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Professor Rita Marcella's Outputs (2)

Citizenship information research at the School of Information and Media. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R. and BAXTER, G. 2000. Citizenship information research at the School of Information and Media. Presented at the 7th Information for Scotland conference, 16 November 2000, Edinburgh, UK.

Discusses recent and current research into citizenship information needs at the School of Information and Media, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. Reviews the most important results from two large-scale, nation-wide surveys (funded by the Briti... Read More about Citizenship information research at the School of Information and Media..

A random walk around Britain: a critical assessment of the random walk sample as a method of collecting data on the public's citizenship information needs. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R. and BAXTER, G. 2001. A random walk around Britain: a critical assessment of the random walk sample as a method of collecting data on the public's citizenship information needs. New review of information behaviour research, 1(1): proceedings of the 3rd International conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts (ISIC III), 16-18 August 2000, Gothenburg, Sweden, pages 87-104.

This paper discusses the second stage of the Citizenship Information research project, funded by the British Library Research and Innovation Centre: a national survey, by personal doorstep interview and using the random walk sample method, of the cit... Read More about A random walk around Britain: a critical assessment of the random walk sample as a method of collecting data on the public's citizenship information needs..