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Indies in Scotland: exploring the unique role of independent bookshops in Scotland’s towns and villages. (2020)
Journal Article
LAING, A. 2020. Indies in Scotland: exploring the unique role of independent bookshops in Scotland’s towns and villages. Publishing research quarterly [online], 36(4), pages 585-600. Available from:

This project explores the business practices and cultural place of independent bookshops in Scotland. The research examines the connections that independent bookshops have with their various stakeholders, and investigates the support and policy chang... Read More about Indies in Scotland: exploring the unique role of independent bookshops in Scotland’s towns and villages..

The disrupted workplace: are the digital and group skills needs of employers being addressed by universities? (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M. and LAING, A. 2019. The disrupted workplace: are the digital and group skills needs of employers being addressed by universities? Journal of learning development in higher education [online], 16: special issue of articles from the 2019 Association for Learning Development in Higher Education conference (ALDINHE 2019), 15-17 April 2019, Exeter, UK, article 535. Available from:

Upskilling moves quickly in today’s ‘disrupted’ workplace, and skill sets need to change to meet the needs of the digital economy (Gray, 2016), sometimes referred to as the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). Using a mixed methods approach and drawin... Read More about The disrupted workplace: are the digital and group skills needs of employers being addressed by universities?.

National identity and "Muslim immigrant" representation in the British and Danish press, 2005-2015. (2019)
LAWRIE, M. 2019. National identity and "Muslim immigrant" representation in the British and Danish press, 2005-2015. Robert Gordon University [online], PhD thesis. Available from:

This thesis examines, through a diachronic analysis, how the British and Danish press utilise national identity when constructing a representation of Muslims. Key cluster events are examined to identify media discourses over a ten-year time period be... Read More about National identity and "Muslim immigrant" representation in the British and Danish press, 2005-2015..

In search of digital marketing communications success: the case of oil and gas industry B2B SMEs. (2018)
SETKUTE, J. 2018. In search of digital marketing communications success: the case of oil and gas industry B2B SMEs. Robert Gordon University [online], PhD thesis. Available from:

The focus of this study is the use and role of digital marketing communications (DMC) among B2B SMEs in the oil and gas industry. In order to understand the role of DMC, which is described as the use of DMC channels, such as website, social media, e-... Read More about In search of digital marketing communications success: the case of oil and gas industry B2B SMEs..

I've got a feeling: the effect of haptic information on the preferred location of purchase of guitars and stringed wooden instruments. (2017)
PIRIE, E. 2017. I've got a feeling: the effect of haptic information on the preferred location of purchase of guitars and stringed wooden instruments. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

This thesis develops technology adoption and sensory information literatures through an evaluation of antecedents to consumers purchase location intention of Musical Instruments (MI). With the unique factor of instrument heterogeneity MI e-retail sal... Read More about I've got a feeling: the effect of haptic information on the preferred location of purchase of guitars and stringed wooden instruments..

Authors using social media: layers of identity and the online author community. (2017)
Journal Article
LAING, A. 2017. Authors using social media: layers of identity and the online author community. Publishing research quarterly [online], 33(3), pages 254-267. Available from:

This article offers an analysis of the impact of professional social-media engagement upon authors. Authors primarily use Facebook, Twitter and there is growing use of Pinterest. Authors use social-media platforms primarily for marketing, publicity a... Read More about Authors using social media: layers of identity and the online author community..

A qualitative study verifying the research constructs relating to CRM systems benefits and consumer buying behavior variables. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
OMOGE, A.P. and LAING, A. 2016. A qualitative study verifying the research constructs relating to CRM systems benefits and consumer buying behavior variables. In Proceedings of the 2016 West East Institute (WEI) international academic conference, 1-3 August 2016, Boston, USA. West Chester, PA: WEI [online]. Available from: /

This study presents the findings from the first phase of a mixed methods study. Following a review of relevant literature, this study has identified variables that have been claimed and rationalized to specifically imply CRM benefits and consumer buy... Read More about A qualitative study verifying the research constructs relating to CRM systems benefits and consumer buying behavior variables..

The direct and mediated effects of customer relationship management (CRM) systems usage as service delivery channels on consumer buying behaviour: an empirical appraisal of the context of the Nigerian banking industry. (2016)
OMOGE, A.P. 2016. The direct and mediated effects of customer relationship management (CRM) systems usage as service delivery channels on consumer buying behaviour: an empirical appraisal of the context of the Nigerian banking industry. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Ample evidence from the literature suggests that in recent years, banks have been heavily investing in customer relationship management (CRM) systems. The reasons for this are traced to banks' emergent need to gain and sustain competitive advantage t... Read More about The direct and mediated effects of customer relationship management (CRM) systems usage as service delivery channels on consumer buying behaviour: an empirical appraisal of the context of the Nigerian banking industry..

The case for a risk-assessed approach to organizational records management in the oil and gas sector. (2014)
Journal Article
MUIR, L., COUSINS, F. and LAING, A., 2014. The case for a risk-assessed approach to organizational records management in the oil and gas sector. Information research [online], 19(4). Available from:

Processes and practices for information management service delivery, including retention, retrieval and disposal of documents and records, are not easily quantified for benchmarking and performance improvement. A mainly qualitative approach was appli... Read More about The case for a risk-assessed approach to organizational records management in the oil and gas sector..

