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All Outputs (7)

Graph edit distance or graph edit pseudo-distance? (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SERRATOSA, F., CORTÉS, X., and MORENO, C.-F. 2016. Graph edit distance or graph edit pseudo-distance? In Robles-Kelly, A., Loog, M., Biggio, B., Escolano, F. and Wilson, R. (eds.). Structural, syntactic, and statistical pattern recognition: proceedings of the 2016 Joint International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR) International workshops on Statistical techniques in pattern recognition (SPR) and Structural and syntactic pattern recognition (SSPR) (S+SSPR 2020), 29 November - 2 December 2016, Merida, Mexico. Lecture notes in computer science, 10029. Cham: Springer [online], pages 530-540. Available from:

Graph Edit Distance has been intensively used since its appearance in 1983. This distance is very appropriate if we want to compare a pair of attributed graphs from any domain and obtain not only a distance, but also the best correspondence between n... Read More about Graph edit distance or graph edit pseudo-distance?.

Generalised median of a set of correspondences based on the hamming distance. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MORENO-GARCÍA, C.F., SERRATOSA, F. and CORTÉS, X. 2016. Generalised median of a set of correspondences based on the hamming distance. In Robles-Kelly A., Loog M., Biggio B., Escolano F., Wilson R. (eds.) Structural, syntatic and statistical pattern recognition: proceedings of the 2016 Joint International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR) structural, syntatic and statistical pattern recognition international workshop (S+SSPR 2016), 29 November - 2 December 2016, Mérida, Mexico. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10029. Cham: Springer, pages 507-518. Available from:

A correspondence is a set of mappings that establishes a relation between the elements of two data structures (i.e. sets of points, strings, trees or graphs). If we consider several correspondences between the same two structures, one option to defin... Read More about Generalised median of a set of correspondences based on the hamming distance..

A graph repository for learning error-tolerant graph matching. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MORENO-GARCÍA, C.F., CORTÉS, X. and SERRATOSA, F. 2016. A graph repository for learning error-tolerant graph matching. In Robles-Kelly, A., Loog, M., Biggio, B., Escolano, F. and Wilson, R. (eds.) Structural, syntactic and statistical pattern recognition: proceedings of 2016 Joint International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR) Structural and syntactic pattern recognition internaional workshops (SSPR 2016), and Statistical techniques in pattern recognition (SPR 2016) (S+SSPR 2016), 20 November - 2 December 2016, Mérida, Mexico. Lecture notes in computer science, 10029. Cham: Springer [online], pages 519-529. Available from:

In the last years, efforts in the pattern recognition field have been especially focused on developing systems that use graph based representations. To that aim, some graph repositories have been presented to test graph-matching algorithms or to lear... Read More about A graph repository for learning error-tolerant graph matching..

Obtaining the consensus of multiple correspondences between graphs through online learning. (2016)
Journal Article
MORENO-GARCÍA, C.F. and SERRATOSA, F. 2017. Obtaining the consensus of multiple correspondences between graphs through online learning. Pattern recognition letters [online], 87, pages 79-86. Available from:

In structural pattern recognition, it is usual to compare a pair of objects through the generation of a correspondence between the elements of each of their local parts. To do so, one of the most natural ways to represent these objects is through att... Read More about Obtaining the consensus of multiple correspondences between graphs through online learning..

Semi-automatic pose estimation of a fleet of robots with embedded stereoscopic cameras. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CORTÉS, X., SERRATOSA, F. and MORENO-GARCIA, C.-F. 2016. Semi-automatic pose estimation of a fleet of robots with embedded stereoscopic cameras. In Proceedings of 21st Institute of Electrical Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Emerging technologies and factory automation international conference 2016 (ETFA 2016), 6-9 September 2016, Berlin, Germany. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article ID 7733640. Available from:

Given a fleet of robots, automatic estimation of the relative poses between them could be inaccurate in specific environments. We propose a framework composed by the fleet of robots with embedded stereoscopic cameras providing 2D and 3D images of the... Read More about Semi-automatic pose estimation of a fleet of robots with embedded stereoscopic cameras..

Unsupervised machine learning application to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis in medical research. (2016)
Journal Article
MORENO-GARCÍA, C.F., ACEVES-MARTINS, M. and SERRATOSA, F. 2016. Unsupervised machine learning application to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis in medical research. Computación y sistemas [online], 20(1), pages 7-17. Available from:

When trying to synthesize information from multiple sources and perform a statistical review to compare them, particularly in the medical research field, several statistical tools are available, most common are the systematic review and the meta-anal... Read More about Unsupervised machine learning application to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis in medical research..

Effectiveness of social marketing strategies to reduce youth obesity in European school-based interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2016)
Journal Article
ACEVES-MARTINS, M., LLAURDÓ, E., TARRO, L., MORENO-GARCÍA, C.F., TRUJILLO ESCOBAR, T.G., SOLÁ, R. and GIRALT, M. 2016. Effectiveness of social marketing strategies to reduce youth obesity in European school-based interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition reviews [online], 74(5), pages 337-351. Available from:

Context: The use of social marketing to modify lifestyle choices could be helpful in reducing youth obesity. Some or all of the 8 domains of the National Social Marketing Centre's social marketing benchmark criteria (SMBC) are often used but not alwa... Read More about Effectiveness of social marketing strategies to reduce youth obesity in European school-based interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis..