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All Outputs (17)

Social work and human rights: a practice guide. (2019)
HARMS-SMITH, L., MARTINEZ-HERRERO, M.I.,ARNELL, P., BOLGER, J., BUTLER-WARKE, A., COOK, W., DOWNIE, M., FARMER, N., NICHOLLS, J. and MACDERMOTT, D. 2019. Social work and human rights: a practical guide. Birmingham: BASW [online]. Available from

The legislation and policy under which social workers practice is governed by human rights legislation. The Human Rights Act 1998 identified a number of protections including the right to liberty (Article 5) and the right to family life (Article 8).... Read More about Social work and human rights: a practice guide..

Social work and human rights: the international context. (2019)
HARMS-SMITH, L., MARTINEZ-HERRERO, M.I., ARNELL, P., BOLGER, J., BUTLER-WARKE, A., DOWNIE, M., NICHOLLS, J. and MACDERMOTT, D. 2019. Social work and human rights: the international context. Birmingham: BASW [online]. Available from

This publication is a companion to ‘Social Work and Human Rights: A Practice Guide’. Both publications can be read separately or together. To maintain continuity between the two the numbering of ‘Social Work and Human Rights: The International Contex... Read More about Social work and human rights: the international context..

The state of global surveying education: final report. (2019)
HOOD, C. and LAING, R. 2019. The state of global surveying education: final report. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University (on behalf of CHOBE) [online]. Available from:

This research was commissioned through a joint proposal issued by CHOBE and the RICS to provide an overview report on surveying education across the globe. CHOBE note that since their initial 'State of the Nation' analysis of Built Environment in 200... Read More about The state of global surveying education: final report..

Valuing arts and arts research. (2019)
SARATSI, E., ACOTT, T., ALLINSON, E., EDWARDS, D., FREMANTLE, C. and FISH, R. 2019. Valuing arts and arts research. Valuing nature paper, 22. UK: Valuing Nature [online]. Available from:

Arts have a significant impact on the way we understand the world. It is widely accepted that arts are able to inspire people and direct attention to things that really matter; they help not only to understand how the material world affects us, but a... Read More about Valuing arts and arts research..

The development and feasibility testing of a community pharmacy-based guidelines for the assessment and management of acne vulgaris. (2019)
TUCKER, R., SMITH, K., MACLURE, K. and STEWART, D. 2019. The development and feasibility testing of a community pharmacy-based guidelines for the assessment and management of acne vulgaris. Delphi study final report. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.

The following describes a research study commissioned by Galderma to explore the development of guidelines for community pharmacists on how to assess and manage patients who present with acne. Background: Acne vulargis (or simply acne) is an extremel... Read More about The development and feasibility testing of a community pharmacy-based guidelines for the assessment and management of acne vulgaris..

Indiana Christmas trees: growers' perspectives. (2019)
FARMER, J., BRUCE, A., STAVRIANAKIS, K., ELLETT, J., DULL, D., NORRIS, J. and DULL, L. 2019. Indiana Christmas trees: growers' perspectives. Bloomington: Indiana University SFSS [online]. Available from:

Christmas tree farms across the USA are experiencing a decline in sales, as consumers have increasingly turned to artificial trees that are mostly imported from China. The National Christmas Tree Association reports that U.S. consumers have been choo... Read More about Indiana Christmas trees: growers' perspectives..

Support for current and aspiring women leaders: an exploration of UK higher education institutions' responses. (2019)
DIACK, L., PEDERSEN, S., MACLENNAN, S., FALCONER, M., GILLIBRAND, E., MCFADYEN, M. and WATSON, A. 2019. Support for current and aspiring women leaders: an exploration of UK higher education institutions' responses. London: Advance-HE [online]. Available from:

This research was funded by Advance HE’s Small Development Fund to explore higher education institutions' (HEIs') mechanisms for the support and advancement of current and aspiring women leaders. Over recent years there has been an increase in the nu... Read More about Support for current and aspiring women leaders: an exploration of UK higher education institutions' responses..

How Brexit impacts EU citizens' mental health and wellbeing: research findings. (2019)
TEODOROWSKI, P., WOODS, R., CZARNECKA, M. and KENNEDY, C. 2019. How Brexit impacts EU citizens' mental health and wellbeing: research findings. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University [online]. Available from:

Our study shows that the Brexit campaign, referendum and subsequent political discourse have damaged EU citizens' wellbeing, primarily through undermining their integration into Scottish society. They have been left feeling unwanted, unwelcome, marke... Read More about How Brexit impacts EU citizens' mental health and wellbeing: research findings..

UKCS workforce dynamics: the skills landscape 2019-2025. (2019)
RGU OIL AND GAS INSTITUTE. 2019. UKCS workforce dynamics: the skills landscape 2019-2025. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University [online]. Available from:

This report is part of the OPITO UKCS Workforce Dynamics series. The first report, published last year was a review of the UKCS skills requirements to 2035. This follow-up study, focuses on an intermediate timeframe to 2025, exploring the dynamics of... Read More about UKCS workforce dynamics: the skills landscape 2019-2025..

