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Dr Dallia Ali's Outputs (7)

Energy capacity and economic viability assessment of the renewable hydrogen energy storage as a balancing mechanism in addressing the electric system integration issues inherent with variable renewable energy resources. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ALI, D.M. 2011. Energy capacity and economic viability assessment of the renewable hydrogen energy storage as a balancing mechanism in addressing the electric system integration issues inherent with variable renewable energy resources. In Proceedings of 2011 IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) Reliability of transmission and distribution networks (RTDN 2011): reliability of transmission distribution and networks conference, 22-24 November 2011, London, UK. London: IET, article 5a1. Available from:

Energy requirements continue increasing as the industrialisation spreads and the standards of living rise. Most of the world's power consumption is still generated from fossil fuels combustion which despite of its advanced development has only a maxi... Read More about Energy capacity and economic viability assessment of the renewable hydrogen energy storage as a balancing mechanism in addressing the electric system integration issues inherent with variable renewable energy resources..

Evaluation of Hydrogen Office wind/hydrogen demonstration system using operational data and simulation tools. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GAZEY, R., ALI, D. and AKLIL, D. 2011. Evaluation of hydrogen office wind/hydrogen demonstration system using operational data and simulation tools. Presented at 4th World hydrogen technology convention 2011 (WHTC 2011): renewables to hydrogen, 14-16 September 2011, Glasgow, UK.

The first minister for Scotland, Alex Salmond, opened the Hydrogen Office officially in January 2011. Within the Hydrogen Office, a groundbreaking autonomous wind/hydrogen energy storage system has been installed. The main components installed in the... Read More about Evaluation of Hydrogen Office wind/hydrogen demonstration system using operational data and simulation tools..

Economic assessment of energy storage systems. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GAZEY, R., ALI, D., AKLIL, D. and FINNEY, S. 2011. Economic assessment of energy storage systems. Presented at the 2011 IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) Renewable power generation conference (IET RPG 2011), 6-8 September 2011, Edinburgh, UK.

The Scottish Government's ambitious national target is to achieve renewable generation of 80% by the year 2020. Existing electrical infrastructure in becoming increasingly constrained. Electrolysis as a network deferrable balancing load has the poten... Read More about Economic assessment of energy storage systems..

Techno-economic assessment of energy storage systems for enabling projected increase of renewables onto electrical power grids. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GAZEY, R., ALI, D. and AKLIL, D. 2011. Techno-economic assessment of energy storage systems for enabling projected increase of renewables onto electrical power grids. In Proceedings of IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) Renewable power generation conference 2011 (RPG 2011), 6-8 September 2011, Glasgow, UK. London: IET [online], session 9, article 9.2. Available from:

Hydrogen is seen by many industry leaders as an energy vector that has the potential to provide essential energy stores required to facilitate the wide spread connection of renewable energy inputs. The techno economic assessment of using hydrogen as... Read More about Techno-economic assessment of energy storage systems for enabling projected increase of renewables onto electrical power grids..

Hydrogen Office: modelling an energy storage system. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GAZEY, R., ALI, A., AKLIL, D. and FINNEY, S. 2011. Hydrogen office: modelling an energy storage system. Presented at the 2011 All energy conference and exhibition: power storage: the holy grail, 18-20 May 2011, Aberdeen, UK.

United States Energy Information Administration (EIA) predict global renewable energy output is to increase by over 50% (excluding bio-fuels) between 2010 and 2023. Scotland's ambitious targets are focused on achieving renewable generation of 80% by... Read More about Hydrogen Office: modelling an energy storage system..

Modeling a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell system as a hybrid power supply for standalone applications. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ALI, D. and AKLIL-D'HALLUIN, D.D. 2011. Modeling a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell system as a hybrid power supply for standalone applications. In Proceedings of 2011 Asia-Pacific power and energy engineering conference (APPEEC 2011), 25-28 March 2011, Wuhan, China. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article 5749114. Available from:

Fuel Cells (FC) can help in contributing to environmental pressures by maximizing the use of renewables in the energy production and using hydrogen produced with no CO 2 emission from Renewable Energy Systems (RES). FCs also contributes to energy sec... Read More about Modeling a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell system as a hybrid power supply for standalone applications..

Increasing the penetration of renewables by stabilizing the grid through the use of energy storage: fuel cell technologies. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GAZEY, R., ALI, D. and AKLIL, D. 2011. Increasing the penetration of renewables by stabilizing the grid through the use of energy storage; fuel cell technologies. Presented at the 2011 Institute for Innovation, Design and Sustainability (IDEAS) annual conference, February 2011, Aberdeen, UK.

One of the main solutions to increase the penetration of renewables is to provide the ability to store energy. Electrical power generated by renewables (such as wind, hydro, solar) would be stored at times when renewable power production is high. The... Read More about Increasing the penetration of renewables by stabilizing the grid through the use of energy storage: fuel cell technologies..