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Punters and providers in the North of Scotland: a study of shared experiences. (2007)
GAULT, B. 2007. Punters and providers in the North of Scotland: a study of shared experiences. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

The research was carried out during a time when residential provision for people with learning difficulties in the north of Scotland was changing from being hospital based towards being community centred. The aim was to utilise an understanding of th... Read More about Punters and providers in the North of Scotland: a study of shared experiences..

Sense making and sense giving: using visitor narratives to understand the impact of visitor interactions on destination image. (2007)
GUTHRIE, C.M. 2007. Sense making and sense giving: using visitor narratives to understand the impact of visitor interactions on destination image. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Destination image is acknowledged as a key factor in destination choice and visitor satisfaction. However, despite thirty years research from a variety of perspectives into destination image and image formation, the impact of actual visitation has be... Read More about Sense making and sense giving: using visitor narratives to understand the impact of visitor interactions on destination image..

Content-prioritised video coding for British Sign Language communication. (2007)
MUIR, L.J. 2007. Content-prioritised video coding for British Sign Language communication. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Video communication of British Sign Language (BSL) is important for remote interpersonal communication and for the equal provision of services for deaf people. However, the use of video telephony and video conferencing applications for BSL communicat... Read More about Content-prioritised video coding for British Sign Language communication..

Evidence-based practice in teaching: an information perspective. (2007)
Journal Article
WILLIAMS, D. and COLES, L. 2007. Evidence-based practice in teaching: an information perspective. Journal of documentation [online], 63(6), pages 812-835. Available from:

Purpose The purpose of this research is to explore UK teachers' use of research-based information, with a particular focus on issues relating to access to information in schools, information literacy, and the role of the school librarian and school l... Read More about Evidence-based practice in teaching: an information perspective..

Beyond the fringe? Radicalisation within the American far-right. (2007)
Journal Article
VERTIGANS, S. 2007. Beyond the fringe? Radicalisation within the American far-right. Totalitarian movements and political religions [online], 8(3-4), pages 641-659. Available from:

The concentration within America upon terrorism and Muslims overlooks recent acts of political violence undertaken by the indigenous extreme far-right. In this article the rise of the militia and Christian Identity movement in America is explored and... Read More about Beyond the fringe? Radicalisation within the American far-right..

Militant Islam and Weber's social closure: interrelated secular and religious codes of exclusion. (2007)
Journal Article
VERTIGANS, S. 2007. Militant Islam and Weber's social closure: interrelated secular and religious codes of exclusion. Contemporary Islam [online], 1(3), pages 303-321. Available from:

Weber's concept of social closure can help to illuminate the social processes that result in the development of militant Muslim groups. Adapting and applying the concept helps to establish the interrelationships between secular processes and Islamifi... Read More about Militant Islam and Weber's social closure: interrelated secular and religious codes of exclusion..

Social search with missing data: which ranking algorithm? (2007)
Journal Article
ZHU, J., EISENSTADT, M., GONÇALVES, A., DENHAM, C., UREN, V. and SONG, D. 2007. Social search with missing data: which ranking algorithm? Journal of digital information management [online], 5(5): web information retrieval, pages 249-261. Available from:

Online social networking tools are extremely popular, but can miss potential discoveries latent in the social 'fabric'. Matchmaking services which can do naive profile matching with old database technology are too brittle in the absence of key data,... Read More about Social search with missing data: which ranking algorithm?.

Bioactivity of the extracts and isolation of lignans and a sesquiterpene from the aerial parts of Centaurea pamphylica (Asteraceae). (2007)
Journal Article
SHOEB, M., MACMANUS, S.M., KONG THOO LIN, P., CELIK, S., JASPARS, M., NAHR, L. and SARKER, S.D. 2007. Bioactivity of the extracts and isolation of lignans and a sesquiterpene from the aerial parts of Centaurea pamphylica (Asteraceae). DARU journal of pharmaceutical sciences [online], 15(3), pages 118-122. Available from:

Centaurea pamphylica Boiss. & Heldr. (Family: Asteraceae), commonly known as 'pamphylia daisy', is a Turkish endemic species of the genus Centaurea that comprises ca. 500 species, many of which have been used as traditional medicines. The n-hexane, d... Read More about Bioactivity of the extracts and isolation of lignans and a sesquiterpene from the aerial parts of Centaurea pamphylica (Asteraceae)..

Classifying XML documents by using genre features. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CLARK, M. and WATT, S. 2007. Classifying XML documents by using genre features. In Tjoa, A.M. and Wagner, R.R. (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th International workshop on database and expert systems applications (DEXA 2007), 3-7 September 2007, Regensburg, Germany. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society [online], article number 4312894, pages 242-248. Available from:

The categorization of documents is traditionally topic-based. This paper presents a complementary analysis of research and experiments on genre to show that encouraging results can be obtained by using genre structure (form) features. We conducted an... Read More about Classifying XML documents by using genre features..

The post disciplinary digital practitioner. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MALINS, J., PENGELLY, J. and MARSHALL, J. 2007. The post disciplinary digital practitioner. In Bohemia E., Hilton K., McMahon C. and Clarke A. (eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International conference on engineering and product design education (E&PDE 2007), 13-14 September 2007, Newcastle, UK. Design Society publications, 43. Glasgow: Design Society [online], pages 437-442. Available from:

As new models of digital practice emerge, new pedagogies are being developed which are adopting a transdisciplinary approach to learning. The paper examines the concept of transdisciplinarity drawing on a range of examples from the USA and Europe. Th... Read More about The post disciplinary digital practitioner..

