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All Outputs (43)

A systematic review on the role of wildlife as carriers and spreaders of campylobacter spp. [Dataset] (2023)
OLVERA-RAMÍREZ, A.M., MCEWAN, N.R., STANLEY, K., NAVA-DIAZ, R. AND AGUILAR-TIPACAMÚ, G. 2023. A systematic review on the role of wildlife as carriers and spreaders of campylobacter spp. [Dataset]. Animals [online], 13(8), article 1334. Available from:

Wildlife are important reservoirs of bacterial pathogens associated with human diseases. Campylobacteriosis is a relevant gastrointestinal disease in humans and is caused principally by Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. This review compile... Read More about A systematic review on the role of wildlife as carriers and spreaders of campylobacter spp. [Dataset].

A systematic review on the role of wildlife as carriers and spreaders of campylobacter spp. (2023)
Journal Article
OLVERA-RAMÍREZ, A.M., MCEWAN, N.R., STANLEY, K., NAVA-DIAZ, R. AND AGUILAR-TIPACAMÚ, G. 2023. A systematic review on the role of wildlife as carriers and spreaders of campylobacter spp. Animals [online], 13(8), article 1334. Available from:

Wildlife are important reservoirs of bacterial pathogens associated with human diseases. Campylobacteriosis is a relevant gastrointestinal disease in humans and is caused principally by Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. This review compile... Read More about A systematic review on the role of wildlife as carriers and spreaders of campylobacter spp..

Effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits. [Dataset] (2022)
PUÓN-PELÁEZ, X.-H.D., MCEWAN, N.R., ÁLVAREZ-MARTÍNEZ, R.C., MARISCAL-LANDÍN, G., NAVA-MORALES, G.M., MOSQUEDA, J. and OLVERA-RAMÍREZ, A.M. 2022. Effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits. [Dataset]. Pathogens [online], 11(5), article 571. Available from:

Epizootic rabbit enteropathy (ERE) is a digestive disease that has negatively affected international rabbit production since the 1990s, with morbidities of up to 90% and mortalities of 80%. ERE generally affects rabbits aged 3–7 weeks, reducing their... Read More about Effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits. [Dataset].

Effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits. (2022)
Journal Article
PUÓN-PELÁEZ, X.-H.D., MCEWAN, N.R., ÁLVAREZ-MARTÍNEZ, R.C., MARISCAL-LANDÍN, G., NAVA-MORALES, G.M., MOSQUEDA, J. and OLVERA-RAMÍREZ, A.M. 2022. Effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits. Pathogens [online], 11(5), article 571. Available from:

This study aimed to investigate the effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits. Rabbits that had either recovere... Read More about Effect of feeding insoluble fiber on the microbiota and metabolites of the caecum and feces of rabbits recovering from epizootic rabbit enteropathy relative to non-infected rabbits..

Development of a fixative protocol using formaldehyde and gluteraldehyde for preservation of microbial art on agar plates. (2022)
Journal Article
WILSON, S., LAW, S.P., MCEWAN, N.R., WRIGHT, R. and MACASKILL, J.S. [2022]. Development of a fixative protocol using formaldehyde and gluteraldehyde for preservation of microbial art on agar plates. Journal of applied microbiology [online], 133(2), pages 665-672. Available from:

Aims: Agar art bridges the gap between science and art using microbes instead of paint. Afterwards, the art can change in response to microbial fluctuation, meaning preservation of the original art is essential. Here, formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde... Read More about Development of a fixative protocol using formaldehyde and gluteraldehyde for preservation of microbial art on agar plates..