The digital marketing skills gap: developing a digital marketer model for the communication industries. (2013)
Journal Article
ROYLE, J. and LAING, A. 2014. The digital marketing skills gap: developing a digital marketer model for the communication industries. International journal of information management [online], 34(2), pages 65-73. Available from:

Scholarly literature suggests digital marketing skills gaps in industry, but these skills gaps are not clearly identified. The research aims to specify any digital marketing skills gaps encountered by professionals working in communication industries... Read More about The digital marketing skills gap: developing a digital marketer model for the communication industries..

Listening to alternative perspectives on rural crime and criminality: a report on the pilot study. (2013)
Preprint / Working Paper
SMITH, R. and LAING, A. 2013. Listening to alternative perspectives on rural crime and criminality: a report on the pilot study. SIPR Research Summary Number 15. Dundee: Scottish Institute for Policing Research, School of Social Sciences, University of Dundee.

This summary reports on the pilot phase of an ongoing study, funded by SIPR, into the changing nature of rural crime and what constitutes rural criminality. We set out to listen to alternative perspectives on rural crime and criminality and to speak... Read More about Listening to alternative perspectives on rural crime and criminality: a report on the pilot study..

Bookselling online: an examination of consumer behaviour patterns. (2013)
Journal Article
LAING, A. and ROYLE, J. 2013. Bookselling online: an examination of consumer behaviour patterns. Publishing research quarterly [online], 29(2), pages 110-127. Available from:

Based upon empirical research, and using a range of methods, this paper examines the behaviour and experiences of consumers in online bookselling settings and offers comparison between online and offline (traditional) bookselling. The research finds... Read More about Bookselling online: an examination of consumer behaviour patterns..

How green is children's television? (2013)
Journal Article
OATES, C. J., MCDONALD, S., BLADES, M. and LAING, A. 2013. How green is children's television? Social business [online], 3(1), pages 37-45. Available from:

Purpose To meet stated waste reduction goals, the UK government via Defra (Department for environment, farming and rural affairs) is attempting to reduce household mainstream waste. One approach is to encourage children in environmentally-friendly be... Read More about How green is children's television?.

The rise of illicit rural enterprise within the farming industry: a viewpoint. (2013)
Journal Article
SMITH, R., LAING, A. and MCELWEE, G. 2013. The rise of illicit rural enterprise within the farming industry: a viewpoint. International journal of agricultural management [online], 2(4), pages 185-188. Available from:

In this viewpoint article we seek to make the farming community aware of the increasing presence of organised criminals and crime within the farming community. In the past decade there has been a discernible rise in the level of organized criminality... Read More about The rise of illicit rural enterprise within the farming industry: a viewpoint..

Examining chain bookshops in the context of 'third place'. (2013)
Journal Article
LAING, A. and ROYLE, J. 2013. Examining chain bookshops in the context of 'third place'. International journal of retail and distribution management [online], 41(1), pages 27-44. Available from:

Purpose: This research theoretically conceptualises the notion of "third place" within the setting of chain bookshops. The widespread adoption of coffee franchises and comfortable seating has developed the bookshop as a leisurely setting. Underpinnin... Read More about Examining chain bookshops in the context of 'third place'..

Policing rural crime. (2012)
Preprint / Working Paper
SMITH, R., LAING, A. and MCELWEE, G. 2012. Policing rural crime. RuSource [online], Briefing 1653. Available from:

Between 2000 and 2012, over 1,000 police stations were closed in the UK and many more have been placed on reduced opening hours. A similar situation is unfolding in Northern Ireland and Eire. This may be viewed as a strategic and operational withdraw... Read More about Policing rural crime..

Bookselling culture and consumer behaviour: marketing strategies and responses in traditional and online environments. (2008)
LAING, A.F. 2008. Bookselling culture and consumer behaviour: marketing strategies and responses in traditional and online environments. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

This research examines the implementation of marketing both by chain and online booksellers, and consumer responses to this marketing and a reading of the current trade press revealed calls for research into consumer wants and needs (Watson, 2002; Ho... Read More about Bookselling culture and consumer behaviour: marketing strategies and responses in traditional and online environments..

Developing the student journey through collaborative professional skills enhancement sessions.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BREMNER, P.A.M., LAING, A. and SCOTT, H. 2019. Developing the student journey through collaborative professional skills enhancement sessions. Presented at the 2019 Department for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Access (DELTA) learning and teaching conference (LTC 2019): learning without borders, 2 May 2019, Aberdeen, UK.

This presentation outlined the Professional Skills Enhancement programme, and how it seeks to aid the student in becoming 'work ready'. The authors highlights it's move and development into other degree programmes within the School of Creative and C... Read More about Developing the student journey through collaborative professional skills enhancement sessions..

Indies in Scotland: exploring the role of independent bookshops in Scotland's towns and villages.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LAING, A. 2022. Indies in Scotland: exploring the role of independent bookshops in Scotland's towns and villages. Presented at Culture vs commerce, 17 May 2022, [virtual event].

This talk was presented at the Culture vs Commerce roundtable session, part of the Literature and the Market DFG funded project held virtually at the University of Münster. This project builds on previous work and explores consumer behaviour and brow... Read More about Indies in Scotland: exploring the role of independent bookshops in Scotland's towns and villages..