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All Outputs (7)

Delivering lower carbon urban transport choices: European ambition meets the reality of institutional (mis)alignment. (2016)
Journal Article
GRAY, D., LAING, R. and DOCHERTY, I. 2017. Delivering lower carbon urban transport choices: European ambition meets the reality of institutional (mis)alignment. Environment and planning A: economy and space [online], 49(1), pages 226-242. Available from:

Reducing carbon emissions from the transport sector has become a critical imperative for public policy as our understanding of the impacts of the mobility system on the environment has developed. This paper contrasts policy development in three citie... Read More about Delivering lower carbon urban transport choices: European ambition meets the reality of institutional (mis)alignment..

RiCORE project final report. (2016)
GRAY, D. and GRINNALL, A. 2016. RiCORE project final report. Aberdeen: RiCORE Project [online]. Available from:

This report reviews the entire RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the successful development of offshore renewable energy in the European Union.

RiCORE introduction. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GRAY, D. 2016. RiCORE introduction. Presented at the 11th European Union Sustainable Energy Week conference (EUSEW 2016), 14-17 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium.

This presentation gives an introduction to the context and purpose of the RiCORE project, which aimed to promote the successful development of offshore renewable energy in the European Union, by streamlining the processes involved in creating offshor... Read More about RiCORE introduction..

Assessing energy business cases implemented in the North Sea Region and strategy recommendations. (2016)
Journal Article
XU, B., NAYAK, A., GRAY, D. and OUENNICHE, J. 2016. Assessing energy business cases implemented in the North Sea Region and strategy recommendations. Applied energy [online], 172, pages 360-371. Available from:

e-harbours is a unique European project that was set out to identify viable energy business cases on the exploitation of energy flexibility, which optimise their operations to match energy demand and supply while taking account of the additional vola... Read More about Assessing energy business cases implemented in the North Sea Region and strategy recommendations..

Accounting, accountability and governance in upstream petroleum contracts: the case of local content sustainability in the Nigerian oil and gas sector. (2016)
ADO, R. 2016. Accounting, accountability and governance in upstream petroleum contracts: the case of local content sustainability in the Nigerian oil and gas sector. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Local Content is an oil sector governance and sustainability policy that aims at check-mating the dominance of the foreign oil companies in host countries, and encouraging the participation of the local oil firms in the petroleum value-chain. It is a... Read More about Accounting, accountability and governance in upstream petroleum contracts: the case of local content sustainability in the Nigerian oil and gas sector..

RiCORE: risk-based consenting for offshore renewables [online]. (2016)
Digital Artefact
RICORE. 2016. RiCORE: risk-based consenting for offshore renewables [online]. Available from:

This is the official project website for the RiCORE project. The aim of the project was to establish a risk-based approach to consenting where the level of survey requirement is based on the environmental sensitivity of the site, the risk profile of... Read More about RiCORE: risk-based consenting for offshore renewables [online]..