Cut-lengths of perennial ryegrass leaf-blades influences in vitro fermentation by the anaerobic fungus neocallimastix frontalis. (2020)
Journal Article
JIMENEZ, H.R., EDWARDS, J.E., SANDERSON, R., KINGSTON-SMITH, A.H., MCEWAN, N.R. and THEODOROU, M.K. 2020. Cut-lengths of perennial ryegrass leaf-blades influences in vitro fermentation by the anaerobic fungus neocallimastix frontalis. Microorganisms [online], 8(11): unleashing the hidden potential of anaerobic fungi, article ID 1774. Available from:

Anaerobic fungi in the gut of domesticated and wild mammalian herbivores play a key role in the host’s ability to utilize plant biomass. Due to their highly effective ability to enzymatically degrade lignocellulose, anaerobic fungi are biotechnologic... Read More about Cut-lengths of perennial ryegrass leaf-blades influences in vitro fermentation by the anaerobic fungus neocallimastix frontalis..

Metataxonomic and histopathological study of rabbit epizootic enteropathy in Mexico. (2020)
Journal Article
PUÓN-PELÁEZ, X.-H.D., MCEWAN, N.R., GÓMEZ-SOTO, J.G., ÁLVAREZ-MARTÍNEZ, R.C., and OLVERA-RAMÍREZ, A.M. 2020. Metataxonomic and histopathological study of rabbit epizootic enteropathy in Mexico. Animals [online], 10(6), article ID 936. Available from:

Epizootic rabbit enteropathy (ERE) affects young rabbits and represents 32% of the enteropathies in rabbit production farms in Mexico. The etiology of this syndrome has not been clarified yet. A metataxonomic and histopathology study of ERE was carri... Read More about Metataxonomic and histopathological study of rabbit epizootic enteropathy in Mexico..

Rumen protozoa play a significant role in fungal predation and plant carbohydrate breakdown. (2020)
Journal Article
WILLIAMS, C.L., THOMAS, B.J., MCEWAN, N.R., REES STEVENS, P., CREEVEY, C.J. and HUWS, S.A. 2020. Rumen protozoa play a significant role in fungal predation and plant carbohydrate breakdown. Frontiers in microbiology [online], 11, article ID 720. Available from:

The rumen protozoa, alongside fungi, comprise the eukaryotic portion of the rumen microbiome. Rumen protozoa may account for up to 50% of biomass, yet their role in this ecosystem remains unclear. Early experiments inferred a role in carbohydrate and... Read More about Rumen protozoa play a significant role in fungal predation and plant carbohydrate breakdown..

The effect of protozoa on the bacterial composition and hydrolytic activity of the roe deer rumen. (2020)
Journal Article
MILTKO, R., KOWALIK, B., MAJEWSKA, M.P., KĘDZIERSKA, A., MCEWAN, N.R. and BEŁŻECKI, G. 2020. The effect of protozoa on the bacterial composition and hydrolytic activity of the roe deer rumen. Animals [online], 10(3), article ID 467. Available from:

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of the presence of protozoa in the rumen of wild roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) on the bacteria composition and digestion rate of the main c... Read More about The effect of protozoa on the bacterial composition and hydrolytic activity of the roe deer rumen..

Genetic diversity within and between British and Irish breeds: the maternal and paternal history of native ponies. (2020)
Journal Article
WINTON, C.L., MCMAHON, R., HEGARTY, M.J., MCEWAN, N.R., DAVIES-MOREL, M.C.G., MORGAN, C. and NASH, D.M. 2020. Genetic diversity within and between British and Irish breeds: the maternal and paternal history of native ponies. Ecology and evolution [online], 10(3), pages 1352-1367. Available from:

The UK and Ireland have many native pony breeds with historical and cultural importance as well as being a source of uncharacterized genetic diversity. However, there is a lack of comprehensive research investigating their genetic diversity and phylo... Read More about Genetic diversity within and between British and Irish breeds: the maternal and paternal history of native ponies..

