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The concentration and biomagnification of PCBs and PBDEs across four trophic levels in a marine food web. (2022)
Journal Article
MADGETT, A.S., YATES, K., WEBSTER, L., MCKENZIE, C., BROWNLOW, A. and MOFFAT, C.F. 2022. The concentration and biomagnification of PCBs and PBDEs across four trophic levels in a marine food web. Environmental pollution [online], 309, article number 119752. Available from:

Contracting Parties to the OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Maine Environment of the North-East Atlantic are required to undertake monitoring and assessment of both inorganic and organic contaminants. There is a requirement to assess contam... Read More about The concentration and biomagnification of PCBs and PBDEs across four trophic levels in a marine food web..

The concentration and biomagnification of trace metals and metalloids across four trophic levels in a marine food web. (2021)
Journal Article
MADGETT, A.S., YATES, K., WEBSTER, L., MCKENZIE, C. and MOFFAT, C.F. 2021. The concentration and biomagnification of trace metals and metalloids across four trophic levels in a marine food web. Marine pollution bulletin [online], 173, part A, article 112929. Available from:

To be able to assess progress towards “Good Environmental Status” adopted across European Member States, and by the United Kingdom through its 3-stage Marine Strategy, contaminant concentrations and their biological effects need to be assessed in env... Read More about The concentration and biomagnification of trace metals and metalloids across four trophic levels in a marine food web..