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Professor Rita Marcella's Outputs (4)

The impact of information and communication technologies on the communication of parliamentary information in the United Kingdom. (2006)
Book Chapter
MARCELLA, R., BAXTER, G. and MOORE, N. 2006. The impact of information and communication technologies on the communication of parliamentary information in the United Kingdom. In Schorr, A. and Seltmann, S. (eds.) Changing media markets in Europe and abroad: new ways of handling information and entertainment content. Lengerich: Pabst Science, pages 63-77.

This chapter discusses the role and effectiveness of UK parliamentary public information services in both servicing the needs of the general public for information about government and also in communicating positive messages about the work of governm... Read More about The impact of information and communication technologies on the communication of parliamentary information in the United Kingdom..

Women in the creative industries. (2006)
MARCELLA, R., BAXTER, G. and ILLINGWORTH, L. 2006. Women in the creative industries. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.

The aim of this stage of the project was to explore equality policy and practice in companies in the Scottish creative industries, from the perspective of both employers and employees, and to identify examples of good practice that might be adopted t... Read More about Women in the creative industries..

Gender barriers in the Scottish creative industries. (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., ILLINGWORTH, L. and BAXTER, G. 2006. Gender barriers in the Scottish creative industries. Presented at a seminar of the University of Glasgow's Centre for Cultural Policy Research, 13 February 2006, Glasgow, UK.

This paper presented the key results of two research projects, funded by the European Social Fund, which explored the gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries. The first project, 'Women in the Scottish Me... Read More about Gender barriers in the Scottish creative industries..

Glass ceilings and velvet ghettos? (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., BAXTER, G. and ILLINGWORTH, L. 2006. Glass ceilings and velvet ghettos? Women in the Scottish media and communication industries. Presented at the 2nd Joint annual conference of the Media Communications and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) and Association of Media Practice Educators (AMPE), 13-15 January 2006, Leeds, UK.

This paper reports the results to date of a research project, funded by the European Social Fund and currently in its second year, which is investigating the existence of any barriers facing women in the Scottish media and communication industries, i... Read More about Glass ceilings and velvet ghettos?.