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All Outputs (8)

Self/portraits: relating narratives. [Film screening] (2016)
Exhibition / Performance
LEUZZI, L., CASALINI, G. and GEORGIOU, D. 2016. Self/portraits: relating narratives. [Film screening]. Performed on 9 December 2016, Visual Research Centre, Dundee.

This event was the sequal to the performative screening titled "Autoritratti" (2015). Self/Portraits: Relating Narratives weaves together the visual narratives of twelve international women artists or collectives, who have worked around questions of... Read More about Self/portraits: relating narratives. [Film screening].

Doppelgänger redux. [Video performance] (2016)
Exhibition / Performance
SHEMILT, E., LEUZZI, L. and LOCKHART, A. 2016. Doppelgänger redux. [Video performance]. Performed on 21 October 2016, as part of the 10th Visions in the Nunnery exhibition, 5 October - 18 December 2016, Nunnery Gallery, London.

This was a re-enactment of the emblematic video work "Doppelgänger" from Professor Elaine Shemilt, part of a series started in 1974 that was originally shown as part of the "Video Show", at the Serpentine Gallery in May 1975. In "Doppelgänger", Shemi... Read More about Doppelgänger redux. [Video performance].

Overnight: 24 hours into contemporary art. [Exhibition review] (2016)
Digital Artefact
LEUZZI, L. 2016. Overnight: 24 hours into contemporary art. [Exhibition review]. Posted on Arshake [online], 3 August 2016. Available from:

Dall'oggi a domani. Overnight. According to Tullio De Mauro's dictionary of the Italian language, "without warning, from one moment to the next". This expression, "stolen" from a small tapestry by Alighiero Boetti, provides the title for a fascinatin... Read More about Overnight: 24 hours into contemporary art. [Exhibition review].

Early women artists' video art in Italy: an overview. (2016)
Journal Article
LEUZZI, L. 2016. Early women artists' video art in Italy: an overview. n.paradoxa [online], 38: polemics / contestations, pages 66-73. Available from:

This article examines the role of Italian women artists in the setting up of video art initiatives in Italy. It begins by comparing it to the situation in the UK and the experience of Elaine Shemilt (see Felicity Sparrow's interview in n.paradoxa, vo... Read More about Early women artists' video art in Italy: an overview..

Embracing the ephemeral: lost and recovered video artworks by Elaine Shemilt from the 70s and 80s. (2016)
Journal Article
LEUZZI, L. 2016. Embracing the ephemeral: lost and recovered video artworks by Elaine Shemilt from the 70s and 80s. Arabeschi: rivista internazionale di studi su letteratura e visualità [online], 7, pages 86-98. Available from:

This article explores Elaine Shemilt's video artworks from the 1970s and early 1980s. Generally known as a printmaker, Shemilt started to use video in 1974 as part of her installation and performance work. Shemilt aimed to use video - a relatively ne... Read More about Embracing the ephemeral: lost and recovered video artworks by Elaine Shemilt from the 70s and 80s..

The leading thread: video, media, installation: a conversation with Federica Marangoni. (2016)
Journal Article
LEUZZI, L. and SHEMILT, E. 2016. The leading thread: video, media, installation: a conversation with Federica Marangoni. Media-N: journal of the New Media Caucus [online], 12(1): Mestizo technology: art, design and technoscience in Latin America, pages 128-131. Available from:

Federica Marangoni is an important Italian media artist and designer based in Venice. She is a pioneer of video, performance and installation in Italy. Marangoni's exhibition "Il filo conduttore = The leading thread" (2015, held at Ca'Pesaro Internat... Read More about The leading thread: video, media, installation: a conversation with Federica Marangoni..

EWVA: European women's video art. [Film screening] (2016)
Exhibition / Performance
LEUZZI, L. 2016. EWVA: European women's video art. [Film screening]. Performed as part of the 2016 BNL Media art festival: l'arte in un mondo che cambia (MAF2016), 13-17 April 2016, Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo (MAXXI), Rome.

This was an installed screening programme displayed at the 2016 BNL Media Art Festival. The video compilation included artworks by some of the most influential European women artists who were video pioneers in the 1970s and 1980s. A broad range of to... Read More about EWVA: European women's video art. [Film screening].

L'immediatezza del presente: Luca Maria Patella, Rosa Foschi, Marcello Di Donato. [Exhibition] (2016)
Exhibition / Performance
L'immediatezza del presente: Luca Maria Patella, Rosa Foschi, Marcello Di Donato. [Exhibition]. Exhibited 28 February - 1 May 2016, Church of San Lorenzo, San Vito al Tagliamento.

"L'immediatezza del presente" ("The Immediacy of the Present") was an exhibition that brought together the donated works by Luca Maria Patella, Rosa Foschi and Marcello Di Donato from the Centro di Ricerca ed Archiviazione per la Fotografia (CRAF) ar... Read More about L'immediatezza del presente: Luca Maria Patella, Rosa Foschi, Marcello Di Donato. [Exhibition].