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Exploring structures and processes supporting interprofessional education during experiential learning placements for student pharmacists. (2024)
Journal Article
DEPASQUALE, C., ARNOLD, A., CUNNINGHAM, S., JACOB, S.A., BOYTER, A., PORTLOCK, J., POWER, A. and ADDISON, B. 2024. Exploring structures and processes supporting interprofessional education during experiential learning placements for student pharmacists. American journal of pharmaceutical education [online], 88(10), article number 101267. Available from:

The objective of this study was to explore stakeholder views on structures and processes supporting planned and unplanned interprofessional education (IPE) during experiential learning (EL) placements for student pharmacists in Scotland. Online semi-... Read More about Exploring structures and processes supporting interprofessional education during experiential learning placements for student pharmacists..

A cross-sectional study examining the nature and extent of interprofessional education in schools of pharmacy in the United Kingdom. (2023)
Journal Article
DEPASQUALE, C., CUNNINGHAM, S., JACOB, S.A., BOYTER, A., PORTLOCK, J., POWER, A. and ADDISON, B. 2024. A cross-sectional study examining the nature and extent of interprofessional education in schools of pharmacy in the United Kingdom. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 46(1), pages 122-130. Available from:

Interprofessional education can prepare the workforce for collaborative practice in complex health and social care systems. The aim of this study was to examine the nature and extent of interprofessional education in schools of pharmacy in the United... Read More about A cross-sectional study examining the nature and extent of interprofessional education in schools of pharmacy in the United Kingdom..

What capabilities are required for facilitators to support student pharmacists effectively during experiential learning (EL) in Scotland? (2023)
Journal Article
HAMILTON, P., POWER, A., BOYTER, A.C., ADDISON, B. and MCALEER, S. 2023. What capabilities are required for facilitators to support student pharmacists effectively during experiential learning (EL) in Scotland? Pharmacy education [online], 23(1), pages 796-812. Available from:

Experiential Learning (EL) is a requirement of the General Pharmaceutical Council’s Standards for the Initial Education and Training of Pharmacists. Essential to the growth of high-quality EL is the development of the facilitators who supervise the s... Read More about What capabilities are required for facilitators to support student pharmacists effectively during experiential learning (EL) in Scotland?.

What capabilities are required for facilitators to support student pharmacists effectively during experiential learning (EL) in Scotland? Part 2. (2023)
Journal Article
HAMILTON, P., POWER, A., BOYTER, A.C., ADDISON, B. and MCALEER, S. 2023. What capabilities are required for facilitators to support student pharmacists effectively during experiential learning (EL) in Scotland? Part 2. Pharmacy education [online], 23(1), pages 813-824. Available from:

A key outcome of the changes to the Standards for Initial Education and Training of Pharmacists in Great Britain is to increase the quantity and quality of Experiential Learning (EL) in the MPharm programme. A companion paper described the developmen... Read More about What capabilities are required for facilitators to support student pharmacists effectively during experiential learning (EL) in Scotland? Part 2..

General practice-based undergraduate pharmacy longitudinal clerkship: a theoretically underpinned qualitative evaluation. (2022)
Journal Article
INNES, C., CUNNINGHAM, S., ADDISON, B., WEDEKIND, Y., WATSON, E., RUDD, I., POWER, A., KARIM, L. and RUSHWORTH, G.F. 2022. General practice-based undergraduate pharmacy longitudinal clerkship: a theoretically underpinned qualitative evaluation. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 44(5), pages 1123-1131. Available from:

A Pharmacy Longitudinal Clerkship (PLC) was designed to develop student pharmacists'(SPs) competence in a general practice setting. The aim was to carry out a theoretically-underpinned qualitative evaluation of stakeholder perceptions regarding the... Read More about General practice-based undergraduate pharmacy longitudinal clerkship: a theoretically underpinned qualitative evaluation..

An innovative general practice based pharmacy longitudinal clerkship: using theory to characterise its development, implementation and initial evaluation. (2021)
Journal Article
INNES, C., RUSHWORTH, G., ADDISON, B., WEDEKIND, Y., WATSON, E., RUDD, I., POWER, A. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2022. An innovative general practice based pharmacy longitudinal clerkship: using theory to characterise its development, implementation and initial evaluation. Education for primary care [online], 33(3), pages 173-179. Available from:

Background Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships exist in undergraduate medicine courses. A pilot Pharmacy Longitudinal Clerkship (pPLC) was funded to investigate delivery of this model of clinical education for student pharmacists. Objective(s): To inv... Read More about An innovative general practice based pharmacy longitudinal clerkship: using theory to characterise its development, implementation and initial evaluation..

Comparing ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction care between patients residing in central and remote locations: a retrospective case series. (2018)
Journal Article
KAMONA, A., CUNNINGHAM, S., ADDISON, B., RUSHWORTH, G.F., CALL, A., BLOE, C., INNES, A., BOND, R.R., PEACE, A. and LESLIE, S.J. 2018. Comparing ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction care between patients residing in central and remote locations: a retrospective case series. Rural and remote health [online], 18(4), article ID 4618. Available from:

People who experience an ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) due to an occluded coronary artery require prompt treatment. Treatments to open a blocked artery are called reperfusion therapies (RTs), and can include intravenous pharmacological t... Read More about Comparing ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction care between patients residing in central and remote locations: a retrospective case series..