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Dr Paul Swinton's Outputs (1)

Effect of menstrual cycle and contraceptive pill phase on aspects of exercise physiology and athletic performance in female athletes: protocol for the Feminae international multisite innovative project. [Protocol] (2023)
ELLIOTT SALE, K.J., FLOOD, T.R., ARENT, S.M., DOLAN, E., SAUNDERS, B., HANSEN, M., IHALAINEN, J.K., MIKKONEN, R.S., MINAHAN, C., THORNTON, J.S., ACKERMAN, K.E., LEBRUN, C.M., SALE, C., STELLINGWERFF, T., SWINTON, P.A. and HACKNEY, A.C. on behalf of Feminae consortium. 2023. Effect of menstrual cycle and contraceptive pill phase on aspects of exercise physiology and athletic performance in female athletes: protocol for the Feminae international multisite innovative project. [Protocol]. BMJ open sport and exercise medicine [online], 9(4), e001814. Available from:

The idiom 'more high-quality research is needed' has become the slogan for sport and exercise physiology-based research in female athletes. However, in most instances, it is challenging to address this gap of high-quality research in elite female ath... Read More about Effect of menstrual cycle and contraceptive pill phase on aspects of exercise physiology and athletic performance in female athletes: protocol for the Feminae international multisite innovative project. [Protocol].