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Dr Kerr Matthews' Outputs (2)

Preformulation of cysteamine gels for treatment of the ophthalmic complications in cystinosis. (2016)
Journal Article
MCKENZIE, B., KAY, G., MATTHEWS, K.H., KNOTT, R. and CAIRNS, D. 2016. Preformulation of cysteamine gels for treatment of the ophthalmic complications in cystinosis. International journal of pharmaceutics [online], 515(1-2), pages 575-582. Available from:

Nephropathic cystinosis is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterised by raised lysosomal levels of cystine in the cells of all organs. It is treated by regular administration of the aminothiol, cysteamine. Corneal crystal deposition is one of... Read More about Preformulation of cysteamine gels for treatment of the ophthalmic complications in cystinosis..

Demulsification and recycling of spent oil based drilling fluid as nanofiller for polyamide 6 nanocomposites. (2016)
ADEGBOTOLU, U.V. 2016. Demulsification and recycling of spent oil based drilling fluid as nanofiller for polyamide 6 nanocomposites. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Spent oil-based drilling fluid and cutting wastes are global liabilities due to their hazardous hydrocarbon content, which impacts negatively on flora, fauna, and global carbon footprint. The formulation of two demulsifiers to ensure chemically-enhan... Read More about Demulsification and recycling of spent oil based drilling fluid as nanofiller for polyamide 6 nanocomposites..