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All Outputs (138)

Food survey using exploratory data analysis. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
RAMYASRI, R., ISHASANJIDA, S., PARASA, D. and BANO, S. 2019. Food survey using exploratory data analysis. In Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on intelligent communication and computational techniques (ICCT 2019), 28-29 September 2019, Jaipur, India. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 258-264. Available from:

A person's eating habits are the most important aspect of maintaining one's physical wellbeing, which in turn is key to enduring the stresses and emotional hurdles that are so commonplace in our modern lifestyles. Our research shows that, over the pa... Read More about Food survey using exploratory data analysis..

Social media survey using decision tree and naive Bayes classification. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ROSHINI, T., SIREESHA, P.V., PARASA, D. and BANO, S. 2019. Social media survey using decision tree and naive Bayes classification. In Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on intelligent communication and computational techniques (ICCT 2019), 28-29 September 2019, Jaipur, India. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 265-270. Available from:

Social media - a website or an application that is used to create and share content among a social network - is one of the most important aspects of our day-to-day life. Recent studies claim that an average person spends roughly 142 minutes per day o... Read More about Social media survey using decision tree and naive Bayes classification..

Classification of binary fracture using CNN. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CHITTAJALLU, S.M., MANDALANENI, N.L.D., PARASA, D. and BANO, S. 2019. Classification of binary fracture using CNN. In Proceedings of the 1st Global conference for advancement in technology (GCAT 2019), 18-20 October 2019, Bangalore, India. Piscataway: IEEE [online]. Available from:

One of the major problems faced by any living organism since infancy are musculoskeletal injuries. To keep it quite simple musculoskeletal injuries are a range of disorders involving muscles, bones, tendons, blood vessels, nerves and other soft tissu... Read More about Classification of binary fracture using CNN..

Food places classification in egocentric images using Siamese neural networks. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SARKER, M.M.K., BANU, S.F., RASHWAN, H.A., ABDEL-NASSER, M., SINGH, V.K., CHAMBON, S., RADEVA, P. and PUIG, D. 2019. Food places classification in egocentric images using Siamese neural networks. In Sabater-Mir, J., Torra, V., Aguiló, I. and González-Hidalgo, M. (eds.) Artificial intelligence research and development: proceedings of the 22nd International conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (CCIA 2019), 23-25 October 2019, Colònia de Sant Jordi, Spain. Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications, 319. Amsterdam: IOS Press [online], pages 145-151. Available from:

Wearable cameras have become more popular in recent years for capturing unscripted moments in the first-person, which help in analysis of the user's lifestyle. In this work, we aim to identify the daily food patterns of a person through recognition o... Read More about Food places classification in egocentric images using Siamese neural networks..

The Fourth Encounter in Motovun, 1976: a platform for experimentation for early video art. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LEUZZI, L. 2019. The Fourth Encounter in Motovun, 1976: a platform for experimentation for early video art. In Kuźmicz, M. (ed.) Revisiting heritage: material from the conference Revisiting heritage, 7-8 June 2018, Warsaw, Poland. Warsaw: Fundacja Arton [online], pages 165-171. Available from:

In Summer 1976 the Fourth Susret u Motovun (Encounter in Motovun) took place. As part of the festival, it was organised a video encounter - dedicated to the theme of ‘Identity’ (Identitet=identità) - that turned out to be a key event for the experime... Read More about The Fourth Encounter in Motovun, 1976: a platform for experimentation for early video art..

Made in Scotland: country of origin branding in the Scottish textile industry. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEWART, C. 2019. Made in Scotland: country of origin branding in the Scottish textile industry. In Miller, M. (ed.). Fashion: ID; proceedings of 21st International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institute (IFFTI) 2019 conference: fashion ID (IFFTI 2019), 8-12 April 2019, Manchester, UK. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University [online], pages 328-339. Available from:

The Scottish textile industry continues to contribute significantly to the national economy, turning over £1bn annually and generating 8,200 domestic jobs. With exports now worth over £360m, industry leaders recognise that ‘Made in Scotland’ is a pri... Read More about Made in Scotland: country of origin branding in the Scottish textile industry..

Comfort in clothing: fashion actors and victims. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CROSS, K. 2019. Comfort in clothing: fashion actors and victims. In Miller, M. (ed.). Fashion: ID; proceedings of 21st International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institute (IFFTI) 2019 conference: fashion ID (IFFTI 2019), 8-12 April 2019, Manchester, UK. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University [online], pages 284-297. Available from:

Fashion psychology is an emerging discipline, recognising the potential of clothing to enhance well-being in an era when mental health issues are increasing in the Western world. Well-being is important to the individual and on a wider societal leve... Read More about Comfort in clothing: fashion actors and victims..

