Optical-fibre based sensors for monitoring offshore floating photovoltaic farms.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEWART, C., JOSEPH, C.S.J., JOHNY, J., ERDOGAN, N., FOUGH, N. and PRABHU, R. 2023. Optical fibre-based sensors for monitoring offshore floating photovoltaic farms. In Proceedings of 2023 IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society conference and exposition (OCEANS 2023): blue ocean planet earth, 5-8 June 2023, Limerick, Ireland. Piscataway: IEEE [online], document number 10244737. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1109/OCEANSLimerick52467.2023.10244737
Solar photovoltaic farms are seeing increasing expansion into new domains (offshore) in order to harvest the sunlight as society pushes towards reaching Net Zero by 2050. However, photovoltaics are bound by physics, parameters such as temperature and... Read More about Optical-fibre based sensors for monitoring offshore floating photovoltaic farms..