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No backstage: the relentless emotional management of acute nursing through the COVID-19 pandemic. (2024)
Journal Article
GRANT, A., O'BRIEN, R., DOUGLAS, F., KENNEDY, C., BALDIE, D. and TORRANCE, N. [2024]. No backstage: the relentless emotional management of acute nursing through the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of advanced nursing [online], Early View. Available from:

To explore the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on nurse's wellbeing, experiences of delivering healthcare within acute settings, and their emotional management. Sequential mixed methods was used. February to July 2021 an online wellbeing survey was d... Read More about No backstage: the relentless emotional management of acute nursing through the COVID-19 pandemic..

Type 2 diabetes and food security: a mounting crisis with implications for community nurses. (2024)
Journal Article
KENNEDY, C. 2024. Type 2 diabetes and food security: a mounting crisis with implications for community nurses. British journal of community nursing [online] 29(10), pages 456-457. Available from:

The incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is increasing at an alarming rate across Europe and North America, presenting a mounting crisis and significant health challenges. Alongside the health challenges associated with T2D, the prevalen... Read More about Type 2 diabetes and food security: a mounting crisis with implications for community nurses..

Disrupted candidacy: a longitudinal examination of the constrained healthcare-access journeys of National Health Service workers in Scotland seeking supports for Long COVID illness. (2024)
Journal Article
ADAMS, N.N., MACIVER, E., DOUGLAS, F., KENNEDY, C., SKÅTUN, D., HERNANDEZ SANTIAGO, V., TORRANCE, N. and GRANT, A. 2024. Disrupted candidacy: a longitudinal examination of the constrained healthcare-access journeys of National Health Service workers in Scotland seeking supports for Long COVID illness. Health expectations [online], 27(5), article number e70050. Available from:

Evidence examines how persons experiencing Long COVID (LC) struggle to secure healthcare for symptoms; however, few studies examine healthcare workers experiencing LC, nor the complex and multiple difficulties faced when seeking and receiving healthc... Read More about Disrupted candidacy: a longitudinal examination of the constrained healthcare-access journeys of National Health Service workers in Scotland seeking supports for Long COVID illness..

Long COVID in healthcare workers: longitudinal mixed-methods study. (2024)
Journal Article
GRANT, A., ADAMS, N., MACIVER, E., SKÅTUN, D., SCOTT, N., KENNEDY, C.M., DOUGLAS, F., HERNANDEZ SANTIAGO, V. and TORRANCE, N. [2024]. Long COVID in healthcare workers: longitudinal mixed-methods study. Occupational medicine [online], (accepted).

Healthcare workers (HCWs) report higher rates of Long COVID (LC) than other occupational groups. It is still unclear whether LC is a lifelong condition. Workforce shortfalls are apparent due to sick leave, reduced hours, and lower productivity. To in... Read More about Long COVID in healthcare workers: longitudinal mixed-methods study..

Exploring women’s motivations to freebirth and their experience of maternity care: a systematic qualitative evidence synthesis. (2024)
Journal Article
VELO HIGUERAS, M., DOUGLAS, F. and KENNEDY, C. 2024. Exploring women's motivations to freebirth and their experience of maternity care: a systematic qualitative evidence synthesis. Midwifery [online], 134, article number 104022. Available from:

Freebirth is currently defined as the deliberate decision to give birth without a regulated healthcare professional. Previous reviews have identified factors influencing women's decision to freebirth, yet there is limited evidence on what is the care... Read More about Exploring women’s motivations to freebirth and their experience of maternity care: a systematic qualitative evidence synthesis..

Unforeseen emotional labour: a collaborative autoethnography exploring researcher experiences of studying long COVID in health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2023)
Journal Article
MACIVER, E., ADAMS, N.N., TORRANCE, N., DOUGLAS, F., KENNEDY, C., SKATUN, D., SANTIAGO, V.H. and GRANT, A. 2024. Unforeseen emotional labour: a collaborative autoethnography exploring researcher experiences of studying long COVID in health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. SSM - qualitative research in health [online], 5, article 100390. Available from:

The concept of "emotional labour" describes the regulation of feelings and expressions to fulfil a specific job role, discussed extensively in relation to commercial and caring professions, with more recent scholarship recognising the emotional role... Read More about Unforeseen emotional labour: a collaborative autoethnography exploring researcher experiences of studying long COVID in health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic..