Deep heterogeneous ensemble. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
NGUYEN, T.T., DANG, M.T., PHAM, T.D., DAO, L.P., LUONG, A.V., MCCALL, J. and LIEW, A.W.C. 2019. Deep heterogeneous ensemble. Australian journal of intelligent information processing systems [online], 16(1): special issue on neural information processing: proceedings of the 26th International conference on neural information processing (ICONIP 2019), 12-15 December 2019, Sydney, Australia, pages 1-9. Available from:

In recent years, deep neural networks (DNNs) have emerged as a powerful technique in many areas of machine learning. Although DNNs have achieved great breakthrough in processing images, video, audio and text, it also has some limitations... Read More about Deep heterogeneous ensemble..

Maximising inductive power transmission using a novel analytical coil design approach. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HEIDARIAN, M., BURGESS, S.J., PRABHU, R. and FOUGH, N. 2019. Maximising inductive power transmission using a novel analytical coil design approach. In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE MTT-S wireless power transfer conference (WPTC 2019), co-located with the 2019 IEEE PELS workshop on emerging technologies: wireless power (WoW 2019) as part of Wireless power week 2019, 18-21 June 2019, London, UK. New York: IEEE [online], pages 158-161. Available from:

Maximising power transfer efficiency (PTE) in resonant inductive power transfer (IPT) systems requires strong coupling between transmitter and receiver coils. In applications where system constraints yield a weak inductive link (e.g. significant dist... Read More about Maximising inductive power transmission using a novel analytical coil design approach..

Development of a new analytical model for the study of the urban and architectural sound ambiance: the topological approach. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SARAOUI, S., BELAKEHAL, A., ATTAR, A. and BENNADJI, A. 2019. Development of a new analytical model for the study of the urban and architectural sound ambiance: the topological approach. In Rahbarianyazd, R. and Nia, H.A. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd international conference of contemporary affairs on architecture and urbanism (ICCAUA2019), 9-10 May 2019, Alanya, Turkey. Alanya: Municipality of Alanya [online], pages 156-166. Available from:

Research in the field of ambience has clearly evolved in our era; the field of investigation lists all the typologies of space, ranging from the architectural to the urban. There is a lot of research, but the relationships between investigations are... Read More about Development of a new analytical model for the study of the urban and architectural sound ambiance: the topological approach..

Scottish style: the construction of national identity and place amongst Scottish fashion influencers on Instagram. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA-HOOD, M. 2019. Scottish style: the construction of national identity and place amongst Scottish fashion influencers on Instagram. In Miller, M. (ed.). Fashion: ID; proceedings of 21st International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institute (IFFTI) 2019 conference: fashion ID (IFFTI 2019), 8-12 April 2019, Manchester, UK. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University [online], pages 350-361. Available from:

This paper explores the phenomenon of personal style as an expression of national identity by investigating the construction of Scottish identity amongst fashion influencers on Instagram. Instagram is recognised as an example of visual media that has... Read More about Scottish style: the construction of national identity and place amongst Scottish fashion influencers on Instagram..

The road not taken: locating desire lines across information landscapes. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURNETT, S. and LLOYD, A. 2019. The road not taken: locating desire lines across information landscapes. Information research [online], 24(4): supplement containing Proceedings of the 10th International conceptions of library and information science conference (CoLIS 2019), 16-19 June 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia, paper CoLIS 1911. Available from:

Introduction. - The concept of desire lines is defined, contextualised and explored within the area of information landscapes. The paper problematises the existence of desire lines in relation to research which has been conducted with various refugee... Read More about The road not taken: locating desire lines across information landscapes..

Rapid multifunctional composite part manufacturing using controlled in-situ polymerization of PA6 nanocomposite. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GUPTA, R., STAKEVICIUS, R. and PANCHOLI, K. 2019. Rapid multifunctional composite part manufacturing using controlled in-situ polymerization of PA6 nanocomposite. Procedia CIRP [online], 85: proceedings of 2nd CIRP conference on composite material parts manufacturing (CIRP-CCMPM 2019), 10-11 October 2019, Sheffield, UK, pages 61-65. Available from:

Currently, mass composite manufacturing is dominated by the fiber-reinforced thermosets due to the ease of its processing. However, the addition of multifunctionality to the thermoset composite requires an additional step of manufacturing. This work... Read More about Rapid multifunctional composite part manufacturing using controlled in-situ polymerization of PA6 nanocomposite..

Biophysical analysis of silver nanoparticles prepared by green synthesis and their use for 3D printing of antibacterial material for health care. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SEHNAL, K., GARGULAK, M., OFOMAJA, A.E., STANKOVA, M., HOSNEDLOVA, B., FERNANDEZ, C., DOCEKALOVA, M., SOCHOR, J., KEPINSKA, M., TOTHOVA, Z., BACH, D.N., KIZEK, R., UHLIROVA, D. and NGUYEN, H.V. 2019. Biophysical analysis of silver nanoparticles prepared by green synthesis and their use for 3D printing of antibacterial material for health care. In Proceedings of the 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International sensors and nanotechnology conference (SENSORS AND NANO 2019), 24-25July 2019, Penang, Malysia. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article ID 8940081. Available from:

The resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics is growing steadily. The development of new antibacterial agents is highly topical. Metal nanoparticles have shown significant antibacterial activity similar to the plant/animal materials used in tradit... Read More about Biophysical analysis of silver nanoparticles prepared by green synthesis and their use for 3D printing of antibacterial material for health care..

