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Dr Paul Swinton's Outputs (21)

Physiological and psychological outcomes of high intensity interval training in patients with heart failure compared to moderate continuous training and usual care: a systematic review with meta analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
CALLUM, K., SWINTON, P., GORELY, T., CRABTREE, D. and LESLIE, S. 2024. Physiological and psychological outcomes of high intensity interval training in patients with heart failure compared to moderate continuous training and usual care: a systematic review with meta analysis. Heart and lung [online], 64, pages 117-127. Available from:

An important component of secondary prevention of CVD (including HF) is comprehensive cardiac rehab, including exercise. Novel, individualised approaches are needed to increase uptake and adherence to exercise programmes. One area offering potential... Read More about Physiological and psychological outcomes of high intensity interval training in patients with heart failure compared to moderate continuous training and usual care: a systematic review with meta analysis..

Exercise therapy for tendinopathy: a mixed-methods evidence synthesis exploring feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness. (2023)
Journal Article
COOPER, K., ALEXANDER, L., BRANDIEC, D., TZORTZIOU BROWN, V., GREIG, L., HARRISON, I., MACLEAN, C., MITCHELL, L., MORRISSEY, D., MOSS, R.A., PARKINSON, E., PAVLOVA, A.V., SHIM, J. and SWINTON, P.A. 2023. Exercise therapy for tendinopathy: a mixed-methods evidence synthesis exploring feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness. Health technology assessment [online], 27(24). Available from:

Tendons are cords of strong, flexible tissue that attach muscles to bones, allowing joints to move. Tendinopathy is a common condition that can affect any tendon in the body, causing pain and limiting function. Exercise is often used to treat tendino... Read More about Exercise therapy for tendinopathy: a mixed-methods evidence synthesis exploring feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness..

Including supramaximal verification reduced uncertainty in VO2peak response rate. (2023)
Journal Article
RENWICK, J.R.M., PREOBRAZENSKI, N., GIUDICE, M.D., SWINTON, P.A. and GURD, B.J. 2024. Including supramaximal verification reduced uncertainty in VO2peak response rate. Applied physiology, nutrition and metabolism [online], 49(1), pages 41-51. Available from:

Many reports describe using a supramaximal verification phase - exercising at a power output higher than the highest power output recorded during an incremental cardiopulmonary test - to validate VO2max. The impact of verification phases on estimatin... Read More about Including supramaximal verification reduced uncertainty in VO2peak response rate..

Feminae: an international multisite innovative project for female athletes. (2023)
Journal Article
ELLIOTT-SALE, K.J., ACKERMAN, K.E., LEBRUN, C.M., MINAHAN, C., SALE, C., STELLINGWERFF, T., SWINTON, P.A. and HACKNEY, A.C. 2023. Feminae: an international multisite innovative project for female athletes. BMJ open sport and exercise medicine [online], 9(4), article number e001675. Available from:

Sufficient high-quality studies in sport science using women as participants are lacking, meaning that our knowledge and understanding of female athletes in relation to their ovarian hormone profiles is limited. Consortia can be used to pool talent,... Read More about Feminae: an international multisite innovative project for female athletes..

P1NP and β-CTX-1 responses to a prolonged, continuous running bout in young healthy adult males: a systematic review with individual participant data meta-analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
CIVIL, R., DOLAN, E., SWINTON, P.A., SANTOS, L., VARLEY, I., ATHERTON, P.J., ELLIOTT-SALE, K.J. and SALE, C. 2023. P1NP and β-CTX-1 responses to a prolonged, continuous running bout in young healthy adult males: a systematic review with individual participant data meta-analysis. Sports medicine-open [online], 9, article number 85. Available from:

Circulating biomarkers of bone formation and resorption are widely used in exercise metabolism research, but their responses to exercise are not clear. To quantify group responses and inter-individual variability of P1NP and β-CTX-1 after prolonged,... Read More about P1NP and β-CTX-1 responses to a prolonged, continuous running bout in young healthy adult males: a systematic review with individual participant data meta-analysis..

