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Sustainability rating system for highway design: a key focus for developing sustainable cities and societies in Nigeria. (2021)
Journal Article
UCHEHARA, I., MOORE, D., JAFARIFAR, N. and OMOTAYO, T. 2022. Sustainability rating system for highway design: a key focus for developing sustainable cities and societies in Nigeria. Sustainable cities and society [online], 78, article number 103620. Available from:

A growing body of evidence suggests that continuous increases in global population and urbanisation wield pressure across biodiversity. Nigeria and a few other Asian nations will account for 35% of the urban increase in the future, and there is a sci... Read More about Sustainability rating system for highway design: a key focus for developing sustainable cities and societies in Nigeria..

Analysis of multi-factors affecting the performance of Nigeria's refineries: a systems thinking approach. (2021)
Journal Article
IHEUKWUMERE, O., MOORE, D. and OMOTAYO, T. 2023. Analysis of multi-factors affecting the performance of Nigeria's refineries: a systems thinking approach. International journal of productivity and performance management [online], 72(3), pages 679-709. Available from:

The challenges facing the productivity of Nigeria's refineries have generated much academic discourse. This study was carried out to develop a causal loop model showing the interrelationships of the multiple factors driving the poor performance of th... Read More about Analysis of multi-factors affecting the performance of Nigeria's refineries: a systems thinking approach..

A framework of indicators to measure project circularity in construction circular economy. (2021)
Journal Article
ABADI, M., MOORE, D.R. and SAMMUNEH, M.A. 2022. A framework of indicators to measure project circularity in construction circular economy. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - management, procurement and law [online], 175(2), pages 54-66. Available from:

The construction circular economy (CE) literature lacks a holistic framework for systematic assessment of project 'circularity', thereby impeding industry restructuring and full transition to CE. The proposed 'project life-cycle assessment circularit... Read More about A framework of indicators to measure project circularity in construction circular economy..

A meta-analysis of multi-factors leading to performance challenges across Nigeria’s state-owned refineries. [Dataset] (2021)
IHEUKWUMERE, O., MOORE, D. and OMOTAYO, T.A. 2021. A meta-analysis of multi-factors leading to performance challenges across Nigeria’s state-owned refineries. [Dataset]. Applied petrochemical research [online], 11(2), pages 183-197. Available from:

This paper measured the significant factors leading to performance challenges across state-owned refineries in Nigeria based on experts’ views. The study was carried out with a view of making policy recommendations to help address these issues and th... Read More about A meta-analysis of multi-factors leading to performance challenges across Nigeria’s state-owned refineries. [Dataset].

A meta-analysis of multi-factors leading to performance challenges across Nigeria’s state-owned refineries. (2021)
Journal Article
IHEUKWUMERE, O., MOORE, D. and OMOTAYO, T.A. 2021. A meta-analysis of multi-factors leading to performance challenges across Nigeria’s state-owned refineries. Applied petrochemical research [online], 11(2), pages 183-197. Available from:

This paper measured the significant factors leading to performance challenges across state-owned refineries in Nigeria based on experts’ views. The study was carried out with a view of making policy recommendations to help address these issues and th... Read More about A meta-analysis of multi-factors leading to performance challenges across Nigeria’s state-owned refineries..