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Professor Sarah Pedersen's Outputs (78)

What is citizen journalism? A critical analysis from the perspective of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation. (2016)
RAI, N. 2016. What is citizen journalism? A critical analysis from the perspective of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

With the rise of internet literacy across the world, men and women on the street are increasingly participating in the news media more than ever before. Early speculations about the influence of citizen journalism imbued the practice with an almost m... Read More about What is citizen journalism? A critical analysis from the perspective of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation..

Social media: a force for inclusion. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BROWN, A., MACLURE, K., ADDISON, B., PEDERSON, S., STEWART, D. and ANDREWS, J. 2016. Social media: a force for inclusion. Presented at the 45th European symposium on clinical pharmacy (ESCP 2016), 5-7 October 2016, Oslo, Norway.

The migration of modern social networks to the internet has facilitated the transition of traditional pharmacy networks online. The ubiquitous nature of social media (SoMe) combined with merging of personal and professional personas have led to organ... Read More about Social media: a force for inclusion..

The good, the bad and the 'good enough' mother on the UK parenting forum Mumsnet. (2016)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2016. The good, the bad and the 'good enough' mother on the UK parenting forum Mumsnet. Women's studies international forum [online], 59, pages 32-38. Available from:

The article investigates the conceptualisation of the good and bad mother from the point of view of users of the UK parenting website Mumsnet, which offers the opportunity to assess the dominant ideologies of motherhood at play in contemporary middle... Read More about The good, the bad and the 'good enough' mother on the UK parenting forum Mumsnet..

Parenting and digital media: from the early web to contemporary digital society. (2016)
Journal Article
LUPTON, D., PEDERSEN, S. and THOMAS, G.M. 2016. Parenting and digital media: from the early web to contemporary digital society. Sociology compass [online], 10(8), pages 730-743. Available from:

Parents have accessed websites, online discussion forums and blogs for advice, information and support since the early days of the World Wide Web. In this article, we review the literature in sociology and related social research addressing the ways... Read More about Parenting and digital media: from the early web to contemporary digital society..

Press response to women politicians: a comparative study of suffragettes and contemporary Scottish Parliament leaders. (2016)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2018. Press response to women politicians: a comparative study of suffragettes and contemporary Scottish Parliament leaders. Journalism studies [online], 19(5), pages 709-725. Available from:

Celebrity culture and the personalisation of both politics and the media in the last few decades has exacerbated the media's focus on the appearance of women politicians. However, this article argues that we can see a similar approach to women politi... Read More about Press response to women politicians: a comparative study of suffragettes and contemporary Scottish Parliament leaders..

What are you feeling right now? Communities of maternal feeling on Mumsnet. (2016)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. and LUPTON, D. 2018. What are you feeling right now? Communities of maternal feeling on Mumsnet. Emotion, space and society [online], 26, pages 57-63. Available from:

In this article, we present an analysis of how communities of maternal feeling are configured by users on the discussion boards of Mumsnet, a popular British online parenting forum. A search was conducted to find threads with the phrase 'I feel' in t... Read More about What are you feeling right now? Communities of maternal feeling on Mumsnet..

An Australian survey of women's use of pregnancy and parenting apps. (2016)
Journal Article
LUPTON, D. and PEDERSEN, S. 2016. An Australian survey of women's use of pregnancy and parenting apps. Women and birth [online], 29(4), pages 368-375. Available from:

Background There are now many pregnancy and parenting apps available on the market for both pregnancy and parenting. Aims To investigate how Australian women use pregnancy and parenting apps, their attitudes about the information provided and data pr... Read More about An Australian survey of women's use of pregnancy and parenting apps..

