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Lessons learned from the impact of COVID-19 on the global construction industry. (2021)
Journal Article
OGUNNUSI, M., OMOTAYO, T., HAMMA-ADAMA, M., AWUZIE, B.O. and EGBELAKIN, T. 2022. Lessons learned from the impact of COVID-19 on the global construction industry. Journal of engineering, design and technology [online], 20(1): impact of COVID-19 on construction, pages 299-320. Available from:

Purpose: The construction industry represents most of every country’s finances and vital to continued economic growth and activities, especially in developing countries. The impact of the severe acute respiratory syndrome-2 disease (COVID19) on the g... Read More about Lessons learned from the impact of COVID-19 on the global construction industry..

Assessment of risk associated with road infrastructure development in the developing countries. (2021)
Journal Article
HAMMA-ADAMA, M., OGUNNUSI, M., MASHWAMA, N.X., AHMAD, A.-B.S. and ABBA, H.A. 2021. Assessment of risk associated with road infrastructure development in the developing countries. Global scientific journals [online], 9(7), pages 1223-1229. Available from:

Developing countries are striving to build their infrastructure to foster their economic growth. Authors discovered that continuous rising in the access to locations along with spending on infrastructure enhances the economic development and growth o... Read More about Assessment of risk associated with road infrastructure development in the developing countries..

COVID-19 pandemic: the effects and prospects in the construction industry. (2020)
Journal Article
OGUNNUSI, M., HAMMA-ADAMA, M., SALMAN, H. and KOUIDER, T. 2020. COVID-19 pandemic: the effects and prospects in the construction industry. International journal of real estate studies [online], 14(Special Issue 2), pages 120-128. Available from:

COVID-19, social distancing, self-isolation, quarantine, furlough, palliatives, and many more emerged as the new vocabularies of the entire world, construction industry not excluded. It is precisely a decade from the last pandemic experienced by the... Read More about COVID-19 pandemic: the effects and prospects in the construction industry..

Impacts and risk management of COVID-19 pandemic on real estate supply chain. (2020)
Journal Article
UCHEHARA, I., HAMMA-ADAMA, M., OBIRI, K.A., JAFARIFAR, N. and MOORE, D. 2020. Impacts and risk management of COVID-19 pandemic on real estate supply chain. International journal of real estate studies [online], 14(Special Issue 1), pages 41-53. Available from:

Industry experts internationally have raised concerns regarding the significant risk posed to the real estate sector by the unprecedented global pandemic of Covid-19. The influence of Covid-19 has been swift, and with emerging wide-ranging consequenc... Read More about Impacts and risk management of COVID-19 pandemic on real estate supply chain..

The current state of corporate social responsibility practices of firms operating in construction industry. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MOKWENA, J., MASHWAMA, N.X., THWALA, D., AIGBAVBOA, C. and HAMMA-ADAMA, M. 2020. The current state of corporate social responsibility practices of firms operating in construction industry. In Askarinejad, H., Yazdani, S. and Singh, A. (eds.) Proceedings of International structural engineering and construction [online], 7(2): papers from 5th Australasia and South-East Asia Structural engineering and construction conference 2020 (ASEA-SEC-5): emerging technologies and sustainability principles in structural engineering and construction, 30 November - 3 December 2020, Christchurch, New Zealand, article ID CPM-01. Available from:

The overall aim of this study is to appraise the current practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on firms operating in the South African construction market. Primary and secondary sources of data were utilized. The primary data were collect... Read More about The current state of corporate social responsibility practices of firms operating in construction industry..

Framework for macro building information modelling (BIM) adoption in Nigeria. (2020)
HAMMA-ADAMA, M. 2020. Framework for macro building information modelling (BIM) adoption in Nigeria. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

The Construction Industry is a vital component of a nations' Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employing both skilled and unskilled personnel. The construction industry's productivity depends on many factors, such as stakeholder relationships, constructi... Read More about Framework for macro building information modelling (BIM) adoption in Nigeria..

Highway sustainability construction: reducing carbon emissions using process management. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
UCHEHARA, I., HAMMA-ADAMA, M. and MOORE, D. 2020. Highway sustainability construction: reducing carbon emissions using process management. In Scott, L. and Neilson, C.J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 36th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) annual conference 2020 (ARCOM 2020), 7-8 September 2020, [virtual conference]. Leeds: ARCOM [online], pages 305-314. Available from:

Carbon emission is a critical issue in infrastructure development, in which the highway construction industry is inclusive. Previous studies suggest that continuous carbon emission across the highway projects is due to the use of different types of c... Read More about Highway sustainability construction: reducing carbon emissions using process management..

