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Exploring structures and processes supporting interprofessional education during experiential learning placements for student pharmacists. (2024)
Journal Article
DEPASQUALE, C., ARNOLD, A., CUNNINGHAM, S., JACOB, S.A., BOYTER, A., PORTLOCK, J., POWER, A. and ADDISON, B. 2024. Exploring structures and processes supporting interprofessional education during experiential learning placements for student pharmacists. American journal of pharmaceutical education [online], 88(10), article number 101267. Available from:

The objective of this study was to explore stakeholder views on structures and processes supporting planned and unplanned interprofessional education (IPE) during experiential learning (EL) placements for student pharmacists in Scotland. Online semi-... Read More about Exploring structures and processes supporting interprofessional education during experiential learning placements for student pharmacists..

Simulated patients' experiences and perspectives of an interprofessional ward simulation: an exploratory qualitative analysis. (2022)
Journal Article
MCKINLEY, M., ARNOLD, A., BURNS, I., GEDDES, H., MCDONALD, L. and O'CARROLL, V. 2022. Simulated patients' experiences and perspectives of an interprofessional ward simulation: an exploratory qualitative analysis. Journal of interprofessional education and practice [online], 28, article 100522. Available from:

Background: Interprofessional simulation-based education (IPSE) prepares healthcare students for future collaborative practice. Whilst experiences of IPSE have previously been reported by students and faculty, there is a limited understanding of simu... Read More about Simulated patients' experiences and perspectives of an interprofessional ward simulation: an exploratory qualitative analysis..

Developing, piloting and evaluating a medicines safety school programme to be delivered by student pharmacists. (2021)
Journal Article
DEPASQUALE, C., BROWN, A., ARNOLD, A., DRUMMOND, N. and TONNA, A. 2021. Developing, piloting and evaluating a medicines safety school programme to be delivered by student pharmacists. Currents in pharmacy teaching and learning [online], 13(10), pages 1319-1323. Available from:

Introduction: This project aimed to develop content, pilot delivery, and evaluate effectiveness of an innovative Medicines Safety School Programme delivered by student pharmacists to primary school pupils. Methods: A collaborative approach between ac... Read More about Developing, piloting and evaluating a medicines safety school programme to be delivered by student pharmacists..

Interprofessional, student-led intervention to improve insulin prescribing to patients in an Acute Surgical Receiving Unit. (2018)
Journal Article
TULLY, V., AL-SALTI, S., ARNOLD, A., BOTROS, S., CAMPBELL, I., FANE, R., ROWE, I., STRATH, A. and DAVEY, P. 2018. Interprofessional, student-led intervention to improve insulin prescribing to patients in an Acute Surgical Receiving Unit. BMJ open quality [online], 7(2), article number 000305. Available from:

Our aim was to test the feasibility of interprofessional, workplace-based learning about improvement through a 4-week placement for one medical and two pharmacy final year students in an Acute Surgical Receiving Unit (ASRU). The target was insulin be... Read More about Interprofessional, student-led intervention to improve insulin prescribing to patients in an Acute Surgical Receiving Unit..

Toward interprofessional learning and education: mapping common outcomes for prequalifying healthcare professional programs in the United Kingdom. (2017)
Journal Article
STEVEN, K., HOWDEN, S., MIRES, G., ROWE, I., LAFFERTY, N., ARNOLD, A. and STRATH, A. 2017. Toward interprofessional learning and education: mapping common outcomes for prequalifying healthcare professional programs in the United Kingdom. Medical teacher [online], 39(7), pages 720-744. Available from:

Introduction: Interprofessional education (IPE) continues to be a key component in prequalifying health professional education, with calls for regulators to publish a joint statement regarding IPE outcomes. To date, the regulatory documents for healt... Read More about Toward interprofessional learning and education: mapping common outcomes for prequalifying healthcare professional programs in the United Kingdom..