Professional body and regulatory organisation guidance on the use of social media for registered healthcare professionals: a systematic review protocol. [Protocol] (2016)
BROWN, A., STEWART, D., PEDERSON, S., MACLURE, K. and ADDISON, B. 2016. Professional body and regulatory organisation guidance on the use of social media for registered healthcare professionals: a systematic review protocol. [Protocol]. PROSPERO [online], item number CRD42016026877. Available from:

Registered healthcare professionals are expected to adhere to a code of conduct. Where a concern is raised about an individual's social media behaviour, this has the potential to be tested against professional expectations of behaviours and may have... Read More about Professional body and regulatory organisation guidance on the use of social media for registered healthcare professionals: a systematic review protocol. [Protocol].

It took a lot to admit I am male on here: going where few men dare to tread: men on Mumsnet. (2015)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2015. It took a lot to admit I am male on here: going where few men dare to tread: men on Mumsnet. In Thorsen, E., Savigny, H., Alexander, J. and Jackson, D. (eds.) Media, margins and popular culture. London: Palgrave Macmillan [online], pages 249-261. Available from:

It may be unusual to consider men as a marginalised group, but the male users of the UK discussion forum Mumsnet form a very small minority. While Mumsnet states that it is 'by parents, for parents', the vast majority of the users of its discussion b... Read More about It took a lot to admit I am male on here: going where few men dare to tread: men on Mumsnet..

Ladies 'doing their bit' for the war effort in the north-east of Scotland. (2015)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2015. Ladies 'doing their bit' for the war effort in the north-east of Scotland. Women's history: the journal of the women's history network [online], 2(2), pages 16-20. Available from:

My son's primary school class recently undertook a project on the First World War. One of the topics that the children could choose to study was 'Women in the War' and the usual subjects were included - nurses, VADs, munitionettes and the women's aux... Read More about Ladies 'doing their bit' for the war effort in the north-east of Scotland..

Twitter response to televised political debates in Election 2015. (2015)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S., BAXTER, G., BURNETT, S., MACLEOD, I., GOKER, A., HERON, M., ISAACS, J., ELYAN, E. and KALICIAK, L. 2015. Twitter response to televised political debates in Election 2015. In Jackson, D. and Thorsen, E. (eds.) UK election analysis 2015: media, voters and the campaign: early reflections from leading UK academics. Poole: Bournemouth University, centre for the study of journalism, culture and community [online], page 73. Available from:

The advent of social media such as Twitter has revolutionised our conversations about live television events. In the days before the Internet, conversation about television programmes was limited to those sitting on the sofa with you and people you m... Read More about Twitter response to televised political debates in Election 2015..

Backchannel chat: peaks and troughs in a Twitter response to three televised debates during the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum campaign. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PEDERSEN, S., BAXTER, G., BURNETT, S., GOKER, A., CORNEY, D. and MARTIN, C. 2015. Backchannel chat: peaks and troughs in a Twitter response to three televised debates during the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum campaign. In Parycek, P. and Edelmann, N. (eds). Proceedings of the 2015 International conference for e-democracy and open government (CeDEM15), 20-22 May 2015, Krems, Austria. Krems: Edition Donau-Universität [online], pages 105-118. Available from:

This paper identifies the peaks and troughs in Twitter usage during three televised Scottish Independence Referendum debates in Autumn 2014 and identifies the topics that were the foci of such peaks and troughs. We observe that the issues that caught... Read More about Backchannel chat: peaks and troughs in a Twitter response to three televised debates during the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum campaign..

Backchannel chat: peaks and troughs in a Twitter response to three televised debates during the Scottish Independence Referendum campaign 2014. (2014)
Preprint / Working Paper
PEDERSEN, S., BAXTER, G., BURNETT, S., GOKER, A., CORNEY, D., and MARTIN, C. 2014. Backchannel chat: peaks and troughs in a Twitter response to three televised debates during the Scottish Independence Referendum campaign 2014. Aberdeen Business School working paper series, 7(2).

Social-networking services such as Twitter offer users the potential to participate in public debate. When used whilst watching a television programme, Twitter allows backchannel discussion and debate in real time, which can add a new dimension and p... Read More about Backchannel chat: peaks and troughs in a Twitter response to three televised debates during the Scottish Independence Referendum campaign 2014..