Lived experience of work and long COVID in healthcare staff. (2023)
Journal Article
TORRANCE, N., MACIVER, E., ADAMS, N.N., SKÅTUN, D., SCOTT, N., KENNEDY, C., DOUGLAS, F., HERNANDEZ-SANTIAGO, V. and GRANT, A. 2024. Lived experience of work and long COVID in healthcare staff. Occupational medicine [online], 74(1), pages 78-85. Available from:

Healthcare workers (HCWs) had a greater occupational risk of exposure to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and reported higher rates of long COVID (LC). This has implications for the provision of health care in already stretched health services. Th... Read More about Lived experience of work and long COVID in healthcare staff..

Managing the long-term effects of COVID-19: implications for community nurses. (2023)
Journal Article
KENNEDY, C. 2023. Managing the long-term effects of COVID-19: implications for community nurses. British journal of community nurses [online], 28(10), pages 473. Available from:

This editorial investigates the long term effects that COVID-19 had on very aspect of life and what implications this may mean for community nurses. COVID-19 has disrupted almost every aspect of life since 2020. The initial and continuing challenges... Read More about Managing the long-term effects of COVID-19: implications for community nurses..

An exploratory multi-case study of the health and wellbeing needs, relationships and experiences of health and social care service users and the people who support them at home. (2023)
Journal Article
HENDERSON, L., BAIN, H., ALLAN, E. and KENNEDY, C. 2023. An exploratory multi-case study of the health and wellbeing needs, relationships and experiences of health and social care service users and the people who support them at home. International journal of integrated care [online], 23 (1), article 11. Available from:

International policies and legislation set a precedence of person-centred sustainable integrated Health and Social Care (HSC) that meets the health and wellbeing needs of service users through improved experiences. However, current research focuses o... Read More about An exploratory multi-case study of the health and wellbeing needs, relationships and experiences of health and social care service users and the people who support them at home..

A journey of self-discovery and transformation: a theoretical and comprehensive evaluation of the Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland community development programme. (2023)
Journal Article
GRANT, A., MACIVER, E., ADAMS, N., TEODOROWSKI, P. and KENNEDY, C. 2023. A journey of self-discovery and transformation: a theoretical and comprehensive evaluation of the Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland community development programme. Journal of advanced nursing [online], 79(6), pages 2200-2210. Available from:

The aim of this study was to evaluate adoption, implementation and maintenance of the Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland development programme. This was undertaken through a comprehensive, longitudinal, qualitative evaluation. Participants from the f... Read More about A journey of self-discovery and transformation: a theoretical and comprehensive evaluation of the Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland community development programme..

Psychotherapeutic interventions for burns patients and the potential use with Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis patients: a systematic integrative review. (2022)
Journal Article
O'REILLY, P., MESKELL, P., WHELAN, B., KENNEDY, C., RAMSAY, B., COFFEY, A., FORTUNE, D.G., WALSH, S., INGEN-HOUSZ-ORO, S., BUNKER, C.B., WILSON, D.M., DELAUNOIS, I., DORE, L., HOWARD, S. and RYAN, S. 2022. Psychotherapeutic interventions for burns patients and the potential use with Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis patients: a systematic integrative review. PLoS ONE [online], 17(6), article e0270424. Available from:

The existing evidence demonstrates that survivors of SJS/TEN have reported long-lasting psychological effects of their condition. Burns patients experience similar psychological effects. It is important to look at ways to help allay the psychological... Read More about Psychotherapeutic interventions for burns patients and the potential use with Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis patients: a systematic integrative review..

Abdominal cancer symptoms: evaluation of the impact of a regional public awareness campaign. (2021)
Journal Article
TORRANCE, N., BRIGHT, C.J., HILL, H.L., FERGUSSON, J., KENNEDY, C., MAK, V., GILDEA, C., NORDIN, A. and ELLISS-BROOKES, L. 2021. Abdominal cancer symptoms: evaluation of the impact of a regional public awareness campaign. European journal of cancer care [online], 30(6), e13500. Available from:

Objective: A regional ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ (BCoC) campaign developed by Public Health England aimed to promote public awareness of key abdominal cancer symptoms in people aged 50 years and over. Methods: Data were analysed for metrics at different st... Read More about Abdominal cancer symptoms: evaluation of the impact of a regional public awareness campaign..

Brexit, acculturative stress and mental health among EU citizens in Scotland. (2021)
Journal Article
TEODOROWSKI, P., WOODS, R., CZARNECKA, M. and KENNEDY, C. 2021. Brexit, acculturative stress and mental health among EU citizens in Scotland. Population, space and place [online], 27(6), article number e2436. Available from:

The ‘Brexit’ referendum represents a hostile shift in the United Kingdom’s acculturative context. With its remain majority and pro-migration political discourse, Scotland appears less hostile than the rest of the United Kingdom. We explored whether a... Read More about Brexit, acculturative stress and mental health among EU citizens in Scotland..

Generating insights into what matters to emergency nurses and family members when caring for older people with dementia: how to use generativity as a principle of appreciative inquiry. (2020)
Journal Article
WATKINS, S., DEWAR, B., GRAHAM, M., MURPHY, F., KENNEDY, C. and O'REILLY, P. 2020. Generating insights into what matters to emergency nurses and family members when caring for older people with dementia: how to use generativity as a principle of appreciative inquiry. International practice development journal [online], 10(2), article ID 4. Available from:

Background: Participatory research approaches aim to hear the voices of those who give and receive services to co-create insights into future improvements in care experiences. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is one such participatory approach. The purpose... Read More about Generating insights into what matters to emergency nurses and family members when caring for older people with dementia: how to use generativity as a principle of appreciative inquiry..

Patients’, family members’ and healthcare practitioners’ experiences of Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: a qualitative descriptive study using emotional touchpoints. (2020)
Journal Article
O'REILLY, P., WHELAN, B., RAMSAY, B., KENNEDY, C., MESKELL, P., COFFEY, A., WILSON, D.M., FORTUNE, D.G. and RYAN, S. 2021. Patients’, family members’ and healthcare practitioners’ experiences of Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: a qualitative descriptive study using emotional touchpoints. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology [online], 35(3), pages e232-e234. Available from:

In this letter to the editor the authors highlight the devastating conditions of Stevens-Johnson syndrom (SJS) and toxic epidermal necroylsis (TEN), which are due to a severe immune-medicated mucocutaneous reaction caused by medication.

Integrated health and social care in the community: a critical integrative review of the experiences and well-being needs of service users and their families. (2020)
Journal Article
HENDERSON, L., BAIN, H., ALLAN, E. and KENNEDY, C. 2021. Integrated health and social care in the community: a critical integrative review of the experiences and well-being needs of service users and their families. Health and social care in the community [online], 29(4), pages 1145-1168. Available from:

A need for people-centred health and social support systems is acknowledged as a global priority. Most nations face challenges in providing safe, effective, timely, affordable, coordinated care around the needs and preferences of people who access in... Read More about Integrated health and social care in the community: a critical integrative review of the experiences and well-being needs of service users and their families..

Community nurses and the ‘new normal’. (2020)
Journal Article
KENNEDY, C. 2020. Community nurses and the 'new normal'. British journal of community nursing [online], 25(7), page 317. Available from:

In this editorial the author discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives and what challenges and changes to community nursing will be needed to cope with the long-term symptoms, as well as managing the repercussions of suspended health... Read More about Community nurses and the ‘new normal’..

Interventions for preventing abuse in the elderly. (2020)
Journal Article
KENNEDY, C. and WILL, J. 2021. Interventions for preventing abuse in the elderly. International journal of nursing practice [online], 27(1), article ID e12870. Available from:

Elder abuse is a global problem with an estimated 10% of older people experiencing some form of abuse although many cases remain unreported and/or referred to social services. As such the true extent of elder abuse is relatively unknown and this pose... Read More about Interventions for preventing abuse in the elderly..

Caring for older people with dementia in the emergency department. (2020)
Journal Article
WATKINS, S., MURPHY, F., KENNEDY, C., GRAHAM, M. and DEWAR, B. 2020. Caring for older people with dementia in the emergency department. British journal of nursing [online], 29(12), pages 692-699. Available from:

Background: Admission to an emergency department (ED) may expose the older person with dementia to a range of negative consequences, including a deterioration in their behavioural symptoms. The authors conducted a review of primary research relating... Read More about Caring for older people with dementia in the emergency department..

The mental health and wellbeing of EU citizens in the UK: a systematic review of the qualitative literature. (2020)
Journal Article
TEODDOROWSKI, P., WOODS, R. and KENNEDY, C. 2020. The mental health and wellbeing of EU citizens in the UK: a systematic review of qualitative literature. Border crossing [online], 10(1), pages 43-60. Available from:

Moving to a new country impacts on migrants’ mental health and well-being. There are over 3.6 million European Union citizens living in the United Kingdom. We conducted a systematic review of the qualitative literature to explore what is known a... Read More about The mental health and wellbeing of EU citizens in the UK: a systematic review of the qualitative literature..