Effect of seasonal diet composition changes on the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract contents of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). (2019)
Journal Article
MILTKO, R., KOWALIK, B., KĘDZIERSKA, A., DEMIASZKIEWICZ, A.W., MCEWAN, N.R., OBIDZIŃSKI, A. and BEŁŻECKI, G. 2019. Effect of seasonal diet composition changes on the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract contents of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). Journal of animal and feed sciences [online], 28(4), pages 392-397. Available from:

The goal of the study was to compare chemical and physical parameters of the content of various gastrointestinal (GI) tract segments of adult beavers and to relate the obtained results to seasonal changes in the composition of natural diet. The study... Read More about Effect of seasonal diet composition changes on the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract contents of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber)..

High-starch diets alter equine faecal microbiota and increase behavioural reactivity. (2019)
Journal Article
BULMER, L.S., MURRAY, J.-A., BURNS, N.M., GARBER, A., WEMELSFELDER, F., MCEWAN, N.R. and HASTIE, P.M. 2019. High-starch diets alter equine faecal microbiota and increase behavioural reactivity. Scientific reports [online], 9, article number 18621. Available from:

Gut microbiota have been associated with health, disease and behaviour in several species and are an important link in gut-brain axis communication. Diet plays a key role in affecting the composition of gut microbiota. In horses, high-starch diets al... Read More about High-starch diets alter equine faecal microbiota and increase behavioural reactivity..

Rumen bacterial community responses to DPA, EPA and DHA in cattle and sheep: a comparative in vitro study. (2019)
Journal Article
CARREÑO, D., TORAL, P.G., PINLOCHE, E., BELENGUER, A., YÁÑEZ-RUIZ, D.R., HERVÁS, G., MCEWAN, N.R., NEWBOLD, C.J. and FRUTOS, P. 2019. Rumen bacterial community responses to DPA, EPA and DHA in cattle and sheep: a comparative in vitro study. Scientific reports [online], 9, article number 11857. Available from:

The role of marine lipids as modulators of ruminal biohydrogenation of dietary unsaturated fatty acids may be explained by the effects of their n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on the bacterial community. However, the impact of individual PUFA... Read More about Rumen bacterial community responses to DPA, EPA and DHA in cattle and sheep: a comparative in vitro study..

Characterisation of the effect of day length, and associated differences in dietary intake, on the gut microbiota of Soay sheep. (2019)
Journal Article
THOMAS, N.A., OLVERA-RAMIREZ, A.M., ABECIA, L., ADAM, C.L., EDWARDS, J.E., COX, G.F., FINDLAY, P.A., DESTABLES, E., WOOD, T.A. and MCEWAN, N.R. 2019. Characterisation of the effect of day length, and associated differences in dietary intake, on the gut microbiota of Soay sheep. Archives of microbiology [online], 201(7), pages 889-896. Available from:

Differences in the rumen bacterial community have been previously reported for Soay sheep housed under different day length conditions. This study extends this previous investigation to other organs of the digestive tract, as well as the analysis of... Read More about Characterisation of the effect of day length, and associated differences in dietary intake, on the gut microbiota of Soay sheep..

Using next generation sequencing to determine diversity of horse intestinal worms: identifying the equine 'nemabiome'. (2019)
Journal Article
MITCHELL, C.J., O'SULLIVAN, C.M., PINLOCHE, E., WILKINSON, T., MORPHEW, R.M. and MCEWAN, N.R. 2019. Using next generation sequencing to determine diversity of horse intestinal worms: identifying the equine 'nemabiome'. Journal of equine science [online], 30(1), pages 1-5. Available from:

Next generation sequencing of DNA from nematode eggs has been utilised to give the first account of the equine ‘nemabiome’. In all equine faecal samples investigated, multiple species of Strongylidae were detected; ranging from 7.5 (SEM 0.79) with 99... Read More about Using next generation sequencing to determine diversity of horse intestinal worms: identifying the equine 'nemabiome'..

