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All Outputs (15)

Comprehension in the informed-consent process. (2001)
Journal Article
OLIVIER, S. and OLIVIER, A. 2001. Comprehension in the informed-consent process. Sportscience [online], 5(3), article ID 0103/so. Available from:

Using a generic consent form is desirable in the informed-consent process, but such forms may not give potential subjects an adequate understanding of a project. Attention to several aspects of design and content of the form will assist comprehension... Read More about Comprehension in the informed-consent process..

Periphery? What periphery? Marketing to a state of mind. (2001)
Journal Article
ANDERSON, A.R., JACK, S.L. and MCAULEY, S. 2001. Periphery? What periphery? Marketing to a state of mind. Irish marketing review [online], 14(1), pages 26-34. Available from:

Businesses, especially small business, which are located in the periphery are traditionally viewed as being disadvantaged. The condition of peripherality is viewed as creating disadvantage in terms of limited customer base, distance from markets and... Read More about Periphery? What periphery? Marketing to a state of mind..

Libraries in major universities in Lebanon. (2001)
Journal Article
AL-KHATIB, S. and JOHNSON, I.M. 2001. Libraries in major universities in Lebanon. Libri [online], 51(4), pages 209-224. Available from:

This paper puts the contemporary situation of some Lebanese university libraries in a broader context. It introduces the country, and outlines its higher education system, library science education, professional association, and publishing activity.... Read More about Libraries in major universities in Lebanon..

Social power and the Hohfeldian jural relation. (2001)
Journal Article
ROSS, H. 2001. Social power and the Hohfeldian jural relation. Nottingham law journal [online], 10, pages 47-63. Available from:

Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld is one of the great unsung heroes of twentieth century legal theory. His eponymous "analysis" - an eight-term relational configuration of legal concepts - represents one of the most perceptive and revealing contributions to the... Read More about Social power and the Hohfeldian jural relation..

The demand for undergraduate course provision in information and library studies. (2001)
Journal Article
MARCELLA, R. and BAXTER, G. 2001. The demand for undergraduate course provision in information and library studies. Education for information [online], 19(4), pages 277-297. Available from:

This paper describes two exercises designed to investigate the factors affecting the demand for under-graduate educational provision in information and library studies (ILS). The first was a survey of former and current students of the School of Info... Read More about The demand for undergraduate course provision in information and library studies..

Information and library studies on a virtual campus. (2001)
Journal Article
MARCELLA, R. and BAXTER, G. 2001. Information and library studies on a virtual campus. New library world [online], 102(10), pages 362-371. Available from:

Provides a critical overview of the introduction of the Postgraduate Diploma/Master of Science course in Information and Library Studies, in online distance learning mode, by the School of Information and Media at the Robert Gordon University in Aber... Read More about Information and library studies on a virtual campus..

Agent-based simulation: an application to the new electricity trading arrangements of England and Wales. (2001)
Journal Article
BUNN, D.W. and OLIVEIRA, F.S. 2001. Agent-based simulation: an application to the new electricity trading arrangements of England and Wales. IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation [online], 5(5), pages 493-503. Available from:

This paper presents a large-scale application of multiagent evolutionary modeling to the proposed new electricity trading arrangements (NETA) in the U.K. This is a detailed plant-by-plant model with an active specification of the demand side of the m... Read More about Agent-based simulation: an application to the new electricity trading arrangements of England and Wales..

The case for nationality based jurisdiction. (2001)
Journal Article
ARNELL, P. 2001. The case for nationality based jurisdiction. International and comparative law quarterly [online], 50(4), pages 955-962. Available from:

Various recent developments within and without the United Kingdom have strengthened the arguments in favour of the adoption of general nationality based criminal jurisdiction. These arise from problems in the application of territorial jurisdiction,... Read More about The case for nationality based jurisdiction..

Application of aboutness to functional benchmarking in information retrieval. (2001)
Journal Article
WONG, K.-F., SONG, D., BRUZA, P. and CHENG, C.-H. 2001. Application of aboutness to functional benchmarking in information retrieval. ACM transactions on information systems, 19(4), pages 337-370. Available from:

Experimental approaches are widely employed to benchmark the performance of an information retrieval (IR) system. Measurements in terms of recall and precision are computed as performance indicators. Although they are good at assessing the retrieval... Read More about Application of aboutness to functional benchmarking in information retrieval..

Business strategies for entrepreneurial small firms. (2001)
Journal Article
ANDERSON, A.R. and ATKINS, M.H. 2001. Business strategies for entrepreneurial small firms. Strategic change [online], 10(6), pages 311-324. Available from:

This paper addresses the issue of the nature of business strategies in entrepreneurial small firms. It examines a number of existing models of strategic planning and suggests that they cannot adequately cope with environmental uncertainty. Developing... Read More about Business strategies for entrepreneurial small firms..

Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 over-expression in primary and metastatic ovarian cancer. (2001)
Journal Article
MCFADYEN, M.C.E., CRUICKSHANK, M.E., MILLER, I.D., MCLEOD, H.L., MELVIN, W.T., HAITES, N.E., PARKIN, D. and MURRAY, G.I. 2001. Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 over-expression in primary and metastatic ovarian cancer. British journal of cancer [online], 85(2), pages 242-246. Available from:

Ovarian cancer is the most frequent cause of death from gynaecological malignancies world wide. Little improvement has been made in the long-term outcome of this disease, with the 5-year survival of patients only 30%. This poor prognosis is due to th... Read More about Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 over-expression in primary and metastatic ovarian cancer..

Maintaining retrieval knowledge in a case-based reasoning system. (2001)
Journal Article
CRAW, S., JARMULAK, J. and ROWE, R. 2001. Maintaining retrieval knowledge in a case-based reasoning system. Computational intelligence [online], 17(2), pages 346-363. Available from:

The knowledge stored in a case base is central to the problem solving of a case-based reasoning (CBR) system. Therefore, case-base maintenance is a key component of maintaining a CBR system. However, other knowledge sources, such as indexing and simi... Read More about Maintaining retrieval knowledge in a case-based reasoning system..

Management education in Latin America and the Caribbean. (2001)
Journal Article
JOHNSON, I.M., MEDINA, A.F. and HERRERA, L.A. 2001. Management education in Latin America and the Caribbean. Education for information [online], 19(1), pages 3-18. Available from:

This paper examines some issues relating to the development in Latin America and the Caribbean of the managerial expertise that underpins the modernisation of library and information services. It reports on part of a joint IFLA/FID project, principal... Read More about Management education in Latin America and the Caribbean..

Informed consent in sport science. (2001)
Journal Article
OLIVIER, S. and OLIVIER, A. 2001. Informed consent in sport science. Sportscience [online], 5(1), article ID 0101/so. Available from:

Obtaining informed consent is a prerequisite for a subject's participation in a research project. Informed consent is the potential subject's formal agreement to take part in a research project. The process of obtaining consent includes providing sub... Read More about Informed consent in sport science..

Citizenship information research at the School of Information and Media. (2001)
Journal Article
MARCELLA, R. and BAXTER, G. 2001. Citizenship information research at the School of Information and Media. Library review [online], 50(2), pages 65-72. Available from:

Discusses recent and current research into citizenship information needs at the School of Information and Media, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. Reviews the most important results from two large-scale, nationwide surveys (funded by the Britis... Read More about Citizenship information research at the School of Information and Media..