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Professor Sarah Pedersen's Outputs (4)

Backchannel chat: peaks and troughs in a Twitter response to three televised debates during the Scottish Independence Referendum campaign 2014. (2014)
Preprint / Working Paper
PEDERSEN, S., BAXTER, G., BURNETT, S., GOKER, A., CORNEY, D., and MARTIN, C. 2014. Backchannel chat: peaks and troughs in a Twitter response to three televised debates during the Scottish Independence Referendum campaign 2014. Aberdeen Business School working paper series, 7(2).

Social-networking services such as Twitter offer users the potential to participate in public debate. When used whilst watching a television programme, Twitter allows backchannel discussion and debate in real time, which can add a new dimension and p... Read More about Backchannel chat: peaks and troughs in a Twitter response to three televised debates during the Scottish Independence Referendum campaign 2014..

The impact of the cessation of blogs within the UK police blogosphere. (2014)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S., BURNETT, S., SMITH, R. and GRINNALL, A. 2014. The impact of the cessation of blogs within the UK police blogosphere. New technology, work and employment [online], 29(2), pages 160-176. Available from:

This article investigates the concept of influence within a group of police work-bloggers. During the period studied (2007-2013), three influential police bloggers, well-known within the small and tightly knit UK police blogosphere, abruptly ended th... Read More about The impact of the cessation of blogs within the UK police blogosphere..

Towards an organizational folklore of policing: the storied nature of policing and the police use of storytelling. (2014)
Journal Article
SMITH, R., PEDERSEN, S. and BURNETT, S. 2014. Towards an organizational folklore of policing: the storied nature of policing and the police use of storytelling. Folklore [online], 125(2), pages 218-237. Available from:

For police officers, much of the working day consists of telling stories about everyday policing and events. Although the study of narrative and storytelling in organizational contexts is an expanding area of research, the same cannot be said of the... Read More about Towards an organizational folklore of policing: the storied nature of policing and the police use of storytelling..

Is it Friday yet? Mothers talking about sex online. (2014)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2014. Is it Friday yet? Mothers talking about sex online. Cyberpsychology: journal of psychosocial research on cyberspace [online], 8(2), article 4. Available from:

Inspired by the media furore over 'penis beaker gate' (October 2013), this article investigates the discussion of sex on the UK parenting website Mumsnet. It asks why there was such shock at finding mothers discussing sexual matters online, what type... Read More about Is it Friday yet? Mothers talking about sex online..