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Dr Paul Swinton's Outputs (7)

Quantifying the effects of acute hypoxic exposure on exercise performance and capacity: a systematic review and meta-regression. (2017)
Journal Article
DEB, S.K., BROWN, D.R., GOUGH, L.A., MCLELLAN, C.P., SWINTON, P.A., SPARKS, S.A. and MCNAUGHTON, L.R. 2018. Quantifying the effects of acute hypoxic exposure on exercise performance and capacity: a systematic review and meta-regression. European journal of sport science [online], 18(2), pages 243-256. Available from:

The aim of this study was to quantify the effects of acute hypoxic exposure on exercise capacity and performance, which includes continuous and intermittent forms of exercise. A systematic review was conducted with a three-level mixed effects meta-re... Read More about Quantifying the effects of acute hypoxic exposure on exercise performance and capacity: a systematic review and meta-regression..

Influence of adipose tissue mass on bone mass in an overweight or obese population: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2017)
Journal Article
DOLAN, E., SWNTON, P.A., SALE, C., HEALY, A. and O'REILLY, J. 2017. Influence of adipose tissue mass on bone mass in an overweight or obese population: systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition reviews [online], 75(10), pagers 858-870. Available from:

Context: The scientific literature shows conflicting evidence about the relationship between adiposity and bone mass in overweight and obese populations. Objective: The aim of this review was to quantify the correlation between adipose mass (absolute... Read More about Influence of adipose tissue mass on bone mass in an overweight or obese population: systematic review and meta-analysis..

The effects of measurement error and testing frequency in applying the Fitness Fatigue Model to resistance training: a simulation study. [Poster] (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
STEPHENS HEMINGWAY, B., BURGESS, K. and SWINTON, P. 2017. The effects of measurement error and testing frequency in applying the Fitness Fatigue Model to resistance training: a simulation study. Presented at the 2017 UK Strength and Conditioning Association annual conference (UKSCA 2017), 4-6 August 2017, Leicester, UK.

This research aims to assess the effects of measurement error (typical error) and testing frequency on the ability of the FFM to accurately model resistance training data. A simulation approach assuming correct model specification was used to identif... Read More about The effects of measurement error and testing frequency in applying the Fitness Fatigue Model to resistance training: a simulation study. [Poster].

Simulating association between training load and injury using the acute: chronic workload ratio and Bayesian methods in youth football. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MAUGHAN, P., BURGESS, K.E. and SWINTON, P. 2017. Simulating association between training load and injury using the acute: chronic workload ratio and Bayesian methods in youth football. Presented at the 2017 UK Strength and Conditioning Association annual conference (UKSCA 2017), 4-6 August 2017, Leicester, UK.

Previous research has examined the relationship between relative workload and injury, where acute training load is expressed in relation to chronic training load using simple ratio scaling or non-linear models including the exponentially weighted mov... Read More about Simulating association between training load and injury using the acute: chronic workload ratio and Bayesian methods in youth football..

Workplace interventions to improve sitting posture: a systematic review. (2017)
Journal Article
SWINTON, P.A., COOPER, K., HANCOCK, E. 2017. Workplace interventions to improve sitting posture: a systematic review. Preventive medicine [online], 101, pages 204-212. Available from:

Evaluate the effectiveness of workplace interventions to improve sitting posture of workers that spend long periods of time seated at a visual display terminal. A systematic review of randomised controlled trials, non-randomised controlled trials and... Read More about Workplace interventions to improve sitting posture: a systematic review..

Per-protocol investigation of a best practice exercise referral scheme. (2017)
Journal Article
STEWART, L., DOLAN, E., CARVER, P. and SWINTON, P.A. 2017. Per-protocol investigation of a best practice exercise referral scheme. Public health [online], 150, pages 26-33. Available from:

Objectives: To investigate the effects of an exercise referral scheme (ERS) aligned to the UK best practice guidelines on a range of outcomes including those associated with key health concerns of the Scottish population. Study design A longitudinal... Read More about Per-protocol investigation of a best practice exercise referral scheme..

Consequences of sarcopenia among nursing home residents at long-term follow-up. (2017)
Journal Article
HENWOOD, T, HASSAN, B., SWINTON, P., SENIOR, H. and KEOGH, J. 2017. Consequences of sarcopenia among nursing home residents at long-term follow-up. Geriatric nursing [online], 38(5), pages 406-411. Available from:

The consequences of and transition into sarcopenia with long-term survival was investigated in the nursing home setting. Eligible residents from 11 nursing homes were followed-up 18-months after their assessment for sarcopenia using the European Work... Read More about Consequences of sarcopenia among nursing home residents at long-term follow-up..