), article 1354. Available from:
Traditional industry is seeing an increasing demand for more autonomous and flexible manufacturing in unstructured settings, a shift away from the fixed, isolated workspaces where robots perform predefined actions repetitively. This work presents a c... Read More about Smart sensing and adaptive reasoning for enabling industrial robots with interactive human-robot capabilities in dynamic environments: a case study..