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All Outputs (52)

Women users' motivations for establishing and interacting with blogs (web logs). (2007)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2007. Women users' motivations for establishing and interacting with blogs (web logs). International journal of the book [online], 3(2), pages 85-90. Available from:

An investigation into the motivations of women who write blogs (web logs) and the audience for whom they consider themselves to be writing. From the outset of blogging, journal blogs have been associated with women. They offer them a safe place to ex... Read More about Women users' motivations for establishing and interacting with blogs (web logs)..

Readers' use of news blogs. (2007)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. and CHIVERS, A. 2007. Readers' use of news blogs. International journal of technology, knowledge and society, 3(1), pages 15-24.

Appearing at the end of the 1990s, the phenomenon of ‘blogging’ or weblogging is now attracting serious academic research. However, the majority of this research has so far focussed on the ‘bloggers’ themselves – who they are; their motivations for b... Read More about Readers' use of news blogs..

Speaking the same language? (2007)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2007. Speaking the same language? Differences and similarities between US and UK bloggers. International journal of the book [online], 5(1), pages 33-40. Available at:

While blogging as a form of computer-mediated communication has attracted a growing amount of academic investigation in recent years, the majority of such research has so far focused on the North American experience. 120 UK and US bloggers (equal num... Read More about Speaking the same language?.

Human rights abroad. (2007)
Journal Article
ARNELL, P. 2007. Human rights abroad. Nottingham law journal [online], 16(2), pages 1-28. Available from:

The human rights obligations imposed by the Human Rights Act 1998 increasingly relate to territory, persons and events outwith the United Kingdom.

Reflecting on the relationship between standardized admissions, academic expectations and diverse student cohorts in postgraduate taught business and management programmes. (2007)
Journal Article
TURNER, Y. 2007. Reflecting on the relationship between standardized admissions, academic expectations and diverse student cohorts in postgraduate taught business and management programmes. International journal of management education, 6(1), pages 7-13.

This paper discusses the relationship between admissions approaches which rely exclusively upon standard academic criteria to select students for Business and Management programmes and classroom diversity. It draws on a small-scale research project c... Read More about Reflecting on the relationship between standardized admissions, academic expectations and diverse student cohorts in postgraduate taught business and management programmes..

Relation discovery from web data for competency management. (2007)
Journal Article
ZHU, J., GONCALVES, A.L., UREN, V.S., MOTTA, E., PACHECO, R., EISENSTADT, M. and SONG, D. 2007. Relation discovery from web data for competency management. Web intelligence and agent systems [online], 5(4), pages 405-417. Available from:

In current organizations, valuable enterprise knowledge is often buried under rapidly expanding huge amount of unstructured information in the form of web pages, blogs, and other forms of human text communications. We present a novel unsupervised mac... Read More about Relation discovery from web data for competency management..

Automated software quality visualisation using fuzzy logic techniques. (2007)
Journal Article
SENIOR, J., ALLISON, I. and TEPPER, J.A. 2007. Automated software quality visualisation using fuzzy logic techniques. Communications of the IIMA [online], 7(1), article number 3. Available from:

In the past decade there has been a concerted effort by the software industry to improve the quality of its products. This has led to the inception of various techniques with which to control and measure the process involved in software development.... Read More about Automated software quality visualisation using fuzzy logic techniques..

The role of guanxi in Chinese entrepreneurship. (2007)
Journal Article
LEE, E.Y.-C. and ANDERSON, A.R. 2007. The role of guanxi in Chinese entrepreneurship. Journal of Asia entrepreneurship and sustainability [online], 3(3), pages 38-51. Available from:

Although networks are widely recognised as improving entrepreneurial performance, China which is seen as a traditional Confucian society, has a unique form of networking, guanxi - special relationships. These guanxi networks were seen as a social mea... Read More about The role of guanxi in Chinese entrepreneurship..

Removal of nucleus pulposus from the intervertebral disc - the use of chymopapain enhances mechanical removal with rongeurs: a laboratory study. (2007)
Journal Article
DANG, L., WARDLAW, D. and HUKINS, D.W.L. 2007. Removal of nucleus pulposus from the intervertebral disc - the use of chymopapain enhances mechanical removal with rongeurs: a laboratory study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders [online], 8, article 122. Available from:

Background. A laboratory study was conducted, on cadaveric sheep spines to develop an effective procedure for removing as much nucleus as possible from an intervertebral disc with minimal disruption to the annulus. The results of many studies involvi... Read More about Removal of nucleus pulposus from the intervertebral disc - the use of chymopapain enhances mechanical removal with rongeurs: a laboratory study..

Shareholder wealth gains through better corporate governance: the case of European LBO transactions. (2007)
Journal Article
ANDRES, C., BETZER, A. and WEIR, C. 2007. Shareholder wealth gains through better corporate governance: the case of European LBO transactions. Financial markets and portfolio management [online], 21(4), pages 403-424. Available from:

We examine shareholder wealth effects in a heterogeneous sample of 115 European leveraged going private transactions from 1997 to 2005. Average abnormal returns as reaction to the LBO announcement amount to 24.20%. In cross-sectional regressions, we... Read More about Shareholder wealth gains through better corporate governance: the case of European LBO transactions..

