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Mr Craig Anderson's Outputs (2)

Delivery of goods in the custody of a third party: the role of the custodier. (2017)
Journal Article
ANDERSON, C. 2017. Delivery of goods in the custody of a third party: the role of the custodier. Edinburgh law review [online], 21(2), pages 143-168. Available from:

This article is concerned with delivery of goods that are in the custody of a third party, rather than that of the transferor or transferee, this delivery being effected by intimation to the custodier. Building on the idea that delivery here is based... Read More about Delivery of goods in the custody of a third party: the role of the custodier..

Cicero's law: rethinking Roman law of the late republic. (2017)
Journal Article
ANDERSON, C. 2017. Cicero's law: rethinking Roman law of the late republic. Edinburgh law review [online], 21(2), pages 308-310. Available from:

This is the authors review of Du Plessi's book Cicero's law: rethinking Roman law of the late republic.