A strategic decision framework for a sustainable wastewater treatment and management in the oil producing region. (2020)
Journal Article
HASHIM, I.A., HAMMA-ADAMA, M. and SURENDRAN, S. 2020. A strategic decision framework for a sustainable wastewater treatment and management in the oil producing region. Civil and environmental research [online], 12(8), pages 35-61. Available from:

The study aimed to investigate how managing the growing water demand and wastewater production by treating and reclaiming Water from the Wastewater in Delta State. Mainly to carry out a comparative feasibility study and develop a decision support sys... Read More about A strategic decision framework for a sustainable wastewater treatment and management in the oil producing region..

A stakeholder perspective on the implementation of sustainable construction practices. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MASHWAMA, N.X., THWALA, D., AIGBAVBOA, C. and HAMMA-ADAMA, M. 2020. A stakeholder perspective on the implementation of sustainable construction practices. Proceedings of international structural engineering and construction [online], 7(1): proceedings of the 3rd European and Mediterranean structural engineering and construction conference 2020 (EURO MED SEC 3): holistic overview of structural design and construction management, 3-8 August 2020, Limassol, Cyprus, Chapter 11.1. Available from:

The South African construction industry accounts for 23% of the greenhouse emissions, while manufactured materials amount to 4% of carbon dioxide emission. The human emission of greenhouse gases is the reason why the earth is warming up and making cl... Read More about A stakeholder perspective on the implementation of sustainable construction practices..

Analysis of barriers and drivers for BIM adoption. (2020)
Journal Article
HAMMA-ADAMA, M., KOUIDER, T. and SALMAN, H. 2020. Analysis of barriers and drivers for BIM adoption. International journal of BIM and engineering science [online], 3(1), pages 18-41. Available from: HAMMA-ADAMA, M., KOUIDER, T. and SALMAN, H. 2020. Analysis of barriers and drivers for BIM adoption. International journal of BIMa and engineering science [online], 3(1), pages 18-41. Available from:

Research on 'digitalization and collaboration' in the construction industry has been gaining momentum in the recent academic engagements. Despite its existence in many industries (i.e. financial services, retailing, publishing and travelling) for ove... Read More about Analysis of barriers and drivers for BIM adoption..

Analysis of causes of building collapse: system thinking approach. (2020)
Journal Article
HAMMA-ADAMA, M., IHEUKWUMERE, O. and KOUIDER, T. 2020. Analysis of causes of building collapse: system thinking approach. Jordan journal of civil engineering [online], 14(2), pages 188-197. Available from:

Construction industry has rapidly evolved in the past decade. Across some developing nations, the issue of building collapse has remained a disturbing factor, especially in the past three decades. In Nigeria, building collapse has become the subject... Read More about Analysis of causes of building collapse: system thinking approach..

Macro-BIM adoption study: establishing Nigeria's BIM maturity. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HAMMA-ADAMA, M. and KOUIDER, T. 2019. Macro-BIM adoption study: establishing Nigeria’s BIM maturity. In Aigbavboa, C. and Thwala, W. (eds.) The construction industry in the fourth industrial revolution: proceedings of the 11th Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) postgraduate research conference (CIDB 2019): positioning the construction industry in the fourth industrial revolution, 28-30 July 2019, Johannesburg, South Africa. Cham: Springer [online], pages 401-411. Available from:

Construction Industry in Nigeria has since required a disruptive technology to change its construction business and improve its capabilities and productivity. As an on-going research (PhD work) to developing a strategy for an effective Building Infor... Read More about Macro-BIM adoption study: establishing Nigeria's BIM maturity..

Building information modelling uptake: tool training in Nigeria. (2018)
Journal Article
HAMMA-ADAMA, M., KOUIDER, T. and SALMAN, H. 2018. Building information modelling uptake: tool training in Nigeria. Open science journal [online], 3(3), pages 1-17. Available from:

Computer Aided Design software and their kind are generally considered as Building Information Modelling (BIM) tools; moreover the sophistication level of one determines its maturity level. Education and research are the background to innovation whil... Read More about Building information modelling uptake: tool training in Nigeria..

Diffusion of innovations: the status of building information modelling uptake in Nigeria. (2018)
Journal Article
HAMMA-ADAMA, M., SALMAN, H. and KOUIDER, T. 2017. Diffusion of innovations: the status of building information modelling uptake in Nigeria. Journal of scientific research and reports [online], 17(4), article number JSRR.38711. Available from:

Aim: This study evaluated Building Information Modelling (BIM) awareness and adoption in Nigeria through the line of enquiry known as the 'diffusion of innovations' and its possible uptake. Study Design: The study is quantitative in nature and the pr... Read More about Diffusion of innovations: the status of building information modelling uptake in Nigeria..