The impact of the cessation of blogs within the UK police blogosphere. (2014)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S., BURNETT, S., SMITH, R. and GRINNALL, A. 2014. The impact of the cessation of blogs within the UK police blogosphere. New technology, work and employment [online], 29(2), pages 160-176. Available from:

This article investigates the concept of influence within a group of police work-bloggers. During the period studied (2007-2013), three influential police bloggers, well-known within the small and tightly knit UK police blogosphere, abruptly ended th... Read More about The impact of the cessation of blogs within the UK police blogosphere..

Towards an organizational folklore of policing: the storied nature of policing and the police use of storytelling. (2014)
Journal Article
SMITH, R., PEDERSEN, S. and BURNETT, S. 2014. Towards an organizational folklore of policing: the storied nature of policing and the police use of storytelling. Folklore [online], 125(2), pages 218-237. Available from:

For police officers, much of the working day consists of telling stories about everyday policing and events. Although the study of narrative and storytelling in organizational contexts is an expanding area of research, the same cannot be said of the... Read More about Towards an organizational folklore of policing: the storied nature of policing and the police use of storytelling..

Is it Friday yet? Mothers talking about sex online. (2014)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2014. Is it Friday yet? Mothers talking about sex online. Cyberpsychology: journal of psychosocial research on cyberspace [online], 8(2), article 4. Available from:

Inspired by the media furore over 'penis beaker gate' (October 2013), this article investigates the discussion of sex on the UK parenting website Mumsnet. It asks why there was such shock at finding mothers discussing sexual matters online, what type... Read More about Is it Friday yet? Mothers talking about sex online..

Mothers with attitude: how the Mumsnet parenting forum offers space for new forms of femininity to emerge online. (2013)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. and SMITHSON, J. 2013. Mothers with attitude: how the Mumsnet parenting forum offers space for new forms of femininity to emerge online. Women's studies international forum [online], 38, pages 97-106. Available from:

This paper investigates the motivations and online behaviour of the users of Mumsnet, a UK online parenting community. The Mumsnet discussion forum is characterised by its difference to other mothering websites in its language use, its celebration of... Read More about Mothers with attitude: how the Mumsnet parenting forum offers space for new forms of femininity to emerge online..

Motivations for police blogging and how fear of being 'outed' can force a blogger to cease. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PEDERSEN, S., BURNETT, S., SMITH, R. and NEILL, A. 2013. Motivations for police blogging and how fear of being 'outed' can force a blogger to cease. Selected papers of internet research [online], 13: selected papers from the 13th Association of Internet Researchers conference (IR 13.0), 18-21 October 2012, Salford, UK, article number 8219. Available from:

There is an expanding literature on the police use of storytelling, but very little has been written in a policing context in relation to the contemporary practice of blogging. Consequentially, this paper reports on an ongoing research project into t... Read More about Motivations for police blogging and how fear of being 'outed' can force a blogger to cease..

UK young adults' safety awareness online: is it a 'girl thing'? (2012)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2013. UK young adults' safety awareness online: is it a 'girl thing'? Journal of youth studies [online], 16(3), pages 404-419. Available from:

This article reports on a recent research project undertaken in the UK that investigated young adults' perception of potentially risky behaviour online. The research was undertaken through the use of an online survey associated with the UK teen soap... Read More about UK young adults' safety awareness online: is it a 'girl thing'?.

Learning from e-family history: online research behaviour and strategies of family historians and implications for local studies collections. (2012)
FRIDAY, K. 2012. Learning from e-family history: online research behaviour and strategies of family historians and implications for local studies collections. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

The massive expansion of electronic resources has been identified as one of the major drivers behind the explosion in the popularity of family history, which bring ease, convenience and accessibility to some parts of the research process. Amongst thi... Read More about Learning from e-family history: online research behaviour and strategies of family historians and implications for local studies collections..