Extraordinary claims in the literature on high-intensity interval training (HIIT): I. Bonafide scientific revolution or a looming crisis of replication and credibility? (2023)
Journal Article
EKKEKAKIS, P., SWINTON, P. and TILLER, N.B. 2023. Extraordinary claims in the literature on high-intensity interval training (HIIT): I. Bonafide scientific revolution or a looming crisis of replication and credibility? Sports medicine [online], 53(10), pages 1865-1890. Available from:

The literature on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) contains claims that, if true, could revolutionize the science and practice of exercise. This critical analysis examines two varieties of claims: (i) HIIT is effective in improving various ind... Read More about Extraordinary claims in the literature on high-intensity interval training (HIIT): I. Bonafide scientific revolution or a looming crisis of replication and credibility?.

Vitamin D metabolites are associated with musculoskeletal injury in young adults: a prospective cohort study. (2023)
Journal Article
CARSWELL, A.T., O'LEARY, T.J., SWINTON, P., JACKSON, S., TANG, J.C.Y., OLIVER, S.J., IZARD, R.M., WALSH, N.P., FRASER, W.D. and GREEVES, J.P. 2023. Vitamin D metabolites are associated with musculoskeletal injury in young adults: a prospective cohort study. Journal of bone and mineral research [online], 38(10), pages 1453-1464. Available from:

The relationship between vitamin D metabolites and lower body (pelvis and lower limb) overuse injury is unclear. In a prospective cohort study, we investigated the association between vitamin D metabolites and incidence of lower body overuse musculos... Read More about Vitamin D metabolites are associated with musculoskeletal injury in young adults: a prospective cohort study..

The predictive validity of individualised load-velocity relationships for predicting 1RM: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
GREIG, L., ASPE, R.R., HALL, A., COMFORT, P., COOPER, K. and SWINTON, P.A. 2023. The predictive validity of individualised load-velocity relationships for predicting 1RM: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Sports medicine [online], 53(9), pages 1693-1708. Available from:

Load-velocity relationships are commonly used to estimate one-repetition maximums (1RMs). Proponents suggest these estimates can be obtained at high frequencies and assist with manipulating loads according to session-by-session fluctuations. Given th... Read More about The predictive validity of individualised load-velocity relationships for predicting 1RM: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis..

Manual patient handling in the healthcare setting: a scoping review. (2023)
Journal Article
JOHNSON, K., SWINTON, P., PAVLOVA, A. and COOPER, K. 2023. Manual patient handling in the healthcare setting: a scoping review. Physiotherapy [online], 120, pages 60-77. Available from:

Manual patient handling is the most frequently reported risk factor for work-related musculoskeletal disorders in healthcare. Patient handling tasks are routinely performed manually without assistive devices, and can create awkward postures and high... Read More about Manual patient handling in the healthcare setting: a scoping review..

No associations between physical activity and immunogenicity in SARS-CoV-2 seropositive patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases prior to and after vaccination. (2023)
Journal Article
SMAIRA, F.I., MAZZOLANI, B.C., LEMES, Í.R., PIRES DA SILVA, R., PINTO, A.J., SIECZKOWSKA, S.M., AIKAWA, N.E., PASOTO, S.G., MEDEIROS-RIBEIRO, A.C., SAAD, C.G.S., YUK, E.F.N., SILVA, C.A., SWINTON, A., KUPA, L.D.V.K., HALLAL, P.C., ROSCHEL, H., GUALANO, B. and BONFA, E. 2023. No associations between physical activity and immunogenicity in SARS-CoV-2 seropositive patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases prior to and after vaccination. Journal of physical activity and health [online], Ahead of Print. Available from:

To investigate the association between physical activity and immunogenicity among SARS-CoV-2 seropositive patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases prior to and following a 2-dose schedule of CoronaVac (Sinovac inactivated vaccine). This was a pros... Read More about No associations between physical activity and immunogenicity in SARS-CoV-2 seropositive patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases prior to and after vaccination..