Celebrating 70 years of nursing and midwifery in our National Health Service (NHS) Scotland. (2019)
TAYLOR, G., HARPER-MCDONALD, B., O'CONNER, S. 2019. Celebrating 70 years of nursing and midwifery in our National Health Service (NHS) Scotland. UK Association for the History of Nursing (UKAHN) bulletin, 7. [Huddersfield]: UKAHN [online], pages 96-100. Available from:

This event report, published in the UK Association for the History of Nursing Bulletin, provides an overview of an exhibition held at Edinburgh Napier University in 2018. The exhibition was funded by the University and aimed to celebrate the 70th ann... Read More about Celebrating 70 years of nursing and midwifery in our National Health Service (NHS) Scotland..

Decision making in Children's Hearings. (2019)
KURLUS, I., HENDERSON, G., ROGON, P. et al. 2019. Decision making in Children's Hearings. Home compulsory supervision orders: effectiveness of decision making and outcomes, Report 5. Stirling: SCRA [online]. Available from:

This is one of a series of reports on research on the effectiveness of Compulsory Supervision Orders where the child remains at home with their parents (home CSOs); also known as being looked after at home. There has been criticism of the use of home... Read More about Decision making in Children's Hearings..

Professional trust and relationships in Children's Hearings. (2019)
KURLUS, I., ROGON, P., HENDERSON, G. et al. 2019. Professional trust and relationships in Children's Hearings. Home compulsory supervision orders: effectiveness of decision making and outcomes, Report 4. Stirling: SCRA [online]. Available from:

This is one of a series of reports on research on the effectiveness of Compulsory Supervision Orders where the child remains at home with their parents (home CSOs). This report explores the impact of the dynamics in a Children’s Hearing between those... Read More about Professional trust and relationships in Children's Hearings..

Care planning and interventions. (2019)
HENDERSON, G., ROGON, P., KURLUS, I. et al. 2019. Care planning and interventions. Home compulsory supervision orders: effectiveness of decision making and outcomes, Report 3. Stirling: SCRA [online]. Available from:

This is the third in a series of reports on research on the effectiveness of Compulsory Supervision Orders where the child remains at home with their parents (home CSOs). Home CSOs are the most common type of CSO made by Children’s Hearings and accou... Read More about Care planning and interventions..

Wellbeing outcomes for children and young people. (2019)
ROGON, P., HENDERSON, G., KURLUS, I. et al. 2019. Wellbeing outcomes for children and young people. Home compulsory supervision orders: effectiveness of decision making and outcomes, Report 2. Stirling: SCRA [online]. Available from:

This is the second in a series of research reports on the effectiveness of Compulsory Supervision Orders where the child remains at home with their parent(s) (home CSOs). Home CSOs are the most common type of CSO made by Children’s Hearings, which wa... Read More about Wellbeing outcomes for children and young people..

Residence and contact conditions. (2019)
HENDERSON, G., ROGON, P., KURLUS, I. et al. 2019. Residence and contact conditions. Home compulsory supervision orders: effectiveness of decision making and outcomes, Report 1. Stirling: SCRA [online]. Available from:

This is the first in a series of research reports on the effectiveness of Compulsory Supervision Orders where the child remains at home with their parent(s) (home CSOs). Home CSOs are the most common type of CSO made by Children’s Hearings, accountin... Read More about Residence and contact conditions..

Artists practising well. (2019)
NAISMITH, N. 2019. Artists practising well. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University [online]. Available from:

There is growing reliable research evidence which supports the claim that the arts are positive for our health and wellbeing. Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing, - the Report from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Arts Health and W... Read More about Artists practising well..

Network FOuNTAIN a CDBB network: For ONTologies and information maNagement in digital built Britain. Final report. (2019)
DEMIAN, P., YEOMANS, S.G., MURGUIA-SANCHEZ, D.E., WEST, M., BARR, S., BEACH, T., KASSEM, M., BUHAGIAR, J., CHAPMAN, L., GIBBS, D.-J., HOME, R., JORDAAN, A., LEON, M., MILLS, J., MURPHY, J., POPA, A., RUSH, I., SAADOON, H., SAVIAN, C., SIMPSON, M., TAPPENDEN, G., TURNEY, P. and WANG, Y. 2019. Network FOuNTAIN a CDBB network: For ONTologies and information maNagement in digital built Britain. Final report. Cambridge: Centre for Digital Built Britain [online]. Available from:

Network FOuNTAIN is the Network For ONTologies And Information maNagement in Digital Built Britain. The Network is supported by the Centre for Digital Built Britain. The vision of the Network is for all stakeholders in Digital Built Britain (DBB) to... Read More about Network FOuNTAIN a CDBB network: For ONTologies and information maNagement in digital built Britain. Final report..