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Professor Rita Marcella's Outputs (3)

The use of the Internet by political parties and candidates as part of their campaign for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2007. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., BAXTER, G. and CHEAH, S. 2007. The use of the Internet by political parties and candidates as part of their campaign for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2007. Presented at the 1st Information: interactions and impact conference (i3 2007), 25-28 June 2007, Aberdeen, UK.

This paper reports the results of a study which investigated the use of the Internet by political parties and individual candidates as part of their campaigns for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2007. This was a comparative, follow-up study to... Read More about The use of the Internet by political parties and candidates as part of their campaign for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2007..

Gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., ILLINGWORTH, L. and BAXTER, G. 2007. Gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries. Presented at the workshop 'This motley crew': managing creatives and the creative unit, 21 March 2007, Dundee, UK.

This paper presented the key results of two research projects, funded by the European Social Fund, which explored the gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries. The first project, 'Women in the Scottish Me... Read More about Gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries..

The media and communication industries: flexible friends or foes? (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., ILLINGWORTH, L. and BAXTER, G. 2007. The media and communication industries: flexible friends or foes? Presented at the 3rd Joint conference of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) and Association of Media Practice Educators (AMPE), 10-12 January 2007, Coventry, UK.

This conference paper presented the key results of the research project 'Women in the Scottish Creative Industries', funded by the European Social Fund. This research explored the equality policy and practice in companies in the Scottish creative sec... Read More about The media and communication industries: flexible friends or foes?.