The effects of strength and conditioning interventions on sprinting performance in team sport athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
MURPHY, A., BURGESS, K., HALL, A.J., ASPE, R.R. and SWINTON, P.A. 2023. The effects of strength and conditioning interventions on sprinting performance in team sport athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of strength and conditioning research [online], 37(8), pages 1692-1702. Available from:

Linear sprinting is a key determinant of athletic performance within team sports. The aims of the review were to quantify and compare the effectiveness of popular strength and conditioning (S&C) training modes to improve sprint performance in team sp... Read More about The effects of strength and conditioning interventions on sprinting performance in team sport athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis..

Patient ratings in exercise therapy for the management of tendinopathy: a systematic review with meta-analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
SHIM, J., PAVLOVA, A.V., MOSS, R.A., MACLEAN, C., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., GREIG, L., PARKINSON, E., TZORTZIOU BROWN, V., MORRISSEY, D., ALEXANDER, L., COOPER, K. and SWINTON, P.A. 2023. Patient ratings in exercise therapy for the management of tendinopathy: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Physiotherapy [online], 120, pages 78-94. Available from:

The objective of this study was to synthesise exercise therapy intervention data investigating patient rating outcomes for the management of tendinopathy. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials investigating exercise th... Read More about Patient ratings in exercise therapy for the management of tendinopathy: a systematic review with meta-analysis..

Comparative analysis of bone outcomes between quantitative ultrasound and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry from the UK Biobank cohort. (2023)
Journal Article
SWINTON, P.A., ELLIOTT-SALE, K.J. and SALE, C. 2023. Comparative analysis of bone outcomes between quantitative ultrasound and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry from the UK Biobank cohort. Archives of osteoporosis [online], 18(1), article 77. Available from:

This large cohort study investigated reliability and validity of heel ultrasound to estimate bone mineral density in adults. Reliability calculated between left and right heels was relatively poor and so was criterion validity assessed relative to du... Read More about Comparative analysis of bone outcomes between quantitative ultrasound and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry from the UK Biobank cohort..

Use of factor analysis to model relationships between bone mass and physical, dietary, and metabolic factors in frail and pre-frail older adults. (2023)
Journal Article
ESTEVES, G.P., SWINTON, P., SALE, C., GUALANO, B., ROSCHEL, H. and DOLAN, E. 2023. Use of factor analysis to model relationships between bone mass and physical, dietary, and metabolic factors in frail and pre-frail older adults. Journal of applied physiology [online], 135(1), pages 146-153. Available from:

Bone mass and quality declines with age, and can culminate in osteoporosis and increased fracture risk. This investigation modelled associations between bone and physical, dietary, and metabolic factors in a group of 200 pre-frail/frail older adults... Read More about Use of factor analysis to model relationships between bone mass and physical, dietary, and metabolic factors in frail and pre-frail older adults..

Myoelectric activity during electromagnetic resistance alone and in combination with variable resistance or eccentric overload. (2023)
Journal Article
ZAMBRANO, H., TORRES, X., COLEMAN, M., FRANCHI, M.V., FISHER, J.P., OBERLIN, D., VAN HOOREN, B., SWINTON, P.A. and SCHOENFELD, B.J. 2023. Myoelectric activity during electromagnetic resistance alone and in combination with variable resistance or eccentric overload. Scientific reports [online], 13, article number 8212. Available from :

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of electromagnetic resistance alone, as well as in combination with variable resistance or accentuated eccentric methods, with traditional dynamic constant external resistance exercise on myoelectr... Read More about Myoelectric activity during electromagnetic resistance alone and in combination with variable resistance or eccentric overload..

