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Professor Rita Marcella's Outputs (5)

The creative industries in Scotland: flexible friends or foes? (2008)
Book Chapter
MARCELLA, R., ILLINGWORTH, L. and BAXTER, G. 2008. The creative industries in Scotland: flexible friends or foes? In Ross, K. and Price, S. (eds.) Popular media and communication: essays on publics, practices and processes. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pages 102-129.

While the Scottish creative sector specifically has been largely ignored in the published literature, there have been several national (i.e. UK) and international studies of women's employment in the creative or cultural industries, which indicate th... Read More about The creative industries in Scotland: flexible friends or foes?.

The impact of information and communication technologies on the communication of parliamentary information in the United Kingdom. (2006)
Book Chapter
MARCELLA, R., BAXTER, G. and MOORE, N. 2006. The impact of information and communication technologies on the communication of parliamentary information in the United Kingdom. In Schorr, A. and Seltmann, S. (eds.) Changing media markets in Europe and abroad: new ways of handling information and entertainment content. Lengerich: Pabst Science, pages 63-77.

This chapter discusses the role and effectiveness of UK parliamentary public information services in both servicing the needs of the general public for information about government and also in communicating positive messages about the work of governm... Read More about The impact of information and communication technologies on the communication of parliamentary information in the United Kingdom..

Information interchange. (2005)
Book Chapter
MARCELLA, R. and BAXTER, G. 2005. Information interchange. In Fisher, K.E., Erdelez, S. and McKechnie, L.E.F. (eds.) Theories of information behavior. Medford, NJ: Information Today, pages 204-209.

This book chapter presents the authors' theory of Information Interchange. The theory draws upon the authors' earlier research on government and parliamentary information service provision, and on citizens' information behaviour, at the regional, UK... Read More about Information interchange..

Citizenship information: a national survey of the citizenship information needs of the general public. (1999)
Book Chapter
MARCELLA, R. and BAXTER, G. 1999. Citizenship information: a national survey of the citizenship information needs of the general public. In: Bohme, S. and Spiller, D. (eds.) Perspectives of public library use 2: a compendium of survey information. Loughborough: Library and Information Statistics Unit (LISU) [online], pages 231-236. Available from:

A relatively rare example of research originating from the LIS sector which ranges more widely than libraries. The survey examines the kinds of information that a sample of citizens have sought – and might in future seek – from public institutions. T... Read More about Citizenship information: a national survey of the citizenship information needs of the general public..

European Union information in public libraries in the United Kingdom. (1999)
Book Chapter
MARCELLA, R., BAXTER, G. and PARKER, S. 1999. European Union information in public libraries in the United Kingdom. In: Bohme, S. and Spiller, D. (eds.) Perspectives of public library use 2: a compendium of survey information. [online]. Loughborough: Library and Information Statistics Unit (LISU) [online], pages 225-230. Available from:

This report presents some of the key findings of a research project, funded by the British Library Research and Innovation Centre, which investigated the provision of European Union information in UK public libraries. The project focused, in particul... Read More about European Union information in public libraries in the United Kingdom..