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The influence of antenatal relaxation classes on perinatal psychological wellbeing and childbirth experiences: a qualitative study. (2024)
Journal Article
TABIB, M., HUMPHREY, T. and FORBES-MCKAY, K. [2024]. The influence of antenatal relaxation classes on perinatal psychological wellbeing and childbirth experiences: a qualitative study. Journal of reproductive and infant psychology [online], Latest Articles. Available from:

There is growing evidence that antenatal education incorporating relaxation practices can positively influence perinatal psychological wellbeing. However, a paucity of qualitative research is evident. Gaining insight into how and why such education m... Read More about The influence of antenatal relaxation classes on perinatal psychological wellbeing and childbirth experiences: a qualitative study..

"Doing" is never enough, if "being" is neglected: exploring midwives' perspectives on the influence of an emotional intelligence education programme: a qualitative study. [Article] (2024)
Journal Article
TABIB, M., HUMPHREY, T. and FORBES-MCKAY, K. 2024. "Doing" is never enough, if "being" is neglected: exploring midwives' perspectives on the influence of an emotional intelligence education programme: a qualitative study. Women and birth [online], 37(3), article number 101587. Available from:

The role of the midwife is emotionally demanding, with many midwives experiencing high levels of stress and burnout, and a great number considering leaving the profession. This has serious implications for the delivery of high-quality, safe maternity... Read More about "Doing" is never enough, if "being" is neglected: exploring midwives' perspectives on the influence of an emotional intelligence education programme: a qualitative study. [Article].

The role of (mid)wife: the challenges of positive birth experience during VBAC. (2023)
Journal Article
IRLANDA, S., TABIB, M. and CLUBBS COLDRON, B.M. 2023. The role of (mid)wife: the challenges of positive birth experience during VBAC. Human rights in childbearing 7. The practising midwife [online], 26(3), pages 13-19. Available from:

Vaginal birth after c-section (VBAC) can be physically and mentally challenging. This paper intends to highlight the importance of humanistic care and human rights-based approaches when women are preparing for VBAC. According to the United Nations In... Read More about The role of (mid)wife: the challenges of positive birth experience during VBAC..

Expectant parents’ perspectives on the influence of a single antenatal relaxation class: a qualitative study. (2021)
Journal Article
TABIB, M., HUMPHREY, T., FORBES-MCKAY, K. and LAU, A. 2021. Expectant parents’ perspectives on the influence of a single antenatal relaxation class: a qualitative study. Complementary therapies in clinical practice [online], 43, article ID 101341. Available from:

Aim: This study explores the perspectives of expectant parents on the influence of a single antenatal class incorporating education on childbirth physiology and relaxation techniques. Method: The data for this qualitative descriptive study were colle... Read More about Expectant parents’ perspectives on the influence of a single antenatal relaxation class: a qualitative study..

Service evaluation of relaxation workshops for pregnant women. (2018)
Journal Article
TABIB, M. and CROWTHER, S. 2018. Service evaluation of relaxation workshops for pregnant women. Journal of perinatal education [online], 27(1), pages 10-19. Available from:

This article reports a service evaluation of 'antenatal education on physiology of childbirth and relaxation'. A service evaluation was carried out during group class discussion, immediately after the workshops, and following birth. Identified themes... Read More about Service evaluation of relaxation workshops for pregnant women..

Offering relaxation techniques, promoting women's choices. (2017)
Journal Article
TABIB, M. 2017. Offering relaxation techniques, promoting women's choices. Practising midwife [online], 20(2), pages 1-4. Available from:

This article is part of the "What about next time? A series of reflections" occasional series of articles. In this article, Mo Tabib reflects on her experience as a midwife introducing relaxation techniques to a woman with a prolonged latent phase o... Read More about Offering relaxation techniques, promoting women's choices..

An interview study of pregnant women who were provided with indoor air quality measurements of second hand smoke to help them quit smoking. (2016)
Journal Article
MORGAN, H., TREASURE, E., TABIB, M., JOHNSTON, M., DUNKLEY, C., RITCHIE, D., SEMPLE, S. and TURNER, S. 2016. An interview study of pregnant women who were provided with indoor air quality measurements of second hand smoke to help them quit smoking. BMC pregnancy and childbirth [online], 16, article number 305. Available from:

Background Maternal smoking can cause health complications in pregnancy. Particulate matter (PM2.5) metrics applied to second hand smoke (SHS) concentrations provide indoor air quality (IAQ) measurements and have been used to promote smoking behaviou... Read More about An interview study of pregnant women who were provided with indoor air quality measurements of second hand smoke to help them quit smoking..

It's a breech! (2013)
Journal Article
TABIB, M. 2013. It's a breech! Midwifery today [online], 108, pages 46-47. Available from:

Over the last decades, caesarean section has become the method of choice for breech presentation. This article is a reflection on my personal experience as a midwife and my thoughts in regard to questioning the justifications for performing routine c... Read More about It's a breech!.