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Professor Sarah Pedersen's Outputs (11)

The Scottish suffragettes and the press. (2021)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2021. The Scottish suffragettes and the press. In Wiley, C. and Rose, L.E. (eds.) Women's suffrage in word, image, music, stage and screen: the making of a movement. Abingdon: Routledge, pages 67-81. Available from:

This chapter focuses on the coverage of the suffragettes in Scottish newspapers. While Scottish readers were similar to everyone else in Britain in their interest in the more shocking elements of suffragette militancy, it was only with the establishm... Read More about The Scottish suffragettes and the press..

A mistake to raise any controversial question at the present time: the careful relationship of Glasgow’s suffragists with the press 1902-1918. (2021)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2021. A mistake to raise any controversial question at the present time: the careful relationship of Glasgow’s suffragists with the press 1902-1918. In Hughes-Johnson, A. and Jenkins, L. (eds.) The politics of women's suffrage: local, national and international dimensions. London: University of London [online], chapter 7, pages 191-212. Available from:

This chapter investigates how a constitutional suffrage organization navigated two distinct and problematic relationships – with the suffrage press and with local newspapers. It demonstrates that not all suffrage campaigners strode confidently into t... Read More about A mistake to raise any controversial question at the present time: the careful relationship of Glasgow’s suffragists with the press 1902-1918..

One who has sacrificed: the use of 'high diction' in women's correspondence to Scottish newspapers during First World War. (2020)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2020. One who has sacrificed: the use of 'high diction' in women's correspondence to Scottish newspapers during the First World War. In Rennie, D.A. (ed.) Scottish literature and World War I. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press [online], chapter 4, pages 81-99. Available from:

This chapter uses as source material women's letters to the editor published in Scottish newspapers during the First World War. Newspapers are a particularly important resource in accessing the otherwise unrecorded voices of ordinary men and women, a... Read More about One who has sacrificed: the use of 'high diction' in women's correspondence to Scottish newspapers during First World War..

The contribution of the Women's Freedom League to the cause of women's suffrage in Scotland. (2020)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2020. The contribution of the Women's Freedom League to the cause of women's suffrage in Scotland. In Pittin-Hedon, M.-O. (ed.) Women and Scotland: literature, culture, politics. Caledonia: regards sur l'Écosse. Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté [online], section II, pages 163-174. Available from:

We are all familiar with the traditional figure of the suffragette, usually associated with names such as Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel, and the ferocity of suffragette militant actions in the decade before the outbreak of war in 191... Read More about The contribution of the Women's Freedom League to the cause of women's suffrage in Scotland..

Speaking as citizens: women's political correspondence to Scottish newspapers 1918-1928. (2019)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2019. Speaking as citizens: women's political correspondence to Scottish newspapers 1918-1928. In Cavanagh, A. and Steel, J. (eds.) Letters to the editor: comparative and historical perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan [online], pages 25-47. Available from:

Between 1918, when some women achieved the Parliamentary vote, and 1928, when all women over 21 achieved franchise equality with men, the correspondence columns of Scottish newspapers were used as a place – a 'public sphere' – within which women coul... Read More about Speaking as citizens: women's political correspondence to Scottish newspapers 1918-1928..

Schoolbooks and textbook publishing. (2019)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2019. Schoolbooks and textbook publishing. In Nash, A., Squires, C. and Willison, I. (eds.) The twentieth century and beyond. The Cambridge history of the book in Britain, 7. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pages 341-364. Available from:

In this chapter the author looks at the history of schoolbooks and textbook publishing. The nineteenth century saw a rise in the school book market in Britain due to the rise of formal schooling and public examinations. Although the 1870 Education an... Read More about Schoolbooks and textbook publishing..

It took a lot to admit I am male on here: going where few men dare to tread: men on Mumsnet. (2015)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2015. It took a lot to admit I am male on here: going where few men dare to tread: men on Mumsnet. In Thorsen, E., Savigny, H., Alexander, J. and Jackson, D. (eds.) Media, margins and popular culture. London: Palgrave Macmillan [online], pages 249-261. Available from:

It may be unusual to consider men as a marginalised group, but the male users of the UK discussion forum Mumsnet form a very small minority. While Mumsnet states that it is 'by parents, for parents', the vast majority of the users of its discussion b... Read More about It took a lot to admit I am male on here: going where few men dare to tread: men on Mumsnet..

Twitter response to televised political debates in Election 2015. (2015)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S., BAXTER, G., BURNETT, S., MACLEOD, I., GOKER, A., HERON, M., ISAACS, J., ELYAN, E. and KALICIAK, L. 2015. Twitter response to televised political debates in Election 2015. In Jackson, D. and Thorsen, E. (eds.) UK election analysis 2015: media, voters and the campaign: early reflections from leading UK academics. Poole: Bournemouth University, centre for the study of journalism, culture and community [online], page 73. Available from:

The advent of social media such as Twitter has revolutionised our conversations about live television events. In the days before the Internet, conversation about television programmes was limited to those sitting on the sofa with you and people you m... Read More about Twitter response to televised political debates in Election 2015..

Female form in the media: body image and obesity. (2010)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2010. Female form in the media: body image and obesity. In Tsichlia, G. and Johnstone, A. (eds.) Fat matters: from sociology to science. Keswick: M and K Publishing, chapter 1, pages 5-12.

Can we blame the media for the ‘thin ideal’? Many commentators suggest that the media’s influence on body image stems from the 1920s when the illustrations in fashion magazines changed from drawings to photographs. Readers could now see, and aspire t... Read More about Female form in the media: body image and obesity..

Reference publishing. (2007)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2007. Reference publishing. In: Finkelstein, D. and McCleery, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland, volume 4: professionalism and diversity 1880-2000. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press [online], pages 346-351. Available from:

Reference publishing is the term used to describe the publishing of a diverse range of products, including dictionaries, atlases, encyclopaedias, bibliographies, directories, guides and the many reference works aimed at the academic, educational and... Read More about Reference publishing..

Educational, academic and legal publishing. (2007)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2007. Educational, academic and legal publishing. In: Finkelstein, D. and McCleery, A. (eds.) The Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland, volume 4: professionalism and diversity 1880-2000. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press [online], pages 311-329. Available from:

By making education compulsory for children between the ages of 5 and 13, the 1870 Education and 1872 (Scotland) Education Acts established the beginnings of a modern education system in Britain – and offered increased opportunity for educational pub... Read More about Educational, academic and legal publishing..