Reading the fairytales of Hans Christian Andersen and the novels of Horatio Alger as proto-entrepreneurial narrative. (2007)
Journal Article
SMITH, R. and NEERGAARD, H. 2007. Reading the fairytales of Hans Christian Andersen and the novels of Horatio Alger as proto-entrepreneurial narrative. Bridge: journal of the Danish American Heritage Society, 30(2).

Once upon a time, long ago, in the slums of Odense in the State of Denmark, there lived a poor boy whose ambition it was to write stories. His name was Hans Christian Andersen, a cobbler's son. As a boy, Hans was noticebly different from other boys,... Read More about Reading the fairytales of Hans Christian Andersen and the novels of Horatio Alger as proto-entrepreneurial narrative..

The moral space in entrepreneurship: an exploration of ethical imperatives and the moral legitimacy of being enterprising. (2007)
Journal Article
ANDERSON, A.R. and SMITH, R. 2007. The moral space in entrepreneurship: an exploration of ethical imperatives and the moral legitimacy of being enterprising. Entrepreneurship and regional development [online], 19(6), pages 479-497. Available from:

This paper explores the morality associated with entrepreneurship. It has been argued that there is no moral space in entrepreneurship, but such instrumental views may miss out much of the nature of enterprise and how it is understood. Consequently w... Read More about The moral space in entrepreneurship: an exploration of ethical imperatives and the moral legitimacy of being enterprising..

An intelligent information agent for document title classification and filtering in document-intensive domains. (2007)
Journal Article
SONG, D., LAU, R.Y.K., BRUZA, P.D., WONG, K.-F. and CHEN, D.-Y. 2007. An intelligent information agent for document title classification and filtering in document-intensive domains. Decision support systems [online], 44(1), pages 251-265. Available from:

Effective decision making is based on accurate and timely information. However, human decision makers are often overwhelmed by the huge amount of electronic data these days. The main contribution of this paper is the development of effective informat... Read More about An intelligent information agent for document title classification and filtering in document-intensive domains..

Development of a feature recognition module for tapered and curved base features. (2007)
Journal Article
ARIVAZHAGAN, A., MEHTA, N.K. and JAIN, P.K. 2008. Development of a feature recognition module for tapered and curved base features. International journal of advanced manufacturing technology [online], 39(3-4), pages 319-332. Available from:

This paper presents a feature recognition module which uses the B-rep details extracted from the STandard for Exchange of Product (STEP) format to recognize the manufacturing features on a prismatic part. It adopts the syntactic pattern recognition t... Read More about Development of a feature recognition module for tapered and curved base features..

Routes into 'Islamic' terrorism: dead ends and spaghetti junctions. (2007)
Journal Article
VERTIGANS, S. 2007. Routes into Islamic' terrorism: dead ends and spaghetti junctions. Policing [online], 1(4), pages 447-459. Available from:

Explanations for the development of groups associated with terrorism generally and 'Islamic' terrorism, in particular, tend to concentrate upon materialism and forms of brainwashing. Despite considerable evidence to the contrary, the uneducated poor... Read More about Routes into 'Islamic' terrorism: dead ends and spaghetti junctions..

Special issue: listening to voices from the margins of entrepreneurship: introduction. (2007)
Journal Article
SMITH, R. 2007. Special issue: listening to voices from the margins of entrepreneurship: introduction. International journal of entrepreneurship and innovation [online], 8(4), pages 245-250. Available from:

This special issue is concerned with entrepreneurial activities that occur at the ‘margins of entrepreneurship’. Traditionally, many entrepreneurs have emerged from pariah groups at the margins of individual societies. Moreover, it would appear that... Read More about Special issue: listening to voices from the margins of entrepreneurship: introduction..

A combustion model sensitivity study for CH4/H2 bluff-body stabilized flame. (2007)
Journal Article
HOSSAIN, M. and MALALASEKERA, W. 2007. A combustion model sensitivity study for CH4/H2 bluff-body stabilized flame. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, part C: journal of mechanical engineering science [online], 221(11), pages 1377-1390. Available from:

The objective of the current work is to assess the performance of different combustion models in predicting turbulent non-premixed combustion in conjunction with the k-ε turbulence model. The laminar flamelet, equilibrium chemistry, constrained equil... Read More about A combustion model sensitivity study for CH4/H2 bluff-body stabilized flame..

Evidence-based practice in teaching: an information perspective. (2007)
Journal Article
WILLIAMS, D. and COLES, L. 2007. Evidence-based practice in teaching: an information perspective. Journal of documentation [online], 63(6), pages 812-835. Available from:

Purpose The purpose of this research is to explore UK teachers' use of research-based information, with a particular focus on issues relating to access to information in schools, information literacy, and the role of the school librarian and school l... Read More about Evidence-based practice in teaching: an information perspective..

Beyond the fringe? Radicalisation within the American far-right. (2007)
Journal Article
VERTIGANS, S. 2007. Beyond the fringe? Radicalisation within the American far-right. Totalitarian movements and political religions [online], 8(3-4), pages 641-659. Available from:

The concentration within America upon terrorism and Muslims overlooks recent acts of political violence undertaken by the indigenous extreme far-right. In this article the rise of the militia and Christian Identity movement in America is explored and... Read More about Beyond the fringe? Radicalisation within the American far-right..