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Professor Rita Marcella's Outputs (7)

Slave labour or dignity through work in 21st century Britain? (2015)
Newspaper / Magazine
MARCELLA, R. 2015. Slave labour or dignity through work in 21st century Britain? Press and journal: business [online], 19 October 2015. Available from:

It is with some shock that one realises that slave labour still persists in the twenty first century in the UK.

A week can be a long time in politics. (2015)
Newspaper / Magazine
MARCELLA, R. 2015. A week can be a long time in politics. Press and journal: business [online], 23 September 2015. Available from:

This has been a busy and exciting few weeks in terms of British politics with a new Labour leader - if very definitely not a New Labour leader - Jeremy Corbyn taking his seat formally in the House of Commons following his landslide leadership electio... Read More about A week can be a long time in politics..

The information environment and information behaviour of the offshore installation manager (OIM) in the context of safety and emergency response: an exploratory study. (2015)
Journal Article
MARCELLA, R. and LOCKERBIE, H. 2016. The information environment and information behaviour of the offshore installation manager (OIM) in the context of safety and emergency response: an exploratory study. Journal of information science [online], 42(4), pages 551-567. Available from:

The offshore installation manager (OIM) is a unique role in the oil and gas industry with the legal responsibility for the health and safety of individuals on an offshore installation, as well as holding commercial responsibilities. Using exploratory... Read More about The information environment and information behaviour of the offshore installation manager (OIM) in the context of safety and emergency response: an exploratory study..

Being sorry and meaning it. (2015)
Newspaper / Magazine
MARCELLA, R. 2015. Being sorry and meaning it. Press and journal: business [online], 20 July 2015. Available from:

There have been many high profile examples of companies getting it wrong when communicating with the world in the aftermath of a disaster.

Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) on Twitter: constituency champions or party animals? (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BAXTER, G., MARCELLA, R. and O'SHEA, M. 2015. Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) on Twitter: constituency champions or party animals? Presented at the 5th information: interactions and impact conference (i3 2015), 23-26 June 2015, Aberdeen, UK.

The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of Twitter by Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) for the provision of constituency-related information, or in support of their constituency service work. While there was some evidence of MSPs on... Read More about Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) on Twitter: constituency champions or party animals?.

To regulate or not to regulate. (2015)
Newspaper / Magazine
MARCELLA, R. 2015. To regulate or not to regulate. Press and journal: business [online], 15 June 2015. Available from:

Within a few days of his appointment as business, innovation and skills secretary on May 11, 2015, and in the immediate post-election period, Sajid Javid has promised to reduce the red tape that besets businesses, increasing operating costs dramatica... Read More about To regulate or not to regulate..

The challenge of demonstrating the impact of research beyond traditional mechanisms. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., LOCKERBIE, H. and CAMERON, R. 2015. The challenge of demonstrating the impact of research beyond traditional mechanisms. In Bezzina, F. and Cassar, V. (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th European conference on research methodology for business and management studies (ECRM 2015), 11-12 June 2015, Valetta, Malta. Sonning Common: Academic Conferences and Publishing International, pages 259-266.

The concept of impact in academia is a focus of not only research councils but also of nationwide institutional research evaluations. In the UK, it is necessary for academics and their institutions to not only conduct research which has real impact,... Read More about The challenge of demonstrating the impact of research beyond traditional mechanisms..