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Professor Sarah Pedersen's Outputs (2)

Speaking as citizens: women's political correspondence to Scottish newspapers 1918-1928. (2019)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2019. Speaking as citizens: women's political correspondence to Scottish newspapers 1918-1928. In Cavanagh, A. and Steel, J. (eds.) Letters to the editor: comparative and historical perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan [online], pages 25-47. Available from:

Between 1918, when some women achieved the Parliamentary vote, and 1928, when all women over 21 achieved franchise equality with men, the correspondence columns of Scottish newspapers were used as a place – a 'public sphere' – within which women coul... Read More about Speaking as citizens: women's political correspondence to Scottish newspapers 1918-1928..

Schoolbooks and textbook publishing. (2019)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2019. Schoolbooks and textbook publishing. In Nash, A., Squires, C. and Willison, I. (eds.) The twentieth century and beyond. The Cambridge history of the book in Britain, 7. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pages 341-364. Available from:

In this chapter the author looks at the history of schoolbooks and textbook publishing. The nineteenth century saw a rise in the school book market in Britain due to the rise of formal schooling and public examinations. Although the 1870 Education an... Read More about Schoolbooks and textbook publishing..