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Professor Rita Marcella's Outputs (25)

Indicative findings from a study of information behaviour in digital business ideation: insights from the developing world. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
IBRAHIM, S., MARCELLA, R. and MACLENNAN, A. 2022. Indicative findings from a study of information behaviour in digital business ideation: insights from the developing world. Information research [online], 27(Special issue): proceedings of the 11th International conference on Conceptions of library and information science (CoLIS), 29 May - 01 June 2022, Oslo, Sweden and proceedings of the 2022 Information seeking in context conference (ISIC 2022): the information behaviour conference, 26-29 September 2022, Berlin, Germany, article isic2233. Available from:

Though a wealth of information behaviour research has been undertaken in various contexts over the years, less has been done on entrepreneurship. In particular, there is a lack of literature around the ideation component in the early stages of busine... Read More about Indicative findings from a study of information behaviour in digital business ideation: insights from the developing world..

'If your mother says she loves you, check it out': citizens' approaches to evaluating the credibility of information provided online by political actors in Scotland. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BAXTER, G. and MARCELLA, R. 2019. 'If your mother says she loves you, check it out': citizens' approaches to evaluating the credibility of information provided online by political actors in Scotland. Presented at the 2019 Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association annual conference (MeCCSA 2019), 9-11 January 2019, Stirling, UK.

This paper provided an overview of developments in online information credibility evaluation over the previous 25 years, relating these to the results of two studies conducted by the authors in 2017: 1) an online survey of the general public (n = 538... Read More about 'If your mother says she loves you, check it out': citizens' approaches to evaluating the credibility of information provided online by political actors in Scotland..

Debating the research agenda around fake news. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BAXTER, G. and MARCELLA, R. 2018. Debating the research agenda around fake news. Presented at the 2018 This is not a fake conference!, 5 June 2018, London, UK.

This paper presented a review of the kinds of research being undertaken into fake news, together with some of the results of the authors’ current and proposed research into fact response, fact checking and the journey of the fact. The presentation co... Read More about Debating the research agenda around fake news..

An exploration of the relationship between post-truth politics and Scottish citizens' information behaviour. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BAXTER, G. and MARCELLA, R 2017. An exploration of the relationship between post-truth politics and Scottish citizens' information behaviour. Presented at the 6th Information: interactions and impact conference (i3 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Aberdeen, UK.

This conference paper presented the emerging findings of research which explored the relationship between post-truth politics and Scottish citizens' information behaviour. The research consisted of two key elements. Firstly, an online survey (538 res... Read More about An exploration of the relationship between post-truth politics and Scottish citizens' information behaviour..

Information search engagement and 'fake news'. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R. and BAXTER, G. 2017. Information search engagement and 'fake news'. Presented at a workshop of the University of Westminster's Centre for the Study of Democracy: democracy in a post-truth age, 8 June 2017, London, UK.

This conference paper presented the emerging results of research which explored the relationship between fake news and Scottish citizens' information behaviour. The research consisted of two key elements: an online survey (538 responses) that gathere... Read More about Information search engagement and 'fake news'..

#alternativefacts? Citizens' perceptions of the reliability of 'facts' presented online by political parties in Scotland. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BAXTER, G. and MARCELLA, R. 2017. #alternativefacts? Citizens' perceptions of the reliability of 'facts' presented online by political parties in Scotland. Presented at Staffordshire University Library Teachmeet: information literacy and making judgements: from Brexit to The White House, 4 May 2017, Stoke-on Trent, UK.

This conference paper presented the emerging findings of research which explored the relationship between post-truth politics and Scottish citizens' information behaviour. The research consisted of two key elements. Firstly, an online survey (538 res... Read More about #alternativefacts? Citizens' perceptions of the reliability of 'facts' presented online by political parties in Scotland..

Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) on Twitter: constituency champions or party animals? (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BAXTER, G., MARCELLA, R. and O'SHEA, M. 2015. Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) on Twitter: constituency champions or party animals? Presented at the 5th information: interactions and impact conference (i3 2015), 23-26 June 2015, Aberdeen, UK.

The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of Twitter by Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) for the provision of constituency-related information, or in support of their constituency service work. While there was some evidence of MSPs on... Read More about Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) on Twitter: constituency champions or party animals?.

The challenge of demonstrating the impact of research beyond traditional mechanisms. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., LOCKERBIE, H. and CAMERON, R. 2015. The challenge of demonstrating the impact of research beyond traditional mechanisms. In Bezzina, F. and Cassar, V. (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th European conference on research methodology for business and management studies (ECRM 2015), 11-12 June 2015, Valetta, Malta. Sonning Common: Academic Conferences and Publishing International, pages 259-266.

The concept of impact in academia is a focus of not only research councils but also of nationwide institutional research evaluations. In the UK, it is necessary for academics and their institutions to not only conduct research which has real impact,... Read More about The challenge of demonstrating the impact of research beyond traditional mechanisms..

The 2014 Scottish independence referendum: a study of voters' online information behaviour. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BAXTER, G. and MARCELLA, R. 2014. The 2014 Scottish independence referendum: a study of voters' online information behaviour. Information research [online], 19(4, Supplement): proceedings of the 2014 Information behaviour conference (ISIC 2014), 2-5 September 2014, Leeds, UK, paper number isicsp5. Available from:

Introduction. The paper will present the preliminary results of a study of voters' online information behaviour being conducted during the 2014 Scottish independence referendum campaign. The referendum provides a rare opportunity to explore politicia... Read More about The 2014 Scottish independence referendum: a study of voters' online information behaviour..

The critical incident technique as a tool for gathering data as part of a qualitative study of information seeking behaviour. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., ROWLANDS, H. and BAXTER, G. 2013. The critical incident technique as a tool for gathering data as part of a qualitative study of information seeking behaviour. In Ramos, I. and Mesquita, A. (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th European conference on research methodology for business and management studies (ECRM 2013), 4-5 July 2013, Guimaraes, Portugal. Sonning Common: Academic Conferences and Publishing International, pages 247-253.

Since devised by Flanagan in 1954 as a tool to explore what people do to achieve an organisational aim, the critical incident technique (CIT) has been used in various disciplines as a method of understanding human behaviour. This paper provides an ov... Read More about The critical incident technique as a tool for gathering data as part of a qualitative study of information seeking behaviour..

Bravehearts or tim'rous beasties? (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BAXTER, G. and MARCELLA, R. 2013. Bravehearts or tim'rous beasties? A decade of research into online election campaigns in Scotland. In Parycek, P. and Edelmann, N. (eds). Proceedings of the 2013 International conference for e-democracy and open government (CeDEM13), 22-24 May 2013, Krems, Austria. 2nd ed. Krems: Edition Donau-Universität [online], pages 75-87. Available from:

Over the last ten years, the authors have conducted a series of investigations into the use of the Internet by political parties and individual candidates during parliamentary at the Scottish political arena. This paper provides an overview of the re... Read More about Bravehearts or tim'rous beasties?.

Goin' Holyrood? (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BAXTER, G., MARCELLA, R., CHAPMAN, D. and FRASER, A. 2013. Goin' Holyrood? A study of voters' online information behaviour when using parties' and candidates' websites during the 2011 Scottish Parliament election campaign. Procedia: social and behavioral sciences [online], 73: proceedings of the 2nd International conference on integrated information (IC-ININFO 2012), 30 August - 3 September 2012, Budapest, Hungary, pages 209-216. Available from:

This paper reports the results of a study of voters' online behaviour conducted during the 2011 Scottish Parliamentary election campaign. Here, 64 citizens of Aberdeen, North-east Scotland, were observed and questioned while they searched for, browse... Read More about Goin' Holyrood?.