Design and use of a virtual heritage model to enable a comparison of active navigation of buildings and spaces with passive observation. (2007)
Journal Article
LAING, R., CONNIFF, A., CRAIG, T., GALAN-DIAZ, C. and SCOTT, S. 2007. Design and use of a virtual heritage model to enable a comparison of active navigation of buildings and spaces with passive observation. Automation in construction [online], 16(6), pages 830-841. Available from:

Wide ranging and significant research in recent years has highlighted the need for greater levels of engagement with end users in planning and design of the built environment. This has been against a background of far reaching advances in IT technolo... Read More about Design and use of a virtual heritage model to enable a comparison of active navigation of buildings and spaces with passive observation..

Craft, souvenirs and the commodification of national identity in 1970s' Scotland. (2007)
Journal Article
PEACH, A. 2007. Craft, souvenirs and the commodification of national identity in 1970s Scotland. Journal of design history [online], 20(3), pages 243-257. Available from:

This article explores the relationship between craft, national identity and the souvenir in 1970 Scotland. Britain experienced a revival of craft practice generally in 1970s' Scotland, but this paper argues that what happened in Scotland was distinct... Read More about Craft, souvenirs and the commodification of national identity in 1970s' Scotland..

Agent-based analysis of technological diversification and specialization in electricity markets. (2007)
Journal Article
BUNN, D.W. and OLIVEIRA, F.S. 2007. Agent-based analysis of technological diversification and specialization in electricity markets. European journal of operational research [online], 181(3), pages 1265-1278. Available from:

This paper develops a model-based analysis of technological market structure evolution in electricity markets. This is done through the development of a power plant trading game that, via computational learning, simulates how players coordinate their... Read More about Agent-based analysis of technological diversification and specialization in electricity markets..

A generic finishes database for healthcare facilities. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
KISHK, M., LAING, R., SCOTT, J. and EDGE, M. 2007. A generic finishes database for healthcare facilities. In Boyd, D. (ed.) Proceedings of the 23rd Association of Researchers in Construction Management conference 2007 (ARCOM 2007), 3-5 September 2007, Belfast, UK. London: ARCOM [online], 2, pages 883-892. Available from:

This paper is the fifth in a series reporting on-going research within a Department of Health (DOH) funded research project to develop a novel decision support system for the optimal selection of finishes for healthcare facilities. The system has bee... Read More about A generic finishes database for healthcare facilities..

Proceedings of the 4th Working in public seminar: a public conversation. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ON THE EDGE RESEARCH. 2007. Proceedings of the 4th Working in public seminar: a public conversation, September 2007, Edinburgh, UK [online]. Available from:

This seminar was the culmination of four seminars, Working in Public, funded by the Scottish Arts Council through a new initiative, Public Art Resources and Research, Scotland. This initiative is to promote excellence and innovation within public art... Read More about Proceedings of the 4th Working in public seminar: a public conversation..

Plyometric vs. isometric training influences on tendon properties and muscle output. (2007)
Journal Article
BURGESS, K.E., CONNICK, M.J., GRAHAM-SMITH, P. and PEARSON, S.J. 2007. Plyometric vs isometric training influences on tendon properties and muscle output. Journal of strength and conditioning research [online], 21(3), pages 986-989. Available from:

The purpose of this study was to concurrently determine the effect that plyometric and isometric training has on tendon stiffness (K) and muscle output characteristics to compare any subsequent changes. Thirteen men trained the lower limbs either ply... Read More about Plyometric vs. isometric training influences on tendon properties and muscle output..

The persistence of memory: the Lechouritou case and history before the European Court of Justice. (2007)
Journal Article
LYONS, C. 2007. The persistence of memory: the Lechouritou case and history before the European Court of Justice. European law review [online], 32(4), pages 563-581. Available from:

This article comments on the European Court of Justice ruling in Lechouritou v Dimosio tis Omospondiakis Dimokratias tis Germanias (C-292/05) on whether actions for compensation brought against Germany for the massacre by its armed forces of Greek ci... Read More about The persistence of memory: the Lechouritou case and history before the European Court of Justice..

Introspective knowledge acquisition for case retrieval networks in textual case base reasoning. (2007)
CHAKRABORTI, S. 2007. Introspective knowledge acquisition for case retrieval networks in textual case base reasoning. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Textual Case Based Reasoning (TCBR) aims at effective reuse of information contained in unstructured documents. The key advantage of TCBR over traditional Information Retrieval systems is its ability to incorporate domain-specific knowledge to facili... Read More about Introspective knowledge acquisition for case retrieval networks in textual case base reasoning..

Structured text retrieval by means of affordances and genre. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CLARK, M. 2007. Structured text retrieval by means of affordances and genre. In MacFarlane, A., Azzopardi, L. and Ounis, I. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS IRSG) symposium on future directions in information access (FDIA 2007), 28-29 August 2007, Glasgow, UK. London: BCS [online]. Available from:

This paper offers a proposal for some preliminary research on the retrieval of structured text, such as extensible mark-up language (XML). We believe that capturing the way in which a reader perceives the meaning of documents, especially genres of te... Read More about Structured text retrieval by means of affordances and genre..

An investigation into the communication exchange between small business client and graphic designer. (2007)
CUMMING, D. 2007. An investigation into the communication exchange between small business client and graphic designer. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Graphic designers encounter particular difficulties when undertaking work for small business clients. Identifying the core business values is an essential step to ensure that a successful design solution results. An initial case study involving the m... Read More about An investigation into the communication exchange between small business client and graphic designer..