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Professor Sarah Pedersen's Outputs (1)

Women's use and abuse of the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic on Mumsnet. (2021)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. and BURNETT, S. 2022. Women's use and abuse of the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic on Mumsnet. Digital journalism [online], 10(6): the Coronavirus pandemic and the transformation of (digital) journalism, pages 1098-1114. Available from:

This article analyses news sources used by women to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK parenting website Mumsnet. By using a non-political online ‘third space’ aimed at women, Mumsnetters are able to avoid the aggression women face when they att... Read More about Women's use and abuse of the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic on Mumsnet..