3D-printed CdTe QDs-based sensor for sensitive electrochemical detection of viral particles. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GARGULAK, M., DOCEKALOVA, M., KEPINSKA, M., SEHNAL, K., OFOMAJA, A.E., MILNEROWICZ, H., HOSNEDLOVA, B., STANKOVA, M., FERNANDEZ, C., HOAI, N.V., UHLIROVA, D., VASICKOVA, P. and KIZEK, R. 2019. 3D-printed CdTe QDs-based sensor for sensitive electrochemical detection of viral particles. In Proceedings of the 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International sensors and nanotechnology conference (SENSORS AND NANO 2019), 24-25July 2019, Penang, Malysia. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article ID 8940069. Available from:

Preventing the spread of dangerous viral diseases such as flu, Ebola or HIV requires rapid and effective diagnostic approaches to detect these diseases at an early stage. Quantum dots (QDs) are nanocrystals that exhibit a variety of unique properties... Read More about 3D-printed CdTe QDs-based sensor for sensitive electrochemical detection of viral particles..

Phytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) prepared by green synthesis using sage leaves (Salvia officinalis). (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GARGULAK, M., HOSNEDLOVA, B., KEPINSKA, M., STROFOVA, N., DOCEKALOVA, M., MILNEROWICZ, H., SEHNAL, K., OFOMAJA, A.E., FERNANDEZ, C., SOCHOR, J. and KIZEK, R. 2019. Phytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) prepared by green synthesis using sage leaves (Salvia officinalis). In Proceedings of the 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International sensors and nanotechnology conference (SENSORS AND NANO 2019), 24-25July 2019, Penang, Malysia. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article ID 8940063. Available from:

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are widely investigated with regard to their physical, chemical, but also biological properties. Antibacterial and antitumor properties of AgNPs have been intensively studied. In addition, the synthesis using a green appr... Read More about Phytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) prepared by green synthesis using sage leaves (Salvia officinalis)..

Deep convolutional neural network with 2D spectral energy maps for fault diagnosis of gearboxes under variable speed. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HASAN, M.J. and KIM, J. 2020. Deep convolutional neural network with 2D spectral energy maps for fault diagnosis of gearboxes under variable speed. In Djeddi, C., Jamil, A. and Siddiqi, I. (eds.) Pattern recognition and artificial intelligence: proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean conference on pattern recognition and artificial intelligence (MedPRAI 2019), 22-23 December 2019, Istanbul, Turkey. Communications in computer and information science (CCIS), 1144. Cham: Springer [online], pages 106-117. Available from:

For industrial safety, correct classification of gearbox fault conditions is necessary. One of the most crucial tasks in data-driven fault diagnosis is determining the best set of features by analyzing the statistical parameters of the signals. Howev... Read More about Deep convolutional neural network with 2D spectral energy maps for fault diagnosis of gearboxes under variable speed..

The disrupted workplace: are the digital and group skills needs of employers being addressed by universities? (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M. and LAING, A. 2019. The disrupted workplace: are the digital and group skills needs of employers being addressed by universities? Journal of learning development in higher education [online], 16: special issue of articles from the 2019 Association for Learning Development in Higher Education conference (ALDINHE 2019), 15-17 April 2019, Exeter, UK, article 535. Available from:

Upskilling moves quickly in today’s ‘disrupted’ workplace, and skill sets need to change to meet the needs of the digital economy (Gray, 2016), sometimes referred to as the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). Using a mixed methods approach and drawin... Read More about The disrupted workplace: are the digital and group skills needs of employers being addressed by universities?.

Cannabidiol exerts species selective cardioprotective effects in anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BARRON, G., WAINWRIGHT, C. and WALSH, S.K. 2019. Cannabidiol exerts species selective cardioprotective effects in anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. Presented at the 2019 Pharmacology conference, 15-17 December 2019, Edinburgh, UK.

Anthracyclines such as doxorubicin are effective chemotherapy agents, however a severe and common side effect of this treatment is anthracycline induced cardiotoxicity (AIC), which damages the heart muscle severely impacting its ability to pump and c... Read More about Cannabidiol exerts species selective cardioprotective effects in anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity..

Virtual reality in the architectural technology curriculum in the UK. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
WOOD, C.F., DOUNAS, T. and SCOTT, J.R. 2019. Virtual reality in the architectural technology curriculum in the UK. In Kouider, T. and Andersen, P.J. (eds.) 2019. Proceedings of the 8th International congress on architectural technology (ICAT 2019) [online]: architectural technology, facing the renovation and refurbishment challenge, 15 November 2019, Odense, Denmark. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University, pages 181-190. Available from:

This paper seeks to understand the climate for Virtual Reality (VR) within the Architectural Technology (AT)curriculum in the U.K. It seeks to assess through literature, focus groups and questionnaires VR’s current place and seek to find a model to m... Read More about Virtual reality in the architectural technology curriculum in the UK..