Heterogenous treatment effects following inspiratory muscle training during recovery from post-acute COVID-19 syndrome. (2023)
Journal Article
METCALFE, R.S., SWINTON, P.A., MACKINTOSH, K.A., BERG, R.M.G., SHELLEY, J., SAYNOR, Z.L., HUDSON, J., DUCKERS, J., LEWIS, K., DAVIES, G.A. and MCNARRY, M.A. 2023. Heterogenous treatment effects following inspiratory muscle training during recovery from post-acute COVID-19 syndrome. Medicine and science in sports and exercise [online], 55(10), pages 1761-1769. Available from:

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether heterogeneous treatment effects occur for changes in inspiratory muscle strength, perceived dyspnoea and health-related quality of life (QoL), following eight-weeks unsupervised home-based inspirat... Read More about Heterogenous treatment effects following inspiratory muscle training during recovery from post-acute COVID-19 syndrome..

Effect of resistance exercise dose components for tendinopathy management: a systematic review with meta-analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
PAVLOVA, A.V., SHIM, J.S.C., MOSS, R., MACLEAN, C., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., GREIG, L., PARKINSON, E., ALEXANDER, L., BROWN, V.T., MORRISSEY, D., COOPER, K. and SWINTON, P.A. 2023. Effect of resistance exercise dose components for tendinopathy management: a systematic review with meta-analysis. British journal of sports medicine [online], 57(20), pages 1327-1334. Available from:

The objective of this study was to investigate potential moderating effects of resistance exercise dose components - including intensity, volume and frequency - for the management of common tendinopathies. The study was conducted through a systematic... Read More about Effect of resistance exercise dose components for tendinopathy management: a systematic review with meta-analysis..

The effects of creatine supplementation combined with resistance training on regional measures of muscle hypertrophy: a systematic review with meta-analysis. (2023)
Journal Article
BURKE, R., PIÑERO, A., COLEMAN, M., MOHAN, A., SAPUPPO, M., AUGUSTIN, F., ARAGON, A.A., CANDOW, D.G., FORBES, S.C., SWINTON, P. and SCHOENFELD, B.J. 2023. The effects of creatine supplementation combined with resistance training on regional measures of muscle hypertrophy: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Nutrients [online], 15(9), article 2116. Available from:

The purpose of this paper was to carry out a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that examined the combined effects of resistance training (RT) and creatine supplementation on regional changes in muscle mass with dire... Read More about The effects of creatine supplementation combined with resistance training on regional measures of muscle hypertrophy: a systematic review with meta-analysis..

Dietary β-alanine intake assessed by food records does not associate with muscle carnosine content in healthy, active, omnivorous men and women. (2023)
Journal Article
REZENDE, N.S., BESTETTI, G.C., FARIAS DE OLIVEIRA, L., MAZZOLANI, B.C., SMAIRA, F.I., DUMAS, A., SWINTON, P., SAUNDERS, B. and DOLAN, E. 2023. Dietary β-alanine intake assessed by food records does not associate with muscle carnosine content in healthy, active, omnivorous men and women. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism [online], 33(3), pages 133-140. Available from:

β-alanine (BA) is one of the most widely used sport supplements, due to its capacity to improve high intensity exercise performance by increasing muscle carnosine (MCarn) content, and consequently, the buffering capacity of the muscle. BA is also ava... Read More about Dietary β-alanine intake assessed by food records does not associate with muscle carnosine content in healthy, active, omnivorous men and women..

Physical activity: a strategy to improve antibody response to a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine booster dose in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases. (2023)
Journal Article
GUALANO, B., SIECZKOWSKA, S.M., LEMES, I.R., PIRES DA SILVA, R., PINTO, A.J., MAZZOLANI, B.C., SMAIRA, F.I., AIKAWA, N.E., KUPA, L.V.K., PASOTO, S.G., MEDEIROS-RIBEIRO, A.C., SAAD, C.G.S., YUK, E.F.N., SILVA, C.A., SWINTON, P., HALLAL, P.C., ROSCHEL, H. and BONFA, E. 2023. Physical activity: a strategy to improve antibody response to a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine booster dose in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Journal of physical activity and health [online], 20(4), pages 311-316. Available from:

Physical activity associates with improved immunogenicity following a 2-dose schedule of CoronaVac (Sinovac's inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine) in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases (ARD). This study evaluates whether physical activity impacts... Read More about Physical activity: a strategy to improve antibody response to a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine booster dose in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases..