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Comparison of UV-A photolytic and UV/TiO2 photocatalytic effects on Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7813 and four microcystin analogues: a pilot scale study. (2021)
Journal Article
MENEZES, I., CAPELO-NETO, J., PESTANA, C.J., CLEMENTE, A., HUI, J., IRVINE, J.T.S., GUNARATNE, H.Q.N., ROBERTSON, P.K.J., EDWARDS, C., GILLANDERS, R.N., TURNBULL, G.A. and LAWTON, L.A. 2021. Comparison of UV-A photolytic and UV/TiO2 photocatalytic effects on Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7813 and four microcystin analogues: a pilot scale study. Journal of environmental management [online], 298, article 113519. Available from:

To date, the high cost of supplying UV irradiation has prevented the widespread application of UV photolysis and titanium dioxide based photocatalysis in removing undesirable organics in the water treatment sector. To overcome this problem, the use o... Read More about Comparison of UV-A photolytic and UV/TiO2 photocatalytic effects on Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7813 and four microcystin analogues: a pilot scale study..

Hazardous cyanobacteria integrity response to velocity gradient and powdered activated carbon in water treatment plants. (2021)
Journal Article
OLIVEIRA, S., CLEMENTE, A., MENEZES, I., GOIS, A., CARLOTO, I., LAWTON, L. and CAPELO-NETO, J. 2021. Hazardous cyanobacteria integrity response to velocity gradient and powdered activated carbon in water treatment plants. Science of the total environment [online], 773, article ID 145110. Available from:

Although some studies have investigated the impact caused by chemicals used on water treatment (coagulants and oxidants) on cyanobacteria integrity, the isolated effect of shear stress during coagulation is still not fully understood. This study eval... Read More about Hazardous cyanobacteria integrity response to velocity gradient and powdered activated carbon in water treatment plants..

Análise de dados categóricos de integridade celular de cianobactérias. (2020)
Journal Article
CLEMENTE, A., OLIVEIRA, S., MENEZES, I., CARLOTO, I. and CAPELO NETO, J. 2021. Análise de dados categóricos de integridade celular de cianobactérias. Revista DAE [online], 69(228), pages 205-224. Available from:

The techniques used in cyanobacterial cell integrity/viability studies provide two outcomes: intact cells or not. These categorical and dichotomous values often make statistical analysis of the results difficult. In this context, the aim of this pape... Read More about Análise de dados categóricos de integridade celular de cianobactérias..

Oxidative stress in the cyanobacterium microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7813: comparison of different analytical cell stress detection assays. (2020)
Journal Article
MENEZES, I., MAXWELL-MCQUEENEY, D., CAPELO-NETO, J., PESTANA, C.J., EDWARDS, C. and LAWTON, L.A. 2021. Oxidative stress in the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7813: comparison of different analytical cell stress detection assays. Chemosphere [online], 269, article ID 128766. Available from:

Cyanobacterial blooms are observed when high cell densities occur and are often dangerous to human and animal health due to the presence of cyanotoxins. Conventional drinking water treatment technology struggles to efficiently remove cyanobacterial c... Read More about Oxidative stress in the cyanobacterium microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7813: comparison of different analytical cell stress detection assays..