Does Scotland 'like' this? (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BAXTER, G. and MARCELLA, R. 2011. Does Scotland 'like' this? The use of social media by political parties and candidates in Scotland during the 2010 UK General Election campaign. Presented at the 3rd Information: interactions and impact conference (i3 2011), 20-23 June 2011, Aberdeen, UK.

This conference paper reported the main results of a study that examined the use of social media by political parties and individual candidates in Scotland during the five weeks preceding the 2010 UK General Election. The paper presented the key find... Read More about Does Scotland 'like' this?.

The use of the Internet by political parties and candidates as part of their campaign for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2007. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., BAXTER, G. and CHEAH, S. 2007. The use of the Internet by political parties and candidates as part of their campaign for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2007. Presented at the 1st Information: interactions and impact conference (i3 2007), 25-28 June 2007, Aberdeen, UK.

This paper reports the results of a study which investigated the use of the Internet by political parties and individual candidates as part of their campaigns for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2007. This was a comparative, follow-up study to... Read More about The use of the Internet by political parties and candidates as part of their campaign for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2007..

Gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., ILLINGWORTH, L. and BAXTER, G. 2007. Gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries. Presented at the workshop 'This motley crew': managing creatives and the creative unit, 21 March 2007, Dundee, UK.

This paper presented the key results of two research projects, funded by the European Social Fund, which explored the gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries. The first project, 'Women in the Scottish Me... Read More about Gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries..

The media and communication industries: flexible friends or foes? (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., ILLINGWORTH, L. and BAXTER, G. 2007. The media and communication industries: flexible friends or foes? Presented at the 3rd Joint conference of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) and Association of Media Practice Educators (AMPE), 10-12 January 2007, Coventry, UK.

This conference paper presented the key results of the research project 'Women in the Scottish Creative Industries', funded by the European Social Fund. This research explored the equality policy and practice in companies in the Scottish creative sec... Read More about The media and communication industries: flexible friends or foes?.

Gender barriers in the Scottish creative industries. (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., ILLINGWORTH, L. and BAXTER, G. 2006. Gender barriers in the Scottish creative industries. Presented at a seminar of the University of Glasgow's Centre for Cultural Policy Research, 13 February 2006, Glasgow, UK.

This paper presented the key results of two research projects, funded by the European Social Fund, which explored the gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries. The first project, 'Women in the Scottish Me... Read More about Gender barriers in the Scottish creative industries..

Glass ceilings and velvet ghettos? (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., BAXTER, G. and ILLINGWORTH, L. 2006. Glass ceilings and velvet ghettos? Women in the Scottish media and communication industries. Presented at the 2nd Joint annual conference of the Media Communications and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) and Association of Media Practice Educators (AMPE), 13-15 January 2006, Leeds, UK.

This paper reports the results to date of a research project, funded by the European Social Fund and currently in its second year, which is investigating the existence of any barriers facing women in the Scottish media and communication industries, i... Read More about Glass ceilings and velvet ghettos?.

The use of the Internet by candidates as part of their campaign for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2003. (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., BAXTER, G. and SMITH, S. 2003. The use of the Internet by candidates as part of their campaign for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2003. Presented at the 1st International politics and information systems: technologies and applications conference (PISTA'03), 31 July - 2 August 2003, Orlando, USA.

This paper reports the preliminary results of a study which investigated the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) by political parties and individual candidates as part of their campaign for election to the Scottish Parliament. Tw... Read More about The use of the Internet by candidates as part of their campaign for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2003..

Exploring the benefits of user surveys. (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R. and BAXTER, G. 2003. Exploring the benefits of user surveys. Presented at the 12th Annual conference of the European Information Association: surviving EU information: strategies for skills for sucess, 31 March - 1 April 2003, Cambridge, UK.

This conference paper discussed the methodologies that might be used in investigating citizens' European information needs. In so doing, the authors shared their own experiences of using large-scale surveys, interviews, focus groups and observation i... Read More about Exploring the benefits of user surveys..