Placentofagia, ¿una opción mas?
Presentation / Conference Contribution
VELO HIGUERAS, M., CAMPOS LÓPEZ, M.R. and RAMOS GARCÍA, I. 2013. Placentofagia, ¿una opción mas? Presented at the 2nd Congress of ANAMA (Asociación de Matronas de la Región de Murcia), co-located with 12th congress of FAME (Federación de Asociaciones de Matronas de España) 2013, 17-19 October 2013, Pamplona, Spain. Hosted on Blogger [online]. Available from:
Placentophagy is common practice in most mammals. Ancestral human being could have practiced it in the past, but they could stop doing it in some time in our evolutive history. In last few years, placentophagy is a trend, standing up for its potentia... Read More about Placentofagia, ¿una opción mas?.