The bacterial pedome associated with foot pathologies in sheep: a case study. (2018)
Journal Article
CHAMBERS, A.K., JONES, H.G., WILKINSON, T., WORGAN, H.J., A. WARR, A., HUSON, K.M. and MCEWAN, N.R. 2018. The bacterial pedome associated with foot pathologies in sheep: a case study. Large animal review [online], 24(6), pages 243-246. Available from:

Hoof lameness is considered to be a major health issue in sheep, and can impact on both animal welfare and production of livestock. However the causes, although generally assumed to have a microbiological basis, are poorly understood. The work presen... Read More about The bacterial pedome associated with foot pathologies in sheep: a case study..

Epizootic rabbit enteropathy (ERE): a review of current knowledge. (2018)
Journal Article
PUÓN-PELÁEZ, X.-H.D., MCEWAN, N.R. and OLVERA-RAMIREZ, A.M. 2018. Epizootic rabbit enteropathy (ERE): a review of current knowledge. European scientific journal [online], 14(36), pages 137-149. Available from:

This literature review deals with Epizootic rabbit enteropathy (ERE), a condition which is potentially fatal to infected animals and continues to threaten the rabbit production industry internationally. The documented history of the condition is revi... Read More about Epizootic rabbit enteropathy (ERE): a review of current knowledge..

Inheritance patterns of coat colouration and horn number in Jacob sheep. (2018)
Journal Article
ANJOLA, O.A. and MCEWAN, N.R. 2018. Inheritance patterns of coat colouration and horn number in Jacob sheep. Open Agriculture [online], 3(1), pages 363-367. Available from:

The allele for black coat colour is dominant relative to the allele for lilac in Jacob sheep and is affected by a single gene locus. The percentage of this colouration, as opposed to white fleece, across the body has a heritability value of 0.255. Th... Read More about Inheritance patterns of coat colouration and horn number in Jacob sheep..

Addressing global ruminant agricultural challenges through understanding the rumen microbiome: past, present and future. (2018)
Journal Article
HUWS, S.A., CREEVEY, C.J., OYAMA, L.B., MIZRAHI, I., DENMAN, S.E., POPOVA, M., MUÑOZ-TAMAYO, R., FORANO, E., WATERS, S.M., HESS, M., TAPIO, I., SMIDT, H., KRIZSAN, S.J., YÁÑEZ-RUIZ, D.R., BELANCHE, A., GUAN, L., GRUNINGER. R.J., MCALLISTER, T.A., NEWBOLD, C.J., ROEHE. R., DEWHURST, R.J., SNELLING, T.J., WATSON, M., SUEN, G., HART, E.H., KINGSTON-SMITH, A.H., SCOLLAN, N.D., DO PRADO, R.M., PILAU, E.J., MANTOVANI, H.C., ATTWOOD, G.T., EDWARDS, J.E., MCEWAN, N.R., MORRISSON, S., MAYORGA, O.L., ELLIOTT, C. and MORGAVI, D.P. 2018. Addressing global ruminant agricultural challenges through understanding the rumen microbiome: past, present and future. Frontiers in microbiology [online], 9, Article 2161. Available from:

The rumen is a complex ecosystem composed of anaerobic bacteria, protozoa, fungi, methanogenic archaea and phages. These microbes interact closely to breakdown plant material that cannot be digested by humans, whilst providing metabolic energy to the... Read More about Addressing global ruminant agricultural challenges through understanding the rumen microbiome: past, present and future..

Detecting genetic regions associated with height in the native ponies of the British Isles by using high density SNP genotyping. (2018)
Journal Article
SKUJINA, I., WINTON, C.L., HEGARTY, M.J., MCMAHON, R., NASH, D.M., DAVIES-MOREL, M.C.G. and MCEWAN, N.R. 2018. Detecting genetic regions associated with height in the native ponies of the British Isles by using high density SNP genotyping. Genome [online], 61(10), pages 767-770. Available from:

Height is an important characteristic in the equine industry, although little is known about its genetic control in native British breeds of ponies. This study aimed to map QTL data with the withers height in four pony breeds native to the British Is... Read More about Detecting genetic regions associated with height in the native ponies of the British Isles